If God is real, why does bad stuff happen?

If God is real, why does bad stuff happen?

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Satan is real, why do good things happen?

To make you appreciate the good things in life. If everything was always good, you would take it for granted.

Indeed. The Problem of Good contains the Problem of Evil within itself. Pain, Evil, misfortune, ect also have their opposites in joy, luck, and Goodness. One should seek to see why these things are, more than it in itself. OP wants to look into the darkness and be lost. Why?

God gave Satan a chance to rule the earth to prove Globohomo trannycommunism doesn't work

because you keep making these stupid threads, kike

free will

Why would you assume God's alignment to be "good"? Doesn't that sound a little bigoted?

What about the bad stuff that doesn't have anything to do with what other humans did like diseases and the pains of old age and weather related problems.

to teach you a lesson

If everything was good forever, why does it matter if you take it for granted.

generally avoidable. For the ones that aren't, learn to deal with them.

>the pains of old age
That's why you have children and a community to take care of you.

avoid it or adapt to it


free will of non-human actors
soul making/character building

I don't believe either of these things but those are two responses

Because not everyone behaves in a Godly manner.

That's actually pretty enlightened for a shitposting memeflag.

Fucking genius.


My guess is we oscillate back and forth between blissful oneness (death) and suffering separation (life). For basically the same reason you don't play a game with cheatcodes all the time, even if you know them.

It wouldn't be good anymore you absolute dipshit

Because man disobeys God?

To give you a reason to fight and survive.
If life was easy, it would be like playing a game with a gameshark. Fun at first but eventually it's fucked to hell.

To struggle in this world is to know life and god. Whoever that crazy yet completely logical fuck it.

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define bad stuff
define God
do these on another board too, kike faggot

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because you wouldn't recognize it as being good, and become just as entitled as you are now.

Our consciousnesses are reflections of the things they call planets and stars.

Meditate, slow your thoughts to nil. Capture one thought and ask yourself where did it come from. 100% chance you heard it and are meming it back to yourself. The thought is a LIE.

Our ancestors used to hear the voices of the Gods and knew where they came from. What we're left with is messy but everyone can be taught to differentiate the "father of lies" in their head which only ever lies to us, fucks with our emotions and "tempts us". Similar to Ego.

Humanity may be given free will only when we are worth it and can detach from and re-engage with these Astro consciousnesses.

Shit started to get weird for me last year when the Venus/Jupiter conjunction happened. Coming back from experiencing different 'realms' to try to explain to you all.

Because God isn't good. He is all. He is One. Good and Evil, are all part of God. He set up this world and permeates every aspect of it. He created a Darwinian zero sum game here. Get used to it.

Works fine for those who run it.

Couldn't he just make us not take it for granted without letting babies get beheaded?

God's plan is to save us, not make us feel good. In fact, Christians are called to be persecuted.

Moreover you should know that there is no logical problem of evil, only an emotional one. If you think about it, the very concept of evil wouldn't make sense if God wasn't real, HE is the paradigm of good, without which we wouldn't even know what evil was.

All of this is temporary though, and the worst suffering is nothing compared to the glory of the afterlife, as Paul said. Don't worry and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus :)

Because God finally realized he doesnt want to be responsible for the stupid shit you do to yourself.

God is real but why the fuck should he babysit humanity forever? Freedom nigger, have at you.


>t. 8 year old

Because people have freewill to go against him and do bad things. The Bible is littered with bad things that god allowed to happen. This is the weakest argument atheists have against god.

This stupid thread again...
Not even

but he isn't real, lol

If Satan is real the how come good things sometimes happen?

1. God has created Man in His image. This doesn't mean that God has 10 toes and 10 fingers or a nose. It means that Man, like God, has Freedom.

2. With Freedom comes Consequence. Or rather: without Consequence, there would be no Freedom. If I gave you the choice between a cookie and a piece of soap, and you chose to eat the soap, and I stepped in and said "no, you're eating the cookie", I never gave you a real choice, or real freedom, in the first place. Freedom means Consequences.

3. Evil is not a creation of God, Evil is the absence of Good. God is Good. Evil is the absence of God. Semantics aside, what this means is that Man has the Freedom to go away from God - to choose not to be with God. To walk away from the Light and into darkness. To walk away from the safety of the Shepherd and the Herd and into the dark and dangerous woods all by yourself. Hence cometh Evil: from our own actions.

4. As for the people that suffer evil due to no (discernable) actions of their own: that is because Life itself is not the End. Your temporal life will, no matter how long, be nothing in view of the Eternity. Your eternal life will last forever. Life is just the time where you grow and become closer to God, or not, in which case:

5. Never forget that there is no Eternal Damnation. God does not throw people into Hell and keeps them there forever. It is (and this is perhaps the most important part of all) THE INDIVIDUAL HIMSELF WHO KEEPS HIMSELF IN (ETERNAL) DAMNATION. Like a obstinant, moody child who "ran away" and is "never, ever coming back home!" and prefers to stay out in the cold (and dark) because he's too prideful and stubborn to go back and admit he was wrong. God is Love. God is Forgiveness. God will always, always, always accept you back with open arms and Eternal Forgiveness. Do not stray lonely in the cold. Do not run off into the dark woods. Come into the House that is Always Open and Always Warm and Always Light.

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Bad stuff needs to happen first for Good stuff to occur

Because we can't have nice things. I read it somewhere online by a cat poster.

God gave us free will and we use that free will to inflict suffering on each other.

>If God is real, why does bad stuff happen?
God doesn't contorl bad things
Have a guess who does?

Just like the yin and yang
there is good and evil.
Satan isn't god , he's a fallen angel
a demonic entity that neither looks like man or beast

1. Satan
2. The corruption of sin
3. Free will

King me, go fish, and yahtzee, theists!
- brought to you by r/assassinatedwithwords and r/atheism

if man rejects God, God takes the hint.

man accepts God, God's Law, God's will- anything that happens is in keeping with What Must Be. the Peace That Surpasseth Understanding is bestowed upon man, FTW.

Google the theodicy problem.

>Can God Prevent Evil?
>Does God know about all the Evil?
>Does God want to prevent Evil?
>Then Why is there Evil?
This is where your false dilemma comes in. The options presented are not in the Bible at all.

Was pain, suffering, evil all part of God's plan? No, it wasn't. So why did he allow it. For two simple reasons: Sovereignty and Integrity.


When the snake(Satan) approached Eve again he told her that God was lying and that she WOULD NOT DIE if she ate the fruit. That she would know good and evil and become like God herself. That's why Satan's name is Satan the Devil. It's not his real name. Nobody knows his real name. Satan means "Slanderer" and Devil means Rebel. He was the first to lie, the first to slander and blasphem God, and the first to rebel. Why did Satan want Adam, Eve, and himself to rebel? Because of Sovereignty. The right to rule. Satan STOLE God's sovereignty over humanity by tricking Adam and Eve that THEY would be their own sovereigns themselves by knowing good and evil and "become like God." They would govern themselves and decide their own moral code. God could have destroyed the rebels but he chose not to so they could present their challenge.

>Can man rule himself and give himself paradise given time?
>Can Satan rule mankind and be their God instead of Jehovah?
>Can man bring himself into prosperity, peace, order, and happiness by himself?

These were all challenges to God's sovereignty. So God stepped back, let mankind rule themselves, while the devil secretly ruled them. God's challenge to them and all currently mankind is "prove it."


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>diseases and the pains of old age and weather related problems

Evolution is a form of free will.


>(Job 1:8) And Jehovah went on to say to Satan: “Have you set your heart upon my servant Job, that there is no one like him in the earth, a man blameless and upright, fearing God and turning aside from bad?”

>(Job 1:9-11) At that Satan answered Jehovah and said: “IS IT FOR NOTHING JOB HAS FEARED GOD?" 10Have not you yourself put up a hedge about him and about his house and about everything that he has all around? The work of his hands you have blessed, and his livestock itself has spread abroad in the earth. 11But, for a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch everything he has [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.”

>(Job 2:4,5) But Satan answered Jehovah and said: “Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul. 5) For a change, thrust out your hand, please, and touch as far as his bone and his flesh [and see] whether he will not curse you to your very face.”

After Adam Eve, Cain Abel, Noah Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah and RIGHT BEFORE the rise of Moses and the 10 Plagues was the issue of Job. At the time JOB WAS THE ONLY GOD APPROVED PERSON ON EARTH. That's right, nobody was good on Earth except Job. Satan noticed that for a while there always continued to be humans loyal to God and wondered why. He reasoned up above that it was because God was bribing them with rewards, pleasures, and nice things. That humans were only loyal to God for rewards and not for sincere love of him. Satan challenged God in from of the angels to "thrust out your hand" and "hurt" him. Deny him all good things and watch as how Job turns against him. "Skin on behalf of skin" means that a man will throw away all of God's moral standards to save their own life. So God has allowed Satan to inflict pain and suffering on humanity to prove that humans will be loyal to God IN RETURN FOR NOTHING.

Good news though. This system of pain in suffering is almost over. Pic related

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Revelation 7:14) “My lord, you are the one that knows.” And he said to me: “These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

(Revelation 21:1) And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.

(Revelation 21:4) And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

(Isaiah 65:21) And they will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat [their] fruitage.

(Isaiah 65:22) They will not build and someone else have occupancy; they will not plant and someone else do the eating.... and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full.

(Isaiah 33:24) And no resident will say: “I am sick.”

(Psalm 46:9) He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.

(John 5:28, 29) Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

(Proverbs 2:22) As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it.

(Isaiah 35:1) The wilderness and the waterless region will exult, and the desert plain will be joyful and blossom as the saffron.

(Psalm 37:11) But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

(Isaiah 35:5, 6) At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. 6At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness.

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I used to be a hateful atheist. I started to believe in Christianity because I agreed with the morals and hated the degeneracy in our society. The faith grew on me though I was never 100% sure. Shortly after believing, I started to suffer serious and painful health problems. My young life has been on hold ever since because of my health problems, until they get better, God knows when. Do you guys think Satan is attacking me because I became Christian? I feel like I'm cursed.

What is bad stuff?
Is what is bad for you not also bad for me?

How bad are the health problems?

There are certain fundamental things that 99% of people believe are bad or good, like death or charity.

Old age is because of entropy. This happens because of sin. If it wasn't for sin God would constantly re-energize us for eternity and we would never reach entropy. Think of it your phone's battery "dying" yet never actually dies because you won't let it get to 0. You, instead, constantly recharge it. This is what God would do if Adam and Eve never sinned.

Disease is also a part of sin but also because of poor hygiene, messing with nature, greed, and pollution. 99% of diseases are preventable but man chooses to over-eat, smoke, drink, and do drugs and never exercise.

Weather related problems technically don't exist. What happens is humans concentrating themselves in little areas and when weather strikes they die or humans on puposely choose to build towns and cities right next to the lip of a volcanoe because of the nutrients the volcanoe brings to the ground for agriculture. Others, like in Haiti build cities on top of sand stone and what a coincidence an earthquake toppled it. Others just ignore warnings of hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. Some things are man made like wild fires, deforestation affects hurricanes and mudslides.

I can't leave my house. When one thing gets better another thing starts. Right now I have severe pain every day. Doctors aren't helpful, it's going to have to heal on its own, but it's been dragging on.

Is death bad? I just ate chicken
What if giving to charity causes people to harm themselves more?

What decides what is bad

Is it physical or mental?

It's possible. But what is more likely you may be suffering from the consequences of your former degenerate lifestyle and are now paying for it.

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Because you touch yourself too much.

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This. Compare the world's power dynamics a century ago to the present.

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God doesn't fully understand 'perception' yet numbnuts

If Jesus isn’t God, how where your sins forgiven?

Physical, although the lack of sleep from the pain affects me mentally to a degree. I had dabbled very briefly in demonic things as I was exploring religions and questioning before I became an atheist but that was many years ago and I renounced and commanded anything like that to leave. My health was pretty good as an atheist.

I never did drugs or anything like that. I've always been a good person but also skeptical.

Are you eating a healthy diet?
What kind of medicine are you taking?

God's strictness of his justice demanded equal payment for an equal debt. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life, a perfect man for a perfect man.

>(Exodus 21:23-25) But if a fatal accident should occur, then you must give soul for soul, 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25branding for branding, wound for wound, blow for blow.

>(Exodus 21:23-25) But if a fatal accident should occur, then you must give soul for soul, 24eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25branding for branding, wound for wound, blow for blow.

It was a PERFECT MAN(Adam) that committed the crime. Therefore, God demands perfection in covering this debt. He demands another perfect man EQUAL to Adam to pay for it.

That's why animal sacrifices were performed to forgive sins. However...

>(Hebrews 10:1-4) For since the Law has a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very substance of the things, [men] can never with the same sacrifices from year to year which they offer continually make those who approach perfect. 2Otherwise, would the [sacrifices] not have stopped being offered, because those rendering sacred service who had been cleansed once for all time would have no consciousness of sins anymore? 3To the contrary, by these sacrifices there is a reminding of sins from year to year, 4FOR IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR THE BLOOD OF BULLS AND OF GOATS TO TAKE SINS AWAY

Animals are inferior to men so they cannot cover the wages of sin that was caused by a perfect man. So why not kill an average human for all mankind?

>(Psalm 49:7,8) Not one of them can by any means redeem even a brother, Nor give to God a ransom for him; (And the redemption price of their soul is so precious That it has ceased to time indefinite)

Imperfect humans cannot cover the redemption price that a perfect human left behind. So..

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All Sacrifices are paid to God. God is the one holding mankind ransom in exchange for the debt left behind by Adam. A normal human cannot die in Adam's place because that imperfect human is inferior in value to a perfect Adam.

>(Psalm 49:7) Not one of them can by any means redeem even a brother, Nor give to God a ransom for him;

That's why no previous human could sacrifice themselves in place of Adam. They did not equal Adam. So whoever had to die to cover Adam's sin HAD TO EQUAL ADAM PERFECTLY.

>(1 Timothy 2:5, 6) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, 6WHO GAVE HIMSELF A CORRESPONDING RANSOM FOR ALL—[this is] what is to be witnessed to at its own

Corresponding to whom?

>(Romans 5:14) Nevertheless, death ruled as king from Adam down to Moses, even over those who had not sinned after the likeness of the transgression by Adam, who bears a resemblance to him that was to come.

>(1 Corinthians 15:45) It is even so written: “The first man Adam became a living soul.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

Jesus corresponds to Adam perfectly. That's why Jesus can't be God nor deity because that would make him superior to Adam. When Jesus was on Earth he was a perfect man: nothing more, nothing less.

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>I had dabbled very briefly in demonic things as I was exploring religions and questioning before I became an atheist but that was many years ago and I renounced and commanded anything like that to leave. My health was pretty good as an atheist.

>dabbled with the occult
>quit the occult
>suffers from unusual health problems
>was perfectly fine before leaving the occult

You have no idea how common this story is.

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I've been eating a good diet with a lot of vegetables and water but also a couple sweets here and there. I can't really take pain medication because they cause constipation. I'm allergic to the medication for what has been afflicting me, which sucks.

1.God is THE ALL, that includes the bad. 2.What is done out of love is always beyond good and evil.
3. Take the purple and green pill.

Because you touch yourself at night

I used to listen to black metal and I vaguely remember trying to talk mentally like praying to a demon or something but I never noticed anything. I also read about wicca and thing of that sort. I didn't do ouija boards or actual rituals. I looked at some of those demonic geometric shapes and sigils and listened to Satanic music. Eventually I decided that I just don't believe in spiritual stuff at all and stopped being interested in those things.

Didn't God give Satan dominion over Earth until Jesus returns due to God allowing humans to have free will and two choices so humans chose the tree of knowledge?


Yes, God allowed Satan AND humans to have dominion over the earth because of these issues.. Once Jesus returns in Armageddon he will abyss Satan and take dominion of the Earth from him AND his human followers. Once that happens this will happen.

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Okay, here's what you have to do. First, go find ANYTHING associated with the occult, witchcraft, goth, and even religion. BURN IT!! Second, take any INNOCENT objects like shoes, clothing, jewelry, and electronics and toss them with those other objects. BURN THEM!! Your occultic material is what attracts them and they hurt you as black male until you return. Your regular objects are "infected" with spiritism and also are hurting you. Get rid of it all. If your entire house or apartment was all involved get rid of them. Abandon them. If you want more information pic related.

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I moved my albums and Magic: The Gathering card game cards to the basement from my room a while back. I guess I'll have to burn them, or throw them in the garbage? I'll have to go though the stuff in my room again. Thanks for your guidance.

It was the woman, then she told Adam ( who was a sucker for love) to fuck up aswell so he wouldn't tell on her.
Satan's sentence is pronounced and his verdict will be executed when the end comes.
Whoever wants to partake with Satan and the angels that rebelled alongside him can do so since humans are made in the image of God and possess the qualities of God - sovereignity, free will, authority, etc etc.
God made it so that if you trust in Him and obey Him there's absolutely nothing to worry about since whatever you go through in life will won't affect you in eternity, except for the good deeds ofc there's reward for that and there's remission of sins through the blood of Christ.
Also its free.
>inb4 suffering, pain etc
Well ask God, pain is an indicator that there's something wrong going on, suffering is sometimes needed to get ripped or whatever.
Who cares as long as you're saved?
Well for all those going to hell idk what the fuck to tell you, you're about to suffer the vengeance of eternal fire forever because you rejected and denied God and the redemption He provides for you through Christ.

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Story of Job is OLDER than Abraham.
Matter of fact, it's the oldest book in the Bible.

good/evil is subjective / thread

Because people happen.

>I moved my albums and Magic: The Gathering card game cards to the basement from my room a while back. I guess I'll have to burn them, or throw them in the garbage?

Bingo! You just cured yourself. Also, take the pamphlet I gave you and follow it back to it's source. More detailed information on how to deal with this problem.

Also, you will get a knock on your door. Answer it and more help will come to you.

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Go on..

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Good is not a quantity but a quality. A quality doesn't change over time, your quantity does.

cuz free will lol

>god is omnipotent
>it's not his fault the devil does bad things!!!

>god can do anything
>decides to make us only appreciate good things by suffering first

>replaces LMLK with JWHW
You're gonna burn in hell, Masonic scum.


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God doesn't mind bad stuff. Idiot

If God is real, why are things like this allowed to happen?

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religious people are bad to begin with; they don't understand how their gods are evil

Because the roastie just had to eat the apple.

Because he wants it too

>3. Evil is not a creation of God, Evil is the absence of Good. God is Good. Evil is the absence of God. Semantics aside, what this means is that Man has the Freedom to go away from God - to choose not to be with God. To walk away from the Light and into darkness. To walk away from the safety of the Shepherd and the Herd and into the dark and dangerous woods all by yourself. Hence cometh Evil: from our own actions.

This is tautology: God, if he made everything, also decided that his absence is filled with evil by that logic, instead of filling it say... with emptyness, boredom, a "come back kid" message, or waffles. "While I'm not around, eat some waffles, instead of Satan feasting upon your soul."

>baby is mad that god didn't spawn him in heaven instead of on earth

>5. Never forget that there is no Eternal Damnation

Pretty sure the new testament mentions Jesus talking about fire everlasting...

Woah what does he look like and how do you know?

Filthy, degenerate Anime is man's fault.

Because OP is a faggot

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