So I've found THE Stacey herself...
What would you tell her Jow Forums?
So Chads
A-are you an archaeologist?
I'm just a lonely fag looking for grills
Send her dick pics.
ey gurl u got da cancer? yo bby dont worry doctors said they found da cure its semen from my 10 inch cock injected straight up yo ass
damn, bitch is hot
Tell her that your the best that no one ever was and that she’d be missing out on a great opportunity. Tell her that you’ll fuck her brains out and make her cum with gallons upon gallons of fluids inside her cunt. Eat her pussy with your mouth and use your tongue to get in her pussy and stick your massive perfection of an erection into once she’s came once to finish her off. Then be like Jordan B Peterson and be smart. Show her that you have a very high IQ and use your intelligence and charisma to keep her coming back for that cock of your with that kindness and smarts of yours. You also got to tell her you lift and workout everyday and say to yourself “I’ll die before I quit.” If you want her to be interested in you, you must become the freaking chads of chads!
Ask her how it feels like to be a basic bitch
online dating is cancer
go outside
Should I hit her up just to get rejected with a fat boner?
It's online dating
99.99999% chance of rejection
you have nothing to lose but your time, and I gather that isn't very important
Damn save some pussy for the rest of us
U still get exp. for talking to women.
Bonus exp. if talking to Stacey
Do it OP
>Then be like Jordan B Peterson and be smart
Don’t have anything to do with Peterson unless you want to be a permavirgin
He has a wife and they make a bank off of destroying libtards
Sounds pretty Epic to me
>you have nothing to lose but your time
Thanks to online dating, everyone in my city have rejected me. Running out of people to swipe for is not a funny place to be.
What the fuck is this picture?
His fans are permavirgin
>He has a wife
She’s a feminist cunt and looks like a man
>they make a bank off of destroying libtards
Nah, he’s a liberal himself
Typical numales Jordan Peterson Patreon donators
i never had sucess online dating despite years of trying
met my current gf through friends IRL
go outside more
and don't focus on getting a gf
Ironically all the Jordan Peterson fans I know other than myself are Chads. Then again his audience might be different outside of leafland.
They can’t be chads
Why would a chad be a fan of an effeminate high pitched university professor?
Not if u look decent
Because they put more value on what he has to say than the pitch of his voice.
Funniest in the thread so far
This might unironically work if you manage to pull off the passive agressive act well.
Whatever you do OP screen the conv. and deliver.
I'll get reported u dipshit
Do they also place value to my little pony?
Not that I know of.
>This might unironically work if you manage to pull off the passive agressive act well.
Why would anyone be interested in a person who has dignity on the negative?
Why am I even bothering, this guy is on tinder or whatever, lmao
Pls be in London
What is the reference behind it? Rememver I saw it somewhere...
he wants to burry a bone in her.
Girls with dogs can be keepers, but only if they are big dogs, not psycho chihuahuas. i would go with.
"I'd like to know if your dog is as great as your looks"
I put the STD in stud now all I need is u.
>Why would anyone be interested in a person who has dignity on the negative?
I wouldn't and to be honest this girls is absolutely not my type, but I'm just saying this type of line might actually get a reaction from the girl as opposed to the 5000 guys who said "hi".
What app is that?
What app is that?
What app is that?