>Wait, a Feminist Bioweapon? What kind of drugs are you on?
I can assure you that I'm not on any drugs. Feminism is not just an ideology, but it is a deadly virus. Better yet, Feminism is a bioweapon specially designed to destroy humanity by poisoning and infecting the only thing capable of recreating humanity: Women.
> There are nine categories you have to consider when discussing the Femin Virus.
Immune(People that cannot be infected by the virus)
Non-Infected(People that don't have the virus and can be infected)
Resistant(People that the virus has trouble infecting, but are not immune to being infected)
Hosts(People that have the virus)
Carriers(People that have the virus, but is dormant for long periods of time or even generations without showing any signs of infection. Some types of carriers can spread it)
Transmitters(People that are being used by the virus to spread it, but are not fully/completely infected)
Infected(People infected by the virus)
HiveMind/Colony Castes(Similar to social insects. Queens, Drones, Workers, Soldiers, Majors, Super Majors, Kings, etc)
Mutation(physical changes to all body systems)
> How to spot the infection
Wanting to destroy the family and men, hatred of children, wanting(and doing) killing of babies along with abortion, sexual/gender confusion, increase rates of homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia,transgender, various disturbing fetishes, cannibalism, wanting to destroy whites, social castes like social insects in large numbers, SIDS, miscarriages, fertility issues , stillborn's, wanting to attack and fuck the un-infected, obsession with things like snakes, sexual promiscuity(large numbers of partners), etc
Feminism Virus General
Other urls found in this thread:
>notice how many depictions of the virgin mary has her stepping on a snake
>her virginhood preserves her holiness, helping eradicate the snake virus
>All medieval depictions of demons emphasize the female vagina as a monster
>the myth of the hero combatting the snake evil is prevalent across history
>GIRLZ HAV COOTIEZ... the thread
Surely the phrase "OP is a faggot" was made for threads such as this
KYS Frankfags
In many ancient traditions, abstaining from sex was upholded and finding a mate was an important process. Women were not supressed because "muh dick." They were protected in order to combat the virus.
>All medieval depictions of demons emphasize the female vagina as a monster
See, comments like this is why you have to resort to self-abuse (both mental and physical)
Are you gonna be "battling with your snake" tonight, my big stronk hero?
I wonder who pays you to post this shit
I could ask the same of you, you obviously don't believe this puerile "cootie bioweapon" shit, do you?
But I'm enjoying taking the piss out of you, almost as much as I enjoy mocking the disabled IRL, plus there's the added benefit of improving the board just by countering your mongoloid-tier gibberish.
It's real. Any look at the archives of this information will show the same exact shill responses time and time again. What are you scared of?
I challenge everyone to go to 4plebs and search for threads on Jow Forums about the virus. You will see the same type of coordinated attacks.
>It's real.
When you show me the virus itself photographed with an electron microscope, we'll talk sensibly then, but until that arises, you're just a schizo Frankfag who is sacred of pussy.
>I challenge everyone to go to 4plebs and search for threads on Jow Forums about the virus. You will see the same type of coordinated attacks.
And no wonder - "Anonymous 5" (the arsehole who thought this "cootie virus" up) is mentally ill and deserves ridicule, as do his sycophants.
Stop thinking about other things
It's the Jews
Give me attention
That reminds me. For all lurkers here that don't get what is going on, check out these links. They'll get you up to speed on the situation.
>EARLY KB's(Pre-trip)
I knew it was you. KYS, faggot.
>check out these links. They'll get you up to speed on the situation:
...and "the situation"?
OP (assuming he is not Frank Slauenwhite himself) follows the every word of a mentally ill LARPer called... Frank Slauenwhite (AKA Anonymous 5). Among his most outrageous claims:
He is 120 years old
He owns several pairs of "They Live" glasses
The craters on the moon are from a previous nuclear war waged by NASA
Obelisks are representations of nuclear weapons
There is a "femin virus"
There exist feathered dinosaurs so large, they may only be viewed via Google Earth satellite view
Every anal scene in contemporary porn is a tranny, no expections
Just mentioning "Frank" online gets gigabytes of CP downloaded to the poster's HD by "teh deep state"
Like a fly to shit. You haven't topped yourself yet?
Rough crowd out tonight, man. Appreciate the bump.
Pic related is what I picture you looking like (femin infected)
Also your Q intel yesterday was really interesting. I see Q shilling up just from looking at the catalog earlier today. They're rattled.
>H-heh, you got teh cootiez
FFS, you daft fanny - you even have to use medieval pictures to imagine what a real vagina looks like - but your blinded senses will never bask in the radiant effulgence of my true physical manifestation.
Get a load of this faggot
I'm not scared of vaginas, therefore it is more than likely that you are the faggot here (and probably a virgin too, given your ignorance of women).
>virgin insult on Jow Forums
You're a woman aren't you?
Bump for truth
Do you think the two Scandinavian hikers who were killed in Morocco were infected?
Also, AJ is finally talking about how “Leftists want death”
Holy shit, was this recent?
Do you have a link to the AJ video? it would certainly be interesting if he was onboard with A5 info
Seems like he is testing the waters about femin virus info
That’s exactly what I was thinking. Also he’s talking about 5G causing cancer too. I really wouldn’t be surprised if he was lurking some of Anonymous5’s threads
Holy shit, he did? What kind of bombshell will dropping the femin virus pill do to his viewers? He'd probably get killed
Earlier today
otra vez vos gorda puta
What happens when you pla a youtube video about snakeflute near a feminist
It seems like most of 8 is down
He did have that microbiologist on his show the same week these threads really began going into deep research autism mode
IDK, probably freak out or get hypnotized
Assuming he is going down the FV rabbit hole, I think the best thing he could do is have a really good security team at all times.
Think PJW is infected or just a bitch made nigger?
Hi Frank. I was thinking, you should make a big mega compilation image of before and after pics. At first I thought these threads were kind of dumb, but after seeing some before and after shots it really made me rethink it. There is an extreme change in physical appearance, in practically all of these people, that clearly indicates some type of (mental) illness is at play.
No I don’t think he’s infected, but without a shadow of a doubt he’s an undercover leftist.
I think he's more of a subversive agent to keep tabs on Alex. Could be infected but unsure. Wonder what the femin infection rate among homos as opposed to "natural" gays. Does kinda explain why so many that where abused as kids later in life became gay.
point to the Yuri interview. Defected KGB that tells feminism was started by the KGB
Was actually thinking about that the other day. It is kinda easy to tell the difference between natural gays and FV infected ones.
Well "natural" gays probably catch it from homos pretty quickly in the modern world.
Yeah, they got a fucked up shaped head.
Like a dented potato
I was talking about behavior-wise.
What do you guys think of California refusing to host the Women’s March?
>Like a dented potato
It all makes sense now
A5 said the other canceled march was partly due to prevent spread of femin/it's spreading faster then TPTB wanted it to so I'd image it was a similar issue. Publicly was said that it was due to the anti-semetic beliefs of the leaders and then they wouldn't step down after it was exposed by a (((fellow woman))) which makes me wonder if it's the work of a conservative jewish group actually helping out.
Yeah that too they act like raging faggots
>see:bug chasing
Kek, didnt they say because it was "too white"?
Oh I think I got it slightly confused with the Chicago one that cancelled due to the antisemitism. Yea they said it was "too white" which could mean they really want to infect more minority women and are making plans for that, or some other possibilities.
cancer general
we all know that feminism is a symptom of jewish subversion.
Could be the case of minority feminists phasing out white feminists like how A5 said would happen. It makes sense considering how during the midterms there were ads running the “follow minority women” message
bump again
fuck you infected individual
True, the source of the comments that got the women's march into shit came from some "Muslim feminist" (one being linda sarsour known turkroatch) so it could be minorities battling minorities over control of the march. Also could be all these angles to varying degrees.
>tfw its probably self-hating white women leading the phase out of white feminists
it#s all effect of jewish subversion it is jewish influenced and often bankrolled ngos spreading it
How can you tell what kind of person you are, when exposed to it? What am I?
>Really fucking hate shithead kids but realize most of it is on the parent
>Kids are disgusting, have a death wish, fucking drunk little retards
>Nasty, ugly faces, all around repulsed by children
>Freaked out by little hands and HATE being touched by them
>The idea of breastfeeding is BEYOND disgusting and uncomfortable
>But in adult nursing/breastfeeding relationship with Fiance
>Do not ever really want to give birth
>But secretly sometimes long for quiverfull, HUGE family full of kids with strong, traditional husband
>Literally 'Childfree' is the only liberal female stance I support (and extremely rare cases for abortion)
I'm infected, aren't I?
>Inb4 tits, fuck off. It isn't an actual site rule, and if you EVER want a redpilled wife or girlfriend, you need to not drive away women from Jow Forums
You're either traditional, or you're a useless parasitic jew-induced untermensch.
the jews got you bad mate
waaait you a women? TITS OR BTFO
i am a traditonalist and it is traditions for femanons to be coerced into showing their tits, so do or btfo
You're retarded. If you can't tell I'm a woman by the way I think, and write (or even argue), then you don't need to see tits. You need to see your mom, so you can have a sit-down with her, and admit you weren't breastfed enough as a child, so you take it out on any woman you can.
I think, re-reading my post, I'm a transmitter. Now in all seriousness, how would a woman get RID of this 'bio virus'?
>repulsed at idea of breastfeeding
>except when in adult nursing/breastfeeding relationship scenario
Probably are infected, but at the very least just fucking weird or simple minded.
There is no “getting rid of” this virus unfortunately.
Could be a combination of weird AND simple minded. There's just something really wrong to me about it with infants or older infants.
I mean, nipple stimulation leads to arousal, and a lot of my female friends who've had kids and breastfed them have admitted it made them horny, made them uncomfortable because of it, etc. I feel more comfortable nursing my grown Fiance, because then the arousal seems more appropriate.
Simplemindedness, I think, is the subjective female condition. There are wickedly smart women, and I try to stay well read, but over all, we're kinda dumb.
Thanks for the response!
Bump for based thread
It's hard to say with the limited amount of info on here but the repulsion to breastfeeding and birth could be more social engineering then infection. Actually getting pregnant would release a mass of hormones that would prep your body and mind to be more receptive of the idea and that would be a more accurate way of telling(Ie. not wanting to fulfill the role of being a mother to your children). The idea of being into an "adult nursing/breastfeeding relationship scenario" could be more social engineering crossing your want of a relationship with a strong man with the want of nursing children leading to some idealized version of a relationship where you are the mother figure to the strong man in your life who should be taking charge but in this version is dependent on you.Take some time away from media to clear your head about such things.
Statistically, the person in your pic is more likely to kill itself than op is.
Bump, good thread OP
That makes a weird, extreme kind of sense to me. Thanks for taking a moment to chat me up about it. I think I have some thinking to do about that.
Do any anons know how to edit video media? ISIS does pretty well with it so maybe we could try some femin virus stuff.
NP, I do hope that helps you.
The eternal paradox of a woman's mind.
What's confusing is the desire for a man's dependence when typically the moment a woman feels she is no longer replacable to a man she ghosts
How would one go about making the virus “reveal itself”? What would the right conditions be for the virus to be aggravated?
I leave for a month and you guys are posting schizo Frank threads again?
I think it has something to do with concentrations of human pheromones in a given location. Once an amount of those infected release "altered pheromones" I think that's when the virus starts getting aggravated. Same for how the virus would know it's cornered too, but that's just my guess.
What’s been going on with Gloria? I haven’t seen anything bad happen to her yet.
Feminism is mostly an excuse used by most cunts to justify being a complete slob.
When you don't directly address the problem for what it is why should you be surprised when the result isn't what you wanted?.
No it’s a bioweapon that makes infected destroy their own society. Many such cases!
This is gonna sound stupid, but with language like “reveal itself” and “aggravate” and “when it’s cornered”, I can’t help but think this virus is sentient. If so, then we are truly dealing with the Devil.
To address the problem for what it is, you need some actual links between bioweapons programs and feminists or else it’s just speculation to everyone else.
Watch the movie "The Ting" to get an idea, also there is a reason why witches were burnt.