If this caulliflower snowniggers loses in a few hours, get ready for a massive spamming on the board

If this caulliflower snowniggers loses in a few hours, get ready for a massive spamming on the board.

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Jones was the best pound for pound fighter on earth so I don’t expect him to win. Also Jones is a faggot for using steroids while he was already the best... Drug using, drunk driving, fleeing the scene retard

He might win now that jones is off his roids.

Maybe he was the best because roids gave him a big edge?

inconsistencies with most recent drug test, change venues.

he won't lose bc white superiority

>off his roids
lmfao he literally just failed another test

>Jones was the best pound for pound fighter on earth

Whats GSP

is he trying to morph into a stingray?

>wears a cross

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Of course he will lose, he will get pounded by the black man as is ordained in swedish law.

Potentially, the first Gustafson fight was the toughest one ever for Jones. I’d like to see Gustafson win but Jones is undefeated technically since his only loss is a disqualification when he was beating the other dudes ass so I don’t have much hope.

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I don't enjoy watching Gay porn, I'd rather watch Boxing.

I thought it should have been a draw desu. That fight was a fucking war.

Boxing is boring and slow just like you

Pretty sad for a brazillian to say that considering you're the home of BJJ.

Half the people here are too young to remember him

It's the point that none of the MMA community ever wants to admit. GSP is the greatest fighter to ever step into the octagon. The fact that he walked away when the sport got dirty with roids, only to immediately destroy Bisping as soon as it got clean is just the cherry on top. He's a faggot leaf it's true, but unquestionably the goat.

>GSP is the greatest fighter to ever step into the octagon
No, that's Fedor.

Daniel Cormier is /ourguy/

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You've never watched Loma fight have you?

GSP is great probably #2 or #3... but roided up jones is better at every aspect of the game pound for pound including wrestling.

The JewFC already has the fix in

>watched his dad get killed in front of him on thanksgiving day
>watched his daughter die in a car crash
>started MMA late at the age of 30 and went on to become a two weight world champion
>never did drugs, never failed a test
>conducts himself like a champion in and out of the octagon
>is humble and kind
>is a family man
>is a proud conservative

based and redpilled

I remember absolutely despising GSP when he beat Matt Hughes, but now I just respect and see him as the absolutely monster of a fighter he is.

Equal size/weight and GSP would break every bone in Fedora's body. That fight would be uglier than Connor v Khabib.

Without any doubt, 2 division champ and he defeated legends in the sport, from BJ Penn to Matt Hughes, Nick Diaz etc. Jones is miles away.

Your opinion is in the minorty. Prime fedor was the best ever. The GOAT. According to basically everyone in MMA. Fedor was fighting roided up monsters while being outweighed and outsized by all of them.

I haven't watched much mma lately other than the real big matches. I watched regularly in the gsp days and he was so dominant until his first loss which really seemed to get inside his head.

Jon Jones is the only based and red pilled fighter aside from McGregor. Jones is gonna smash the faggots face in. I can't wait

This so much jones is a coward to the bone.

Ridiculous. Jones beat bigger names in the most dominating fashion imaginable. He looked like he was fighting children when he fought ex champions.

Really? Poor guy and mentally tough as hell

>tfw you were hit by a train but Jones somehow went off the rails even harder

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Bro roided up Jones was great and all but did you see DaQuan with the chopper? He killed half the front row and the opponent in the first 30 seconds!

Not true. The caliber of fighters he faced is nothing like velasquez or jones.

Check out a jones highlight reel on YouTube. Literally looks like a video game when he fights.

He fought cans. That‘s like saying Ronda Rousey is the GOAT of WMMA because she dominated everyone in her path before the level of competition increased. You can‘t honestly believe the level of competition was the same back when Fedor fought in his prime as it is today.

>watched his daughter die in a car crash

WHAT THE FUCK MAN I didn't know about that

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Gustafsson won the first fight, he was robbed.

Can't wait to see that cheating nigger get BTFO tonight. The Jones meme ends tonight.

Little skinny jew arms, cub ears, prominent cross necklace, why should I cheer him on again?

Except Jones would smoke him with ease!! U dont kno shit about fighting, stay wit ur anime retard

he basically had a lifetime of making all the right decisions to move toward being the better martial artist. well-deserved imo

Nah Gustaffson lost 3 rounds easily. To say he won is disingenious. And I bet I‘m a bigger Nazi than you, so what I say has merit.

You have no soul if you don't want to see Jones go limp from an RNC for Cormier's last fight.

Fucking ZOOMERS.
No he didn't.
Arlovski, Cropcop, Noguira, Schilt, Silvia, and Hunt were not cans and he fought them in their prime. Crocop beat multiple UFC champs while being outweighed and outsized in terms of reach/height.
His arms are probably 16'5 - 17 inches, for a guy that doesn't even do bodybuilding.

Wrong. Gustafsson wont he first 3.

And one of the judges scored the the fight 49-46. The fight was fucking rigged lmao.

I hope Jones loses and Cormier chokes his punk ass out.

no way a white christian man will lose to some nigger faggot

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Hell be knocked out cold tonite so ur lil excuses are fit to expire in hours, best use them while u still can

>Daniel Cormier is /ourguy/
I thought the same until eyepoked Stipe into a blind KO

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Best pound for pound, he is litteraly undefeated in the toughest weight class. He took out legends with ease and did it at a very young age. His personal life aside he is a beast in the octagon

Damn never knew about his personal losses. DC is one of the all time greats.

Post a better highlight reel than this one, you absolute INCELS.

You are a literal nigger. I've bet $3,000 USD on Gustafsson to win, think about me winning $7,500 and laughing tonight after that fraud Jones gets EXPOSED by Gustafsson.

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Just as a reminder the GOAT also wears one

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GSP wont take that fight after your boy gets embarrassed by a literal who tonight. The niggers always lose!

He's already been payed to lose.

Think Cormier is at 232 tonight? I wanna see a beating like Khalabib gave that dude in the audience at Conors fight.

No, Jones smokes crack. Now finish bagging my groceries nigger.

it was a total dogfight, dont leave it to the judges unless you are sure

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Also, do you think Nunes will beat Cyborg?

>Mentally tough as hell

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If that's the case, then Dana is a fucking cuckold.


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yawn, pillowslap is fucking boring

Gus confirmed for having the lord with him
>Born Again, Sealed, Favored, Protected, Promised A Home in Heaven

>His arms are probably 16'5 - 17 inches
My eyesight isn't that bad

When the fuck is Lesnar going back to UFC?

This 2 funny u dumb fuck!! U fin lose all that ima be dying!! Not only cuz that so called “ viking” got smacked his jaw smacked off by superior black dick, but u even lost all that money on it!! Thank u god for this man crossing my internet path!!

I am watching the first fight again right now. At the start of the 5th round Rogan even said that Jones would have to finish him to win the fight. I believe AG won the first 2 rounds and being very generous I say the next 2 where draws AG was robbed. Half way through the 5th and Rogan says it might be the only round Jones won.

>Calling this fat sack the GOAT.
Boomers amirite

It's funny how every major sports event turns into a de facto race war, despite the left constantly trying to prevent white identity everywhere else.

and on roids right?

The dispute for the goat is between GSP and Anderson Silva and Fedor.
GSP as the lead because of the 2 belts. Jones never had that, he is on the patamar of Kabib for example.

Yeah he smoke it bcuz he can afford it n still he whoopin ass n makin more than ur whole bloodline!! N if u use that word again garenteed my nigga Tavarus finna find u out!! Garenteed that nigga nice with the hacking!!

If he's fighting a black dude then he has no chance.

checked flag, makess sense.

let's hope gus wins

Yea I think the problem is Jones was the Champ at the time and it usually needs to be more decisive to give the challenger the belt

get the fuck out back to your sewer church you fucking christcuck rat and dont try slither your way into mma. Its already ruined enough with letting jones fighting while he is blatantly on steroids.

A faggot french leaf

Who can't afford crack???

No chance!! Always bet on black!!

Jones got busted for tren (likely using the Russian protocol), an rumor has it is taking cheque drops every day. All mma fighters take hgh and most take animal test prop and epo since it’s hard to test for. Hopefully the snow faggot is juicing on all that shit or he is fucked. Strength and endurance are more important than technique in combat sports.

>betting on the result you want to see happen
>no consolation outcome if you lose

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checked they want whites de-masculine for the advancement of the kalergi plan even to the point of paying him to lose I bet those women in the backroom staring dead eyed they already know hes gonna lose

This shit is rigged, user. It's all fake.

>GSP with another decision win via dryhump
gtfo outta here faggot

You still need to have a high level of skill just pure strength doesn’t mean you could beat up a fighter who has been training most of his life. But I agree since they are both highly skilled the one with more power and endurance will likely win.


Blacks are the most incredible athletes/fighters in the world.
> t. White girl

I'm just thinking overall fighting talent. Jones is way ahead of the game. Roids aside most of them do it.

anyone got a link to a stream

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Because niggers all have that Mcgregor confidence while most white people think being stoic is cool but women don’t. Women love a braggard because it shows he’s confident.

Agreed, In college I went undefeated my last season of wrestling due to being a (mediocre) competitive cyclist and having a bigger gas tank. Tired people have no skill.

based DC youtube.com/watch?v=Ixmbd4pngWQ

You aren't a shitskin are you? Yes, of course you are. And also likely a TUF noob

He is the GOAT. The whole world knows it
The only other contender is GSP

The shitskin candidates, anderson, jones, are both cheats, so disqualified

aldo isn't even the GOAT of his weight division, canner mcgregor is or either max holloway

The nigger mighty mouse never fought anyone


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It is comments like these that make this shitty existence a little more tolerable. Thank you user.


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