I’m an expat woman in japan who teaches English, I am shocked out society is there, how sexist it is, most of the girls in my class want to be housewife’s, I feel shocked, I want to do my best to change these backwards views, I try to spread feminism in my class, I want to spread feminism to japan, what’s the best way to do this?
I’m an expat woman in japan who teaches English, I am shocked out society is there, how sexist it is...
You posted this bait 3 days ago, fuck off.
Talk to them, try to convince them that getting a career is better. If you can't, that's just how it goes.
The only way you'll get the kind of feminism that exists in the west in the time frame I'm going to assume you want is by using the same manipulation tactics.
You already made this thread a few days ago, and you already got like 300 replies, and feminism already exists in Japan, and most women there want to be in the workforce being a housewife is the last thing on their mind, and this thread is going to get 300 replies again because it's shit bait for incel r9k retards who are going to come crawling out of the woodwork now to take the bait and run with it
Please go to /pol and other bait positive boards.
You don't. If they want to be housewives let them be.
A lot of women are happier that way. Maybe not you, and that's ok because we live in a day and age you're free to do whatever you want. But don't think you're a generality, don't think you have to IMPOSE your own personal preferences to the entire fucking planet, and don't think women who want to be housewives only do so because of "muh evil patriarchy".
Most women are naturally driven to fullfil that role in society. Live with it.
>be user
>be informed ahead of time that original post is bait
>swallow it gladly
come on
Who the fuck cares? Like, if I answer to a post and it happens to be bait, then what?
Some contrarian user comes and disagrees with your post, and you or someone else disagrees with his post, and a shitty-b8 thread gets bloated to 300+ posts
We're here to waste time anyway. Arguing, even over something stupid, can be fun and cathartic, especially when the baiter is trash at debating.
go to r9k then if you just want to waste your day shitposting
Everyone on Jow Forums is shitposting.
Welcome to Jow Forums
>i am shocked this is how actual real culture looks like
go back to america, bitch
How arrogant, let them figure out their own society for themselves.
And this is a bad thing because... ?
0/10. Take your (you) and fuck off
>especially when the baiter is trash at debating.
I don't think you understand how this works
Instead go to the fucking middle east and spread feminism there. those fuckers need it the most. Not japan
It gives a voice to the sexist ideology called feminism.
Failing to see why this is bad.
If you don’t like it ignore it, if you have a problem with bait threads become a janitor and prune them otherwise stop being a little bitch.
Ok, bud. Lets just stop now, huh? Your pro-shitposting crusade isn't doing anything but taking up space and bumping awful threads. Just because we're all here wasting time posting on a random internet forum doesn't mean to don't enjoy some decorum of order or decency. There's no reason to make shit-posting an even worse experience by responding to bait threads and then arguing about it for the next 50+ posts.
Start washing your smelly feminist cunt, maybe someone will listen to you then? Now off to the gaschamber.
I'm Japanese and Im glad most ppl recognize whats really going on in this country and that this question is just bullshit.
Of japan wasn’t so sexist, why do women still become housewives?
This is some terrible bait. At least try
What's sexist about being a housewife?
The woman isn’t empowered and focused on her career, she should have a career and a househusband.
A womans place is in the home. Stop and think for a moment, they're happy with the prospect while you're unhappy. They're not the ones in need of change.
What if the career she wants is being a housewife?
Strong bait.
It's wonderful how much you force the idea of freedom, yet act totally baffled when someone says she just wants use said freedom to be a regular housewife.
My wife is so mad at fuckers like you. Society forced her to get a degree she we'll never really use, and worked at an office for years which she really hated. Now she's home with the kids and she happier than ever. She loves taking car of our home and teaching the kids. And I don't look down on her or anything, because I know it's a hard fucking job to do. We are more equal than ever. We have both our parts to make this family work and function.
But hey, I guess maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are thousands of happy women out there who are very happy that they are teared apart between family life and their career. I bet there are millions of happy single women who just love being single and the fact that they can focus on their job without annoying kids and husbands. I bet they are all happy they left the life behind which was proven to be working for thousands of years to behave and act like a man in the world created by men for men.
Really. I think feminism is good for a given degree, but sometimes you sacrifice innocent women for your cause who are just fine with their womanhood as is and says thanks but no thanks to your stuff.
I'm an expat man who works in Japan as a high paid professional
It's the best place to live ever
Try doing this thread with a country with virtually no feminism like Congo
There’s feminism here in the Middle East as well.
Feminists here are even more aggressive and mad at men.
I think only the gulf regions are completely feminist free
Not all women are your wife, user.
I have a degree I am very grateful I got, even if I don't get to use it because I am a housewife.
There are plenty of women who are happy to work, to be honest. My mother was really happy to work, she loves her job and still works like crazy even if she's in her mid 60s. My cousin is the same, she fucking loves her job. She hated every day of maternity leave.
My best friend doesn't want children, her husband and her are one of those power couples types.
I'm super happy with my life and wouldn't trade it for anything, I love taking care of my home, my husband and my kids. I like that when my kids will be a little bit older I can get back into the workforce because I worked before and have a really good degree, even if I don't really need it because my husband makes good money.
Not all people are the same.
>moved to one of the most xenophobic, traditionalist countries on earth
>how do I spread marxist propaganda?
You will only offend people and students will leave your class and find someone else, then you will be out of a job.
I’m probably the best teacher they have they won’t fire me
I was an expat in Japan and fucked lots of girls there
How do I get a Japanese girlfriend?
Why are people replying without saging?