Wow, powerful

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's the future that sailor fought for.

>won lottery to do it , tradition
Aka navy didn't care

Why can't a white man, heir to the entirety of civilization, do as he pleases?
Our father's paved the way for miraculous technologies and comforts yet this faggot can't fuck a gay nigger and marry him? Gtfo with that catholic I touch kids but these fags can't get married abortion is wrong though it's primarily used by societal dredges bullshit

Let's talk about Canadas navy...oh wait

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I grew up in the U.S. military and my dad retired a long time ago when DADT (Don't Ask, Don't Tell) was still around and the military was still relatively conservative.

It's sad seeing this unfold, and it's all happening all so quickly. This is part of the reason why I refused to join the U.S. military because I can't stomach fighting for and tolerating this kind of degeneracy. In the military, if something is a policy, you had better follow it, protesting this type of stuff, especially since it's effectively enshrined in our Constitution means that you can go to military jail if you oppose this type of behaviour.

All sailors are gay and have been forever, you don't sign up to go at sea for months with other dudes for nothing


Oh god i wish that was me

Nobodys gonna go to jail for calling someone else a fag. Worst case scenario you lose half months pay and get a shitload of sensitivity training. You can protest whatever the fuck you want as long as your not in uniform.

>Faggots, unable to be their own people or have any interest beyond liking dick up the ass, copy normal people in order to inject their disease further into society and popular culture.

>Faces brutal homophobic backlash
>Is absolutely fine, has his job, not in danger, given tons of public support and still able to fuck his sexy boytoy

>Brutal homophobic backlash
The word brutal makes me think of the guy being attacked by mobs, stoned, his property vandalized.
But I imagine someone just called him a faggot in the comments section.

who gives a fuck

when sperm reaches the feces egg, a homosexual zygote called a 'buckeye' is formed. this is the moment that homosexual conception begins.

I just hope Islam comes and ends this degeneracy.

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Said no white man ever

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Why does this trigger people? They’re just kissing fully dressed. Like I thought one was jacking the other off. Who the fuck is delicate enough to sperg over this?

These degenerates want to ruin everything good with their disgusting cringe bullshit. Normal people don't like it.

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Not bad.

Stfu, you muttified McDonald's ape.

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why do fags have to ruin absolutely everything they put their disgusting pozzed hands on..
>it's all so tiresom

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not even the same god damn pose ya you bet your ass I'm pissed. Seriously is it that hard to get in the same position as the original couple? Nope ya had to fuck up the leg positioning and EVERYTHING.

Wait, but liberals told me that kiss was RAPE.

This, gay sailors have been a settled issue for centuries, I don’t know why people are so crossed.

enjoy power in THIS world

the green makes it look like she BRAAAAAAPED and now the pollution is spreading.

the hell

>the hell
>At this point what difference does it make!
How have you not keeled over yet ?

I honestly wouldn't care being mild, not-worth-mentioning disgust at two fags somewhere kissing, but this fake manufactured "AND IT'S DRIVING THE ALT-RIGHT RACIST HOMOPHOBES CRAZY!!!" outrage is the most reprehensible bullshit. One day we'll shut their lying globalist mouths.

sauce on that christ chan lewd?

>One day we'll shut their lying globalist mouths.

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