This is what Jow Forums's catalog looked like yesterday

What the FUCK happened????

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Cool, hawt.



The shit hit the fans

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Pol is turning into a wasteland
So much fucking jidf action in here it's ridiculous
No room for discussion anymore
8ch is shit
I hate everything

It's a psyop to encourage scat fetish.

this is what jews do when afraid

sure feels like winter break in here

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Based log posters.


Haha holy shit. Thst guy has been spamming that nikki six meme for like 3, 4 years now.. that's commitment

Would you?

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Better than having all the christian pagan shilling threads

>I hate everything
I hate attention whoring tripfags.
You won't be missed

I have to agree with the finn. Church is fucking gau and annoying and christcucks just want to quote passages and suck dead kike cock. At least log posting is kind of funny and that's a big kind of

Jesus fucking Christ. I search Andy Sixxs name on Google and half the results are log related. Jow Forums has a lot to answer for. This artists legacy is RUINED

>So much fucking jidf action in here it's ridiculous


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you're obv not from around here

Jow Forums has been a shithole for 2 years now because everyone here is a literal cuck and probably from reddit

us so-called 'shills' are not going away. We provide a counter message to balance the hate and intolerance here.

whats the biggest change seen over the years?

Shills were impersonating you last night

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When I saw the catalogue yesterday it was almost all gamestop tranny shill threads and vape dude threads.

Vape dude

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it was a shill raid.

Was going by the thread names not the content within desu.

it: babbys first board spam

you all really need to fuck off back to where you came from

But out of all people, why you?

Because he's a retarded schizo namefag tripfag

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they hate me because i reminded them of picrel too much.

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not sure if JIDF or HIDF.

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No one likes actual autists, especially if they are namefagging gypos.
You even said you'll stop being a faggot.

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seething, seething everywhere.

if you are not Israeli, then you are Hungarian.

because i know it was a Hungarian who posted your edited Wojak first.

i am neither a gyppo or faggot.

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Grow up.

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not to mention all the qtards are back

>steals my name
>steals my original wojak
>edits claims it as his work
Lying handicapped schizo gypo. I'd copystrike you, if you weren't retarded.

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Too much backlash if the board was closed, however the ideas being perpetuated here and the information being shared is too much for (gov) to turn a blind eye. That’s why this board is now filled with hundreds of psyop, controlled op and race bait theads weekly.

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when the user who stole my name and attacked me first will stop wearing a meme flag or using my name.

but i wonder if he will still attack me when i don't have my name and trip.

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I wish I had been here for the MILF thread...

All of them are low IQ civic nationalists, it is utter cringe. I just want them to go away. When low IQ, bluepilled civic nationalists think they are redpilled it is the worst.

For whom? No one takes you seriously.

mods took some time off for the holidays, while neet neckbeards were feeling extra salty because their family was upstairs having fun and avoiding the basement

recipe for disaster...

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Of course. You have to atone for your sins.
Chop off the tip of your dick and send it to me. Then I'll forgive you
My address is: Fuck you street 69, Shitpostville, Ligma province, Empire of Kiss My Ass

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Is this a haiku?

That's a legit slit right? That's not a dude. Fucking traps. It looks like my sister in-law with bad makeup and hair. oy.

>Bela is still salty and uses my name

go on, keep being assmad. you only make yourself hated even more.

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they've been kicked off infinichan or some shit, ptg boomer retards every fucking one

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thanks for posting it.

do you think should i really stop using the trip so much?

i had to update the OC since more trolls came.

Have you contributed to the data mining threads today Jow Forums? These threads were made several times today. The theme is to gather sexual repression connections with political affiliations.

Choose a different trip imo. Perhaps get into the habit of using a certain word in your responses for a month or so. So people can discern if it's you or an impersonator or something.

It changes by the hour, and depends on which countries are online at which time of day.

Also, PSA:
1. Use the catalog and filters.
2. Press "X" to change the sorting of the threads
3. Shift-Click to hide threads, Option-Click to "pin" threads
4. Help promote board "hygiene" when you see dozens of BBC threads, shill threads, etc.

>Fell for the retard's meme
Now I know how flat earthers are made.

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>somebody had to say it

agreed, so many imposters now, even one ITT. other anons will realize the difference.

keep posting anti-Romanian memes, you will only make yourself look even worse.

i also eat babies for molech

This Gypo things seems like a DNC by (((them)))

What's your deal dude? Would you just confess your intentions? I just think it's fucking stupid. We're all adults here.

true, they try to D&C by calling us gypsies.

and one shill who copies my name appeared ITT and kept posting even if i don't use the trip.

(((they))) really watch me

leave him, judging from his memes, he's a Hungarian shitposter who hates Romanians.

you think you're changing minds here ? LMAO. every post you jews make is cringe non-arguments, just incessant spamming and posting interracial porn.

Now I'm curious...just how warm and tasty is Andy Sixx's log roll?

And that's just the kind of social thought leader activism that modern companies look for, too.

Put those memes at the top of the resume.

and they keep using memeflags to try to hide themselves.

without memeflags, the shill raids against me would never happen.

seems the shillbot who copied my name just left as soon as i stopped using my name and trip.

The biggest memeflag here is you

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>(((they))) really watch me
What would cause (((them))) to do that, out of all tripfags? they never go after the bongs on brit/pol/

Chad stole our flag, like how Ivory Coast stole its flag from Ireland.

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because i posted too much about about the war against communists i mentioned earlier.

and also because i tried to explain to all the foreign anons things about Romania. which is why a shill who hates Romanians is here ITT.

Christmas break!

>meme flag
>one-line writing prompt
>no source, argument, or context
OP is a shill. Asking about shills. Cute.
Remember that the goal of disruption shills is not to convert you, it's to ruin the place.

and a New Years break too i guess. things will go back to normal in January.

meme flags should be removed, it would lower the shill and troll rate.

It would make detecting (((them))) even harder

how so? i assumed (((they))) always hide behind them.

without memeflags, how would (((they))) be more harder to see?

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If it turns out that (((they))) are all IDF (((they))) be called out at every time, so (((they))) would migrate and hide under a different flag like the parasites (((they))) are (OyVeyBetterCallSol.PNG)

I die tonight.
Please stay away from the opiate jew. It will change your brain and rob you of any kind of happiness/dopamine/motivation for years.
I leave behind a loving family, and a pair of pups that deserve much better.
The Sackler family and purdue pharma/endo pharma/mallenkroft pharma (mainly the sackler family and purdue) has done this to so many of us, the best way to avenge our deaths is to deny the opiate jew entirely. Read up on the Sacklers. Learn how they have purposely and willingly decieved, enslaved, and murdered our people for profit.
I love all of you anons. You have going for years.I am filled with regret for what I am about to do.
I ask that you spread awareness and try to save the zoomers from the suffering that comes with opiates.

I would post my own thread but I am on mobile an ip banned from doing so. Love you guys. Build the wall and shutdown the Chinese fentanyl trade. So many lives depend on it. I wish you all good luck and God speed in life, may the eternal jew meet the ovens.

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logging in

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>not using any filters

ask me how i know youre a faggot shill?

Jow Forums got a temporary upgrade

Bob is right!

Here is a good thread Bob. Check second post. It's a Tesla battery patten

Keep it up kikes. We'll keep using you for redpills.

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true, (((they))) are hiding in all countries, including mine. and so all the anti-Romanian shills i met that had Romanian flags, some might have really been in Romania, like how the anti-Australian shills you may have met were actually in Australia.

so maybe memeflags would not lower the shill rate as much as i think, but there would be less shill raids for sure, because (((they))) would not dare so much to do them knowing they can't hide.

kek he probably stole the trip from someone else, the thieving gypsy that he is

true, (((they))) blew their own cover by stealing my name.

>t. 14.88 IQ stormweenie

>calls me thieving gypsy

still butthurt i BTFO'D you earlier Shlomo?

looks like some underageb& trolling

you should definitely stop stealing flags, you gypsy fuck

that is funny

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Yeah, National Socialism is a much better thought out, much more philosophically sound ideology than low IQ magapede civic nationalism.

sorry, but it was your fellow mad rats who stole my name and started using memeflags to try to fool everyone into thinking it was me. and yes, you were actually dumb enough to copy pasting the trip trying to make it legit.

memeflags were one of the worst things to happen to Jow Forums desu.

I'd assume without proper dating and or time stamps that you just cropped the threads from /b/ then layered it w/ a Jow Forums catalog.

Yet the mods immediately delete Ruth Bader Ginsberg threads.

and let shills get away with impersonating me.