Ciggie butt

I just got a fine in the mail for throwing a lit cig out the window. the fine is $645. How can I fight this Jow Forums?

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You really can't.
Cost of a lawyer would be the same if not more.

Do you live in singapore?

You don't. Pay the fine, use an Ash tray from now on.

You deserve it, edgy fag

everyone is edgy now

What, did you think "No littering" laws were for shits and giggles? Stupid fuck.

Make them DNA prove its yours

I didnt say i did it

Deserves you right, filthy trash

They‘re mostly fakes.

I mean, just make your own green text and screen shot it - voilá

ignore it lol what are they going to do, swat you?

Just don’t pay it and when they start knocking or phoning you say you never did it. Make them show you evidence.

They wouldn't send you a fine if they didn't have it on film.

Two choices: pay it early. Most places cut the fine by as much as 50% if you don't fight it. Or do go to court and fight it, on the slim chance they will have lost the film and can't prosecute.

holy fuck thats like dui type fines

God damn right that you were fined you piece of shit. If you don't treat your body with respect that's one thing but at least treat the environment well. If you can't do that you deserve that punishment.

Only subhumans litter

If that's the case, we really need to rework the dui punishment..

You’re entitled to a presumption of innocence, due process of law, an opportunity to confront and cross-examine your accuser, the right not to testify against yourself, the right to inspect any evidence against you, any evidence against you must be properly preserved including a proper record of the chain of custody. Have a trial.

I'm guessing that forest or Bush fires are an issue where you live, OP.


If you did that in Australia you would have caused a bush fire.

Just pay it, don't do it again. If you can afford to smoke then it's not like $650 is going to ruin your life.

Not really, just fags that throw their cigs out the window and have the audacity to try and dodge the fine.

You don't even know where he lives faggot. Even if he's australian if he lives in ultimo how the fuck is he going to cause a bushfire?

You need to learn some basic reading comprehension. He said that IF OP had done it somewhere dry (like Australia) it would have caused a fire. Nobody cares about the specifics of what parts of Australia are the dryest dumb fuck

Sounds like it would be cheaper to just not smoke in multiple ways

no one dies from dui's

>fight it
Hire captain planet as your lawyer so he can beat the shit out of you with some elemental powers. People that throw cig butts on the ground are disgusting, but literally everyone does it. why would you consciously litter the ground? Im a heavy smoker, but every single one of my butts goes in a designated butt receptacle. Whats worse though is when i see butts laying on the ground to one of those receptacles.

pay your fine, stop littering. lesson learned buddy. be earth conscious.

Say it wasnt you. When they say it was you, ask for the video or picture proof. They wont have it. Only thing is ull have to waste a day at the courthouse. Good luck against the pig fuks.

>go to municipal court to fight ticket
>cops state their case
>you stupidly say they have nothing
>judge finds you guilty
Have fun appealing to a trial court. Gonna need a lawyer just to get your shit filed properly.

Cops are lazy. Ive seen countless times where they dont even bother showing up to court and the ticket is thrown out. I dont agree with littering cigarette butts... but gimmie a break. We're all guilty of something stupid. Its not worth 600+ in fines. Good luck with those pig fuks.

Just take it to court. There's a 90% chance the cop won't show and you'll win by default.

Wow , another tripfag that is dumb as a rock.
You litter you deserve the fine.
>we all do stupid shit but we shouldnt be punished for it
If you were that dumb to your stupid meaningless shit punished then you deserve it.
>fuck the pig fuks
You sound like a commie.

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Hmm.... social justice warrior radar going off... abort!!

Cops are the biggest crooks of all.

Most police have very low IQ unfortunately. Idiots with guns. Most got picked on durring their school days and now they want to exact revenge. Little penis syndrome.

This is probably being treated legally as a civil matter though and the burden of proof is much less than in a criminal court, OP should pay the fine and be smarter next time.

I ageee. Just pay the fine. And while you're at it, bend over and touch your toes. The long dick of the law is fuccking you. Dont forget to tickle the balls.

Good girls swallow. Swallow the load of the law.

And when ur done say 'oh what a lovely tea party.'

Pay the fine and quit smoking, dipshit.

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Crumple it up and throw it away, it's what I do with all my skytrain tickets.

i think the sum is outrageous but i can't say you don't deserve that, littering the street, specially with ashes that can fall on someone is a really douche thing to do