In June 1967 a United States surveillance ship was off the coast of Israel
When it accidentally witnessed a beach side execution of Egyptian POWs by cowardly Israeli soldiers
The Israeli government attacked this boat with fighter jets despite being allies killing 34 sailors and wounding over 170.
To this day both the US and Israeli government both waved this away as an accident despite witnesses and US sailors saying otherwise. This was known as the USS Liberty Incident.
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N I G G E R S !
Is this the new meme? I see these around a lot lately yet the movie hasn't been released
This whole
Clown meme
*slides over car hood*
Fuck me...I mean
This whole thing
Is just an advertising gimmick to get you to watch some new movie
>When it accidentally witnessed a beach side execution of Egyptian POWs by cowardly Israeli soldiers
Any proof of this? I never wondered about a motive and always assumed jews will take any opportunity to murder goyim.
Someone get this guy a bike ffs
>he can't be bought
>he can't be bullied
>no way to bargain with him
>no way to reason with him
this is some top tier memage though.
just wish they'd come up with something original/new/era defining
I don't watch movies because of memes, except American Psycho which was ok
Does he do anything else in the movie but run?
I hear he shuffles once or twice. course that's just a rumor at this point
Hears to you merchants, s*ucking my f*ucking d*ick!
Fuck! this clown meme is the shit! Its so fucking funny
He also rolls over the hoods of cars
The makeup is totally fucking dumb
About a year ago Russian mercenaries under contract by the Russian military attacked US special forces knowing full well who they were engaging. Shouldn't this be of more concern to modern geopolitics than something almost as old as the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
Remember the Liberty
Does he jump or even dance?
>Russian military attacked US special forces knowing full well who they were engaging.
Found the IDF
Attacking your enemy is one thing. Attacking an ally is another, try again shill faggot.
No, he mainly runs.
Oh shit what did KEK mean by this?
KYS unless you support Liberty //truth
Mutts deserve it for being the gooddest of goys. They drone on and on with vague plastic patriot platitudes like freedom isn't free and muh guns and how "Americans wouldn't put up with the third world invasion like pussy Europeans have!" (meanwhile 56% and dropping like a sack of shit, daily attacks against whites on racial grounds meanwhile they have all the guns in the fucking world and then some). They literally can't go within 100 metres of a Jew without sucking him off and burying their faces into the Jews ass, they will do fuck all about the kike infestation in their government, they are spiritual Jews afterall, nothing Christian about them. Pathetic bunch of brain niggers. KEEEEEEK!
I kinda like the idea of a joker origin story. He starts out putting a lot of care into his make-up at the beginning of the movie but as he begins his journey into madness the make up deteriorates. Would be a nice touch
*HUFF* how could the*HUFF* Germans burned*HUFF* 8000 bodies if it *HUFF HUFF* only takes 6-9 hours to *WHEEZE* cremate a person
I think it's just pre-Joker "Joker" makeup. Like he's doing petty shit in clown makeup as a gimmick before he becomes the "cuts off his own face and staples it onto his face" fucked up mentally deranged super villain
I tell ya, that right there really makes me want to say the n-word.
That movie is going to bomb.
its a /tv/ meme
You greatly underestimate the time it takes for geopolitical events to be fully realized.
Isn't it obvious? Kek is the god of Chaos
Clowns are chaotic jokesters
fuck off kike
why do they have so many old shitty cars? are they seriously ripping off stranger things and expecting a return to nolan-tier batmens.
Who cares.
Let the Jews crush all the mud slimes of the middle East. Less work for us to do.
JIDF please
You kikes aren’t doing shit on your own without white American goyim having to go to the Middle East to do your dirty work for you, you jew.
>Less work for (((us))) to do.
go home merchant
One of our former PMs from the 1970s came out and confirmed that the yanks knew the jews did it and covered it up.
Based Malcolm Fraser.
that is not what happened you fucking disinfo agent. The ship was over 40 miles off shore and LBJ made a back-door agreement with the Israeli govt. to sink the ship in a false flag to blame it on the egyptians and enter a greater war in the middle east. Do not believe this disinfo agent. Watch the documentary(s) on the USS liberty and get informed. Watch Terrorstorm by Alex Jones, where he covers it, not this fucking clown...
>LBJ made a back-door agreement with the Israeli govt. to sink the ship in a false flag to blame it on the egyptians
None of this changes the fact that Israeli military was willing to condone the murder of allied soldiers for the simple fact that even Israel knows it is too much of a bitch boy state to survive alone.Literally none of it changes the fact that jewish zionists killed Americans in the hopes of getting America to support its genocidal cause. No point in having allies like yourself when the enemy treats you better than your own allies.
How long til the inevitable article of "How Joaquin Phonex has become the new poster boy for 4chans alt right" meme?
If we do it hard enough we can get it done by tomorrow
>TRIGGER WARNING; violent language below
>Alt right incels on Jow Forums have taken their freedom of profound hate speech to make out Juaquin Phoenix Joker character as a racist bigot. "What is this movie actually about?" one poster asks identifable only by a US flag.
>"Basically the joker just runs around shouting n**** and citing FBI crime statistics."
Do my bidding Huffcucks, I know you're lurking
>Is Joaquin's Phoenix's Joker really about White Flight and White Fragility? Jow Forums seems to think so.
final whitepill of 2018
Baste and redpilled fellow magapede
Wall now
Im cringing so hard my diaphragm just seized
p-pls no
Replace *HUFF* with *BURP* and this a bona fide Rick and Morty meme.
I cringed so hard your mom came
I like it because it makes fun of people for chimping out over a fucking word.
>It's just a word
Pretty good root idea for a meme about niggers tbqh. Retard leftists will lose their shit and go overboard with zoomers instead of indoctrinating them slowly in response to stuff like this. Result is that zoomers become more attuned to bullshit because of the jarring nature of the backlash and even if they comply, they'll know it's because leftists just use the word to attack people with bullshit claims of racism rather than some genuine hurt that's caused by it to real people.
I don't care about the movie, I think it's a funny meme, especially when he threatens to say nigger
if it's an origin story it happened in the past, probably takes place in the 80s or 90s
Make a hiroshima edit pls
When does he threaten to say nigger
Is this real or a shop?
>Arabs getting slaughtered
I don’t see the problem here except the Israelis weren’t slaughtered right after
Well I cringed so hard, that your whole matrilineal line came.
Where is Leonardo DiCaprio?
Because the LBJ administration was setting up another false flag but the kikes botched the job by not sinking the ship. You're a fool if think the US government was innocent in that whole shady incident and it was all just jews being evil.
So many zoomers.
mid 70's looks like
Whatchoo gon say?
That's because he's supposed to be a clown at a poorman's circus who eventually snaps and becomes a communist
I'll only watch it if he says the n-word
JOKER: And I thought my shitposts were bad...
REDDITOR: Give me one reason why I shouldn’t have my boy here report you
JOKER: How about a pinned fuck Jannies post?
JOKER: I’m gonna pin this thread
JOKER: TA-DAH it’s pinned!
crowd whispers in confusion, asking how he’s done it
JOKER: Oh and by the way: the IP? It was a proxy. You oughta know, I’m still posting right now.
4CHANNELER: Sit, I want to read fuck jannies thread.
JOKER: Let’s wind the clocks back a year. The Jannies and mods wouldn’t dare ban you. I mean, what happened? Did the advertisers get upset? You see a quality poster like me-
REDDITOR: -a shitposter-
JOKER: -a poster like me, look. Listen. I know why you choose to have your shitposting sessions inside of serious capeshit threads. I know why you’re afraid to make a shitpost thread. The Jannies. See, the advertisers have shown the Jannies your true colors, unfortunately.
JOKER: Hiroshigook? He’s just he beginning. And as for pepe’s plan? The Jannies have no specific board. He will find Pepe and ban him. I know the posters without proxies when I see them...
4CHANNELER: What do you propose?
JOKER: Uhhh, it’s simple we kill the Jannies.
4CHANNELER #2: If it’s so simple, why haven’t you done it yet?
JOKER: If you’re good at something never do it FOR FREE
crowd bursts into laughter
4CHANNELER: What do you want?
JOKER: Uh, 50 fuck Jannies threads.
4CHANNELER #2: You’re crazy
JOKER: I'm not. No I'm not. If we don't deal with these Jannies now, soon, uh, little redditor over here won't be able to make an ironic shitpost from his own home IP.
REDDITOR: Enough from the racist Jow Forumstard!
JOKER: Ah ta ta ta ta. Let's not report this to the janitors.
REDDITOR: You think you can be racist in my marvel thread and walk away??
JOKER: Yeah, fuck niggers
REDDITOR: I'm putting the word out. Reddit silver for this shitposter. Reddit gold alive so I can teach him to be politically correct first.
JOKER: All right, so listen. Why don't you make a fuck Jannies thread when you wanna take things a little more seriously. Here's my smug Pepe.