Muslim Community Patrol

>Muslim Community Patrol
The fuck is this?

Attached: Muslim Community Patrol.jpg (1070x602, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

its a big, fat, easily-identifiable target for vandalism and destruction

i hope shitskins really start making this a thing

Attached: 1546115049401.jpg (1296x1296, 718K)

maybe they're making a movie?

Attached: 3455643563634657.jpg (1685x924, 159K)

It's the Sharia Police now quit your haram.

UK is nice

Attached: UK - not even once.jpg (746x1328, 268K)

>blocks your path

Attached: 25695563123_d330e01846_b.jpg (1024x765, 196K)

looks like the replacement police department is already being set up in London. One day they will but heads with the local bobbies and the bobbies will be ordered to back down

Stay cucked, England.
Blood in the streets? Remember?

Attached: england.webm (640x360, 2.06M)

i live in new york and have never seen this


kikes in Jewyork city have their own EMS and "police" (no guns, walkie talkie to nypd only) looks like mudslimes are copying
notice the picture the plates are not official

This is in America you retard.

That's in New York.

Do you have ones in Saudi Arabia?

merimut guns n sheit

I'd hesitate to call New York America, same as I'd hesitate to call London England.

oh, then same applies
a crisis of legitimacy will arise from groups like this.

New Yorker here, I haven't seen these yet, just the kike patrols.

Attached: 85KLoz1.jpg (225x225, 20K)

>white and blue

Sure it’s not Shomrim?

Shlomo, faking it again?
Oy vey

Attached: 185831185.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Welcome to New York.

Attached: E68595E5-A5AD-4F8C-87FC-52FB6E4A2EA7.jpg (1024x682, 155K)

soon brother

Attached: ukp.jpg (800x532, 90K)


that's true. New YOrk is like 60% non new-yorkers (but that includes people like me who are american but just from another state).

The Indians and Chinese I have no problem with. They have good food and are pretty based, except for the rich chinese students who are here. Some of the other people though can piss off.

sounds like you are more of a rebblitor, faggot

this is why I stay in Manhattan.

That was an internet-connected billboard some Anons got the password for, much lulz were had. Real image.

island fag

Muslim communities collectivizing their neighborhoods. There is nothing stopping Whites from doing the same under the pretense of a neighborhood watch.

OP's pic is in NYC you idiot.

They aren't really associated with police, it's mudslimes pulling the same shit Jews do, only it's less legitimate, and if one of them attempted to enforce their standard upon me, I'd treat them like the camel Fucking faggots they are, also maybe pepper spray them.

t. Life long new yorker

I wish they didn't condone pedophilia, otherwise Muslims would be alright folk.

The have shomrim (fake Jew cops) as well. I want to see these private police forces battle like they always say will happen when ancaps talk about this shit.

like or not, this is what america looks like

Kike you are glowing.

Morality is supposed to make life better. Why does this kind of puritanical religious morality feel so oppressive? What is the psychological drive behind this shit?

Muslims remind me of the old American Puritans. The way they put the "NO ALCOHOL", "NO GAMBLING" etc. in all caps in the pic gives me a feeling of "I'm not having any fun in this earthly life - AND I'LL MAKE SURE YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FUN EITHER."