How long does Tik Tok have until the Silicon Valley cartel finds a way to bring it down...

How long does Tik Tok have until the Silicon Valley cartel finds a way to bring it down? (((They))) are absolutely terrified of a social media site that can’t be censored.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_basilisk

its chinese spyware and filled with pedophiles

Is China running a psyop on Gen Z?

doubt it as we are 50% white and degenerate
its mostly used for chinese facial recognition AI, they are data mining

I wonder how much metadata they could actually collect from a phone with the app I staled on it. They’re probably laughing at us

who is this and why is she everywhere?


he's from tiktok

i wished

whats the deal with that tic tacs? last time I check that online world wide website friendster was what all the kids were raving about.

Are they the ones with the super faggy videos with people lip syncing to movies and music?

I want to kill everyone associated with it

tiktok...what a mindless shit ffs

tiktox is a magic mirror turned it is only mindless, or rather soulless, because the people at large lack those qualities. The west has lost its divine center, the transcendent principle on which of society should revolve. The people of the west are like the zombies in the films that are so popular. Mindless drones going through the motions with no purpose in life.
TikTok is the latest generation, without purpose, laughing at the absurdity of it all. Relax and enjoy the show because all you can do is laugh at such a nightmare.

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Niko doesn't fit this post well at all

fair enough I was looking for a laughing anime girl and that was the first one I found, lazy I know.

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as much as 4chins prides itself on knowing what is going on they never heard of musicly which became tiktok it's actually pretty funny how many clueless fucking boomers are on 4chins talking about Dragon Ball Z and Trump

Dude. It’s a chinese app. I fucking date you to post something there about uighurs or the other things they don’t want people to know about

>(((They))) are absolutely terrified of a social media site that can’t be censored.
There are always ways around censorship and those who are doing the censoring have, are, and will be targeted.

Yep pic related

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theyre just mad that ppl arent sticking to one platform they already own all the data mining statistics to is what it really is. doubtful tiktok is NWO property yet and might never be since muh chinks.

>mfw the chinks are BRAP posting to the youth

i only know about tiktok because some cockstain tried using my number to sign up

Silicon Valley is cyborg Jews.

>I fucking date you
N-no Israel-kun!

The Li family owns China and they're one of the 13 families.

What is tik tok?
Sorry I don't waste time much on youtube or any other website except /pol

Hit or miss

u mean jewish suffering? ? ?

I have been watching tik tock, think memes in 30 second clips, I'm not that creative but the viral message potential here is really evident only question is is it controlled?

Its like YouTube before jewgle

not yet but the splc etc is already kvetching

waste some time on google fucking lazy streetshitter

This bitch's fake eyes give me the fucking heebie jeebies

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Maybe spend some more time taking a shit.

At least the data is mined by the Chinese, instead of some fag Jew in Silicon Valley. Just about the only positive I can think of. I'm sick of all the damn liberal/LGBTQIA propaganda on social media here in America!

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china is going to be the NWO's new play toy just like the USA has been once the USA is phased out and gotten rid of

what is Jow Forums for $5000

Ironically, I haven't seen any racist content at all. They are afraid this things going to bite them like pepe.

This but unironically

>At least the data is mined by commie chinese and not jews
user I have news for you

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Do you guys think she will figure out that she's being followed primarily by white nationalists?
>she's already got a wishlist for weird cosplay shit on her Twitter

You think the Jews will beat the communist party in China? They'd have to shill HARD to make that a reality.

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I guess they miss, huh?

Die anglo's_basilisk

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they get more data out of the videos though

>jews and communism isnt the same thing

>American with bad things to say about Angles
Guess how I know you're not white.

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>primarily by white nationalists
you're delusional. the majority of her followers are zoomers, of whom most were introduced by pewdiepie.

unless you are so delusional as to think zoomers are all "based and redpilled".


They'll start a frenzy with concerned parents using the media.

I have deduced the reason behind why and how this video is cursed. For one, this girl is highly attractive and her cosplay is actually good, appealing the eyes of watchers. Her cosplay also reveals her stomach which is very nicely shaped (not to skinny, not fat, not ripped, but a really natural look, it’s intriguing to look at). Her makeup is good as well. It really brings out her eyes and makes her smile a lot more appealing. Secondly, I myself find myself fascinating at the way she moves. It’s very smooth and fun to watch. For example the spin at the start that she stops suddenly and kind of leans foreword then quickly straightens out, it is very well executed and goes along with the beat, making it satisfying to watch. I’m most obsessed with the part however when the song says “you got a boyfriend...” and she is kind of bobbing her way gracefully towards the camera. The way she moves most of her entire body when walking is really satisfying. She even does it to the beat of the song. And if also like to point out her shoulder movements throughout most of the video. They add a lot more energy to her movements.

That's because you weren't there during the gamers vs furries war that took place on Tik Tok between November 10th and December 1st.
Is that ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov?

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On that note, that leads us to my third point: the song and how she utilizes the song to compliment her movement. This song and lyrics itself are not that great, but the woman singing the song sings it well. That however, is not the reason why this matters though. The voice of the actual singer really fits the girl in the video. It not only compliments her cosplay (making it cuter), but also compliments her dancing. As I mentioned earlier, the way she moves is simply satisfying to watch, and part of that is because of how seamlessly and smoothly she move to the song. The spinning at the beginning goes very well with the chorus ending in the background.

What's the connection between the Chinese and the jews?
That site is basically a wiki for reddit cucks and Antifa leftists.

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It's a leaf

You sound like a boomer. Those zoomers are at an inflection point and more of them have been exposed to radicalized material than people your age shitposting about "Great Awakening" memes.

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Post your hand.

You're on a registered offender list, aren't you?

>the uploader of the video literally has a Apartheid South Africa flag as his profile pic
>over seven million views
Fucking based!

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It's a fucking video clip. Get some help, son.

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>shit or piss

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>t. boomer that doesn't want to admit that zoomers are more politically incorrect and edgier than any other generation
Zoomers are becoming the most politically incorrect generation ever due to all the millennials that call everything racist and sexist while saying that there are over a million genders. So explains the popularity of the TRIGGERED meme and Hugh Mungus.

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It’s a mass red pilling tool that the left is trying to over run with furries and lgbt retards.

if there's a cunnypocalypse like there was on earlier this year, they'll have casus belli to come down hard

its a girl, her instagram is nyanyan

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Me thinking this.

Tech left is going to make.a move to control the app..

gen z is degenerate as fuck and its 50% non white
they are just like another generation, they are just anti sjw degenerate normies whoa re still destroying the traditional culture of america

I was worried I was the only one.

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Z will prevail!

What a disturbing young man

Dude, it's a gay dude

The humor on tik tok is surprisingly based. Women being property, race, trannies, you name it theyre making fun of it. Sure theyre data mining but who isnt, at least the chinks dont give a fuck about any of that stuff so nothing is censored. Plus the waifus, my god the waifus. I support everything about it.


>colours and proportions of the flag are all wrong
>camo is completely wrong
>technically a republic since 1970, but except when the intent was to tell Britain to fuck off it was never referred to as "Republic of Rhodesia"
>the single most iconic thing about the Rhodesian military, short shorts, isn't shown in the image
What in the fuck

Damn, she really is only enticing in the video. One trick pony.

>he doesn't realize tik tok is a jewish company

Jews created it apparently.
idk what to believe about CCP and the Jews but if the Jews:
1) Didn't create the CCP
2) Aren't going to play both sides while making us fight
That wouldn't be very Jewy of them.

>Implying it wasn't planned from the beginning
>All according to my plan.Aizenjpg

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Jews are already working on China, they're making halfbreeds ready to infiltrate.

Yep practically Jow Forums is pro-luciferian most of the time, so, we know that in the end God wins anyways lmao.

s/he makes my pee pee hard

As a fellow white man I can not close my eyes for the antisemitism and hate spreading on this platform.

If you endorse the hate speech on TikTok you support Chinese communism!

Lets shut this illegal speech down.


What is tumblr?

yeh exactly Jow Forums is mostly right leaning niggers with massive 9metre cocks, too ashamed of their race and pretend to be white as well 1488 ma nigga

>they are just anti sjw degenerate normies whoa re still destroying the traditional culture of america
>they hold right-wing values but are too lazy to practice them
I'm pretty sure a lot of Jow Forumsacks are like this. Maybe if we get them all to play LA Noire they can see how much better the past was.
I'm sad she didn't have an FN FAL which in my opinion is the most beautiful rifle of all time.
Tik Tok is owned by a Chinese company called ByteDance. I don't know if the chinks are in it with the jews.

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personally as a fellow white man i am 100% agree as im sure all fellow whites are. HH brotha

>i grew up watching Transformers and Thundercats
>kids are watching this shit
Holy fuck, when did all go so wrong?

kikest post of the year

Ok, technocratic shill, enjoy the entropy in your country when these "righteous people" come to power.