What are some based, Jow Forums approved career choices?

I'm a 20 year old unemployed zoomer fag still living at his parents house watching porn and browsing Jow Forums all day. I have two years of college under my belt, but I haven't attended school since spring of last year and don't have my associates degree. Dropped out of the college I was attending because I didn't want to keep spending money when I haven't decided what I was going to do yet.

It's been like 9 months and I still have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. Getting a liberal arts degree in some typical boring ass major after spending boat loads of money I don't have resulting in thousands of dollars in debt is very unappealing to me; not to mention the state of American universities is in the shitter, especially when you're a white guy. After college the odds are pushed against me as well even if I end up with a degree and an education due to diversity quotas and stuff like that when companies are hiring people. They want less of people like me. To be honest I've probably learned more in these past couple months reading about shit on my own compared to my time at college.

I was thinking about maybe pursuing a career as an air traffic controller or joining the military, but I'm really into politics and philosophy. My original major choice was History and the plan was to become a professor at a university somewhere. Boy have I changed lol. My dad thinks I should learn a trade.

Idk guys. What do you think are the best careers out there right now for young, disenfranchised white guys like me? Where do you think I'd be accepted?

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Join military to help Israel

You should devote yourself to the salvation of your people by taking your greatest talents, developing them to their highest potential, and then destroying yourself by speaking the truth to anyone who will listen until they silence you completely. This is the greatest service you can do for your people.

World is going to hell in the next 50 years certainly. If not a full-scale world war, then mass riots, revolutions and bloodbaths in different countries because of demographics change.

Go to military, skills you will get here will be useful in the future.

Oh, I forgot something. Heil Hitler!


This, or a swedish/balgian/uk muslim converter

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That's not the reason I'd join the military, but you're right. It's inevitable really
Though I believe becoming a martyr is very honorable, idk if I'd be up to it let alone have the balls to do so
HH bro, and yeah I think I'd benefit a lot regardless of how things turn out in the future from serving in the military
You guys are out in full force today aren't you

Commit suicide for being a zoomer faggot.

Learn a trade or join the military.

We need more Jow Forumsacks in the military.

I'll floss then hit the dab on you ya stupid boomer fag

>h-hey guise. how should I live my life?!? I want 2 be based and redpilled liek you guise. Please tell me what 2 do I can't make decisions for myself but I wan 2 be based and white lmao xD
I actually cringed, hope this is bait

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Postmodernist Bulgarian archaeologist
The University of Hitler's Master's program in memes
Faggotry, Inc.
Panini assembly

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I need guidance leaf. I'd rather talk to people on Jow Forums about this shit than a college career counselor or something.
Very prestigious user

has it never occurred to you that the majority of Jow Forums is unemployed larpers and that a real man should be self-determined? you're literally asking autists on an anime forum what you should do for the rest of your life. You might as well go work at mcdonalds and see where that takes you

I stopped reading. You sound like the biggest bitch
is your best option

I'm self determined but I just don't know what I'm going to do. I know autists will be autists and larpers are obviously on here as well, but I always tend to come across something that someone posts on here that is worth it.
Thanks for the help fag, I appreciate it

you should be a professional noose tester

I think a professional raker sounds like a better option

Follow the money, nigger

Finish your degree. Get it in the highest paid field that you have the IQ to do. Talk to alums via the school career services to confirm you're not delusional.

Then make 5 white babies


Healthcare (nursing, radiographer, physio, etc)

>5 white babies
Will do nigger
Something in STEM would be interesting, was never really interested in healthcare stuff but it's definitely a hot filed right now because of the boomers beginning to die off