There are millions of women past their wall who'll never get a husband nor have kids

There are millions of women past their wall who'll never get a husband nor have kids.

Will we start to see in five years the final stage of feminism where there will be millions of women past 35 who are now too old to get a husband?

Will there be massive suicides?

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Let's hope so

No. They will continue to be fucked by chads and delude themselves into believing they’re still desirable just because they own a warm hole and there’s always someone drunk enough to fuck them. It will take 20 more years, when they’re physically incapable of attracting any partners. Then they’ll kill themselves.

Who cares?

This is an issue in Colombia? doubt it. I always cringe when I see third world faggots sucking so much American culture, these are also your issues in a country like colombia really?
or you want to be American so bad that you live in a fictional world where their problems are also yours, their culture and memes and and their fights and references are also yours. Get a brain, zombie

Set up a red wine business while you have the chance.

Yes. Yes there will.

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Don't underestimate beta males. You're literally in the kiddie pool of sociology if you think women are to blame for the current circumstances and feminism, and not men.

Yep if they don't get fat and keep their looks they can keep living in delusion well into their 40's. Their mid 40's and early 50's is when they ought to snap out of it.

I’m 35 and my unmarried/childless peers are definitely growing in bitterness and instability.

Agreed. Weak fathers produce feminist daughters and weak sons. I think the materialistic, emotionally absent, permissive boomer dads are to blame for some of what’s happening now. I lucked out meeting my husband when I did. The pickings are slim on both sides.

They will get some thirsty shmuck to impregnate them. Daddy government is there for everything else.Won't happen.
The Japanese are at an advanced state of this and I haven't heard about female suicide

Are there massive suicides among lonely men now? That's as high as female suicide rates can climb.

Just got a message on a dating site today from a 29yo woman asking why I set my preferences to only younger women. Replied that I want to have lots of kids.

Awaiting salt.

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>I lucked out meeting my husband when I did.
That's gay, bro. Post penis.
I have read another article that white male suicides are way way higher (can't find it now) and the reason it's only 30% is because shitskins are used to live in miserie and filth.

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Isiah 4:1in the Old Testament speaks of a time Men become so rare women are begging for polyamorous marriages.

On that day seven women
will take hold of one man and say,
“We will eat our own bread
and provide our own clothes.
Just let us be called by your name.
Take away our disgrace!”

I believe polygamy is the final end game of feminism. The betas are either all killed and castrated and women get to share a chad just like they always wanted.

>The betas are either all killed and castrated and women get to share a chad just like they always wanted.
Thats not even bad.
Fuck betas, they bring bad offspring.

What the fuck are you talking about retard

I've never really been religious but I've finally gotten around to reading the Bible. There is some crazy shit in their if your not retarded and can apply the stories to modern day society.

Lap of you have watched "Mouse Utopia" the "beautiful ones" are NEETS and Betas.

My family could use one for a live in maid but only if she has nude titties

Good times ahead.
Imagine having multiple chicks begging for your cock because good men get rare.

Believe it or not but working a 9 to 5 job isn't exactly "empowering." Of course, certain people cannot stand kids and won't have any which is fine really. But the problem lies when they start indoctrinating young woman into destroying the family unit (kids bad) and other degenerate, self-destructive spoon fed lies.

Basically, destroy everything that made you unique (Communists used this tactic so that you will having nothing else besides the communist party)

partying might sound like fun but it will ultimately bring you nothing of value.

Drinking and further drug use will cause even more pain and misery which will lead to hookup sex, yet again, they will feel nothing. But what they fail to realize that this lifestyle doesn't give them any other alternatives because any other thing is considered wrong or "lesser." Most fail to realize this and soon it will be too late.

Can't say this is entirely good, it feeds people a fantasy, much like the communist party.

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