Vape store clerk triggered by Trump supporter


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Did that nigga just say nigger and the. Say "you're a racist"? Kek

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I'm sure this isn't a viral marketing hoax at all.

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>this level of autism

can you please stop shilling this boomer tier cringe? Thanks faggot.

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"Do my bidding"

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>no name ghost
ghost, like the world has never seen

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We get it, you vape

ill take the 500ml vapor juice with the vanilla flavor handcrafted by xtreme vape
me? no i dont hate niggers at all. i am a grown man wearing not only a trump shirt, but also a trump hat

for gods sake

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BASED you watched utopia bro?


This is so good, the part were the basedboy was yelling and CLAPPING had me in tears. That's the twitter thing they do with the clapping emoji between words, no? Absolutely unreal.

>mfw the entire time

I am so happy Trump won and that I helped him in some infinitesimal way by doing my part on Jow Forums. US anons are blessed with such a President, I am seriously envious.

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By the way there was a second video in the next store


Also, the cuck got fired, top fucking kek.

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you too! That makes three of us in N.A.

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so god damned funny let's make this libfuck kill himself please
we owe then some


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why are leftists like this?

NPC malfunctions often result in a high pitched feminine reeeee sound

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hell yeah, one of my favourite shows it destroyed me when it was cancelled

Not selling cakes is bad tho

>Capitalism wins again
>Do my bidding, fuckboy

Lol. That guys a champ

>still no name
I'm telling you, he's fucking Mossad level ghost material. I'm fucking out. All my posts are satire and I'm willing to forget.

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Same, then they canceled the American version. I fear it was too close to the truth. Not kidding.
>fertility rate drops

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oh no american versions of uk shows are the worst so not all is bad then

Legendary video, and just a day after the GameSpot tranny lolfest.


A ginger with a muslim beard, what do you think he thinks about now?

I didn't have high hopes, but the UK cancellation and death of the American version was fishy AF.

People absolutely shat their pants over the false flag school shooting scene, bigtime.

He forgot it was real life and he wasn’t responding to a trump tweet

Another brainwashed by Jewish propaganda

alright its time for a rewatch for me, i didnt even think about the fishiness of the cancellation

not dead yet I guess. But will be shit:
"After HBO seems to have lost rights to the project, Amazon ordered a nine-episode first season directly on April 19, 2018, with Flynn said to adapt the project from the original.[59]"

>ring it up fuckwad
>do my bidding!
holy shit, lost it.

kek. I re-watch every couple years. It was more than just a show. Seemed to suffer the same demise as GOOD True Detective

i'm gonna start tonight thanks based user


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>everything is a hoax or a false flag

I like you schizos for the most part but your disillusion with reality can be annoying

>disillusion with reality
word have meanings, user

nice find OP


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It was a good week

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Some things are too stupid to believe,user.

I know everyone will say 'LOL BASED BLACK GUY" but I really do love seeing black guys in MAGA hats.

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Amazing edit

Both of these guys are retards. Also pretty cringe to unironicaly trigg3r the libz epic style with your obnoxious t shirt. The clerk clearly has aspergers.

ABL is legit, I have been following him since he had 1k subs. He is the most reasonable black dude you can find, not a try hard meme like the Tommy Sotomayor faggot.

stop saying cringe, meme flagging, and spelling words with letters

Looks like his job just went up in smoke

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do they sell s-y vap,

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Ginger hunt is on, lets find this fucker.

I love Trump, but as soon as I mention that I don't have a problem with blacks, Jews, or gays, I get shit on hardcore.

Wow, he got that casher to rage quit

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yeah cuz trump doesnt have any haters or anything

He looks like he consumes a lot of onions

Why did that guy have to antagonize the clerk? Why couldn't he have just gone to another vape store? The clerk told him politely to leave in the beginning and likely before recording.

Everyone knows you retarded shills hate looking in the mirror, but take a look, faggot. Soak it in.

Ginger snapped is his nickname

man i swear i had a version that snuck sam hyde in there for the keks

Feels fake.

Very real.

Every single fucking president has, you hooked nosed bastard.


Remember to spread this around, Anons.
Do your part.

Well, you usually get the most reactionary types triggered by such opinions, so you get their reactions. Don't forget you have a bunch of people from around the world with all kinds of ideologies on Jow Forums that are bound by patriotism/nationalism, unironically true diversity, the best out of everyone, but keeping your identity unique.

Most of Jow Forums are libertarian and classical liberal, you have civic nationalists, you have /x/ fags, neo-nazis ironic and unironic, simple conservatives, etc. What encompasses us all is the desire to be left alone and not mixed with a bunch of others forcefully. Live and let live.

I wouldn't give a fuck about muslims, jews, fags, etc. if they stayed in their countries and in case of the fags and trannies did not push their agenda on me forcefully. If the sand niggers would stay in their shitholes and not try to conquer mine I'd be happy to let them slaughter each other from now until forever.

Still not funny

His future vaporized in a minute, or something

it part of a cult hive mentality, just like bee they attack anything not part of the hive, or has potential to do harm to the hive

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>hate looking in the mirror,
Are you calling me a fucking Dracula?
at least she didn't call me a vaper

>not having a problem with h***sexuals
Unbelievable. Pic related.

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My favorite part is right at 3minutes. He screeches so much he runs out of breath mid screeh at stops as hes texting.

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It’s funny how brainless people can be.

apples and oranges
the baker sold them common items all the time, they just refused to make a special order for the faggots or cater their event, and they got sued,

GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hitler was a jew and the earth is a cube.

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I honestly thank God every day that I wasn't born a filthy frenchmen.
Just gross

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Feels like a normal day in 'muricah to me.

ABL is the goddamned man, man.

f & g

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Closet fag...


Wow that makes me really upset and sad to read this, oh gee I wonder how I will ever recover.

What's the rope for?

> screaming reddit vs aryan Jow Forums master race.

>still no name
ghost fucking master agent

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>I wouldn't give a fuck about muslims, jews, fags, etc. if they stayed in their countries and in case of the fags and trannies did not push their agenda on me forcefully. If the sand niggers would stay in their shitholes and not try to conquer mine I'd be happy to let them slaughter each other from now until forever.

Well yeah me too.

You seem to be the shill here, memeflag.

They scrubbed themselves off the web

Im 99% sure ge calls the guy nigger at around 0:37.

BIG if true

I love how calm they get for a second when he's pointing out what he wants on the shelf.
>"What stuff? Where is it?"
>"Oh, it's right there."

his name is neil, you can find this on the reviews of the store

this isnt the first time hes done this, might be spelled neil i dunno

Still. Jow Forums found a flag using star telemetry, flight trackers, and frog noises

Smoke a cigarette and riot about having a gay president some more.

Let me ask you this; why are you typing in English right now.

100 years war


Would of loved it if he said "Sir, I just want to Make America Great Again."

>kneel, kek
I want to believe