Russia is going to annex Belarus, soon

Russia is going to annex Belarus, soon...

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literally who? meme of a country anyway

You mean Anschluss.


Isn't it basically Russian anyway?

>inb4 Western Europe starts praising Lukashenko

Why can't they focus on claiming the mudshit countries below them? That is why I hate Russia and Orthodoxy, they are too close to Muzzies.
>hurr derr let us invade christians and assimilate them to our culture
>herr derr muslims are part of our culture come home brown man!

not surprised if true, Belarus has always considered themselves russian, in fact they are literally called "little russia"

It will, soon

Something important will happen on 31.12

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at least the might get us some land...

Ukraine poster under german proxy.


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>Something important will happen on 31.12

I hear that a bunch of people are going to gather in various city centers around 11pm on 12/31, and that there will be a ball dropping in some of those places

No they’re called white rus, you fucking American idiot

Russia already controls BelaRUSE. There are no borders and citizens of both countries are free to move around, work and live in either country.
And Lukashenko is pushing for even more integration because he wants that Russian money and cheap natural gas.

Nothing of value will be lost. Frankly, Europe could do with less tiny balkanized ethnostates.

Next please:
>Austria can into Germany
>Walloon can into France
>Flanders cab into Netherlands
>Ukraine can into Russia
>Luxembourg can into Germany
>Moldavia can into Romania
>Portugal can into Spain
>Montengro can into Serbia
>Kosovo can into Albania
>Just fucking nuke Switzerland


Portugal is probably the only one on that list with a legitimate claim for having their own country, nice job. I suppose you could argue Ukraine as the successor state to Kievan Rus, but that's not a great argument to separate them nationally or culturally from Russia. Don't know enough about Montenegro to know though.

shouldn't you be out buying an $80 pack of bologna before it's $200?

Sorry to double post, but why do you guys want kosovo back in the first place when its filled with shitskin mudslimes? Not like it's viable to purge them

Belarus is going to annex Russia

>hide post

Montenegro is so culturally and ethnically similar to their Serbian brethren the blebescite on independence only just edged out the 50% threshold needes to seperate. I'm actually gonna say Slovena should rejoin Czechia too. Their plebiscite actually went in favour of remaining in union but the power-hungry politicians hammered it thru anyway.

Portugal is tricky but the world Spain literally refered to the entire peninsula until the Portuguese sperged out of joining their Castello-Aragonese brothers in union. Ethnically they have slightly more Celtic rather than Greco-Roman DNA.

country shouldn't exist anyway. just hope poland gets a share.

Looks like a Jew rubbing hands
It's the fall of Russia

so anons hate both Belarus and Ukraine? why so much hate for either. whether you want to argue the ethnicity of Ukrainians, belarusians are definitively their own ethnicity.

just bantering. don't know much about belarussia

I'd say Portugal has a solid claim to independence fro Spain due to their separate, if very similar, languages and their existence as a relatively successful global "empire" for a couple hundred years. Wasn't aware of the celtic blood, but it makes sense. I see portual and spain like ireland and enland more less, they're inextricably linked historically and culturally, but maintain a solid distinction and therefore, warrant indepedence.

Was their flag made in minecraft?


Based cause minecraft is the official game of white supremacists

wouldnt be suprised, no one cares about them tho

It was part of Poland and Lithuania for 600 years

They have no need to. Belarus is a close ally.

Nimetsky always mumbles unintelligible garbage.

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there's not a single reason for it unless if Batka dies mysteriously and pro-CIA revolution happens then Russia moves in to defend their essential assets

The western part should be given to Lithuania and perhaps Poland

Lukashenko will go live, take a potato chip... AND EAT IT.

Why are you hiding in bongistan if you love your pidorashka so much, my dear vatnik friend?

Based Putin connects Kaliningrad with other Russia
Prepare your anus Lithuania

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Who gets to annex that piece of shitty carpet in the west?

Belarus has wanted to be part of Russia since the literal start of the country; they still act like they're part of Russia. It wouldn't be an annexation it would be a reunion of brothers. Though Belarus is out of all the former Soviet Union the one country to maintain the most of it's Republic's identity down to maintaining the Soviet Republic leaders, Coat of Arms, and Flag.

The absolute state of Londonstan.
Part and Parcel indeed.

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кaклaтня пpoкcявaя, ты бeги в кapпaты, пocлe 2020 бyдeм твoю cвинoфepмy 404 мeждy вeнгpaми и пoлякaми дeлить.

Same reason Shekel is buttblasted about losing UK to Brexit, The European Jewnion is losing a lot of Paki rape gangs and that hurts the liberal virtue signalling machine.

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Which basically means west russia in this context, retard.

>I'm actually gonna say Slovena should rejoin Czechia too.
Are you fucking retarded or did you mean Slovenia


>Belarus has wanted to be part of Russia since the literal start of the country; they still act like they're part of Russia.
No they fucking didn’t. They’re not even a real country and Belarus is Polish clay stolen by Russians

Why would they do that? Lukashenko's system is more repressive than Putin's and he's generally friendly to Russia. It would serve no purpose. Any disputes they may be having can be worked out.