Why are so many pornstars Jewish?

Ok, as in the title, why is it that so many top pornstars are Jewish?
I know kikes are trying to subvert the West and make us all degenerate, but supposing for a second that's not the case, why the fuck are so many of them in the porn industry?
I just discovered that Riley Reid and James Deen (the former having starred in many interracial porns and the latter having openly advocated for it, even complaining about women not wanting to shoot with niggers or asking additional money for it), how is that possible?
I try to take Jow Forums's theories with a bit of salt, but this shit is seriously strange.

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Other urls found in this thread:


they are vulgar cultureless quote unquote people

>implying jewish community is not patriarchy
>implying jewish leaders consider women as something of their own
>implying they differentiate between women of one race vs another race

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apart from the orthodox jews, modern day jews are just atheists, and they have no morals

Yeah, that's a fair point poo, and I have nothing to counter it, but I was asking this question in an hypothetical vacuum of non-jewish subversion, meaning why would they star in porn so much if not to subvert?

I guess that' one explanation; they're simply degenerate and unchaste by nature.

Yeah, but in sheer quantity there should still be way more atheist white people than kikes, so why is that not reflected in porn?
Even supposing there are more atheists amongst them (which I think is true), in total they should still be less than whites.

>why is it that so many top pornstars are Jewish?

Why is the highest amount of porn downloaded from the Middle East?

Why are so many fucked up white girls, porn stars?

Go back to fucking school and learn about perspective before you try to subvert reality with your bias you fucking creep.

wait Riley Reid is jewish? She doesn’t look jewish at all

we got one mi lord

What you should really be asking yourself is that if Jews own the majority of porn companies, why do they still give away porn for free?

Attention whoring (and regular whoring).

I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say, aussie.
Take that Emu cock out of your mouth and speak clearly.

because Judaism isn't anti sex

Cause white people dont want to take responsibility for the degeneracy theyve created and spread around the world, instead they want to pretend its them evil joos responsible for the whole thing.

Liberal degeneracy started out in the west by whites, not by jews.

Whites are the main cause of all this shit and are the original parasites. This is the real redpill.

Im not white or jewish btw, but Iranian and im saying this from a non-biased lense.

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Yeah, that came as a surprise to me too, which is what prompted me to make this thread.
I basically had the thought of
>Jow Forums says most pornstars are jewish
>what pornstar do I know well?
>Riley Reid
>Hmm, I really don’t think she’s Jewish, she doesn’t look it at all
>Normal Anglo surname
>No way she’s Jewish
>Wait, where is she from?
>Isn’t that like the US’s Israel?
>Oh well, let’s have a look
>Holy shit, Jow Forums was right again
>Just fuck my shit up.jpg

To be fair since both the original comment on Reddit and the Instagram pic have been deleted the proof is circumstantial, but from it I think you can take a pretty good guess that yes, she’s indeed a kike.

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^he's a jew

wow, that whore can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

Because jewish mothers basically rape their babies (especially young boys) to teach them sexuality at a very young age. This is a jewish cultural thing that is taught in the Talmud. I'm not even kidding, jewish mothers jerk off their babies.

This also explains why jews are over-represented among pedophiles and sex offenders.

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They subconsciously do it - it is part of their nature

porn is art, degenerate art, but still art. it's like collecting pogs.

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>but supposing for a second that's not the case,
It is the case, and fishing for some better explanation will leave you empty-handed, as you've already noticed.
Jews are the original degenerates. It is no coincidence there are stories of their hedonism going back two millennia. In Weimar Germany they were trying to normalize the same revolting shit they are today. Jews want to normalize hedonism so that they stop being persecuted for it. So they can embrace it in public and profit off of it. All the jewish psychology about this being "normal" stems from jews projecting their own shortcomings on the rest of the human species. They want to believe everyone is as awful as they are.

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Yeah, I'm aware of that and I don't fully disagree, it's just that I always try to think of every possibility for all the strange things being discussed here and I'm pretty good at finding an alternate explanation for even the most obvious kike or nigger stuff (you may think that's stupid, but it's pretty useful in discussions with normies to hide your power level and only show glimpses for them to analyze on their own. What's more it gives one a good idea of how kikes play their cards to conceal their subversion.)
I just felt I had to open this thread because the only explanation with which I could come out in this circumstance is "Jews are naturally more degenerate and more prone to living disordered lives”, which could be right and ties in with some other characteristics they have, but at the same time it felt wrong, I just thought it to be too “thin”.

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yeah they just collect std's
same thing

Riley reids non nigger porn is good tho

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You're asking why jews are over-represented in a financially rewarding activity that takes no talent?

Their women are whores, if they weren’t jews would be extinct by now. Matrilineal heritage.

jews deserve only to eat nigger dick though

Porn capital of the world is San Fernando Valley (Los Angeles). I happen to live there.

Lots of jews around here.

That's probably why there are so many jews in porn.

Jews celebrate sex rather than look at it as degenerate

I know they are just sluts, but Jewish women are so hot. Imagine if they were wholesome? I don't think my heart could take it

>I'm not white

>I'm not jewish

>Still admits to being a Semite

I totally think you are 100% Kike BTW.

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its probably the other way around

not porn was there 1st and jews happen to be there, so there are jews in porn
but jews make porn, and jews live there, so you happen to see a lot of jews on the place they make porn

that is as much a myth as the black cock shit

most jew women are disgusting as fuck, the ones that make into porn or hollywood are the exceptions, not the rule

>Kikes are not actually kikes
Had you read what I wrote you'd have realized that Jews not being evil masterminds was the whole premise of my question; I was asking why, supposing no intent for subversion on their part, are jews so incredibly over-represented in the porn industry?

But not Riley, I wish I could have that qt for myself.

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Fair point, leaf. Duly noted.

Brazil ok, I don't want to hear anything from you

filter me out then faggot

She must have swallowed her body weight in nigger cum by now

That's actually a really good explanation.
Since one can only be Jewish through their mother it definitely makes sense that in modern people come from that line sluttiness would have been selected for. Thanks fren.

Happy Hanukkah !

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I‘d still take her

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Yeah you're never losing your virginity ever

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Most US pornstars are not from LA though, they were often born in different cities and only later transferred to LA (Riley Reid is a good example)
Then again it could be that the high concentration of Jews makes even those born in other cities more willing to transfer, so I'll keep that in mind.
As the user who answered to you pointed out though, there's still the egg and the chicken problem, so who knows.

okay here you go :)

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don‘t even care
at least I have gigabytes of Riley Reid porn

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Riley is such a filthy whore, love it how she absolutely doesnt give a fuck

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>love it how she absolutely doesnt give a fuck

she's getting paid retard

I only partially agree with you. Some of them do look enticing, but at the same time I find them somewhat weird, especially their nose. I don't find it explicitly ugly (expect for those with the cartoonish kike nose), but I feel like even though it's nice something is wrong.
It may have something to do with them being genetically close to me (I'm from southern Italy, technically the closest group to the Akshenazis) I also notice that many people here have noses somewhat reminiscent of the jewish ones, though they tend to be more aquiline, less pronounced and not as pointed downward.

its not only about the money for her
porn is a passion for this woman and she enjoys it.
probably that is why she is so popular

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women without dignity need to be sent to alaskan gulags

Going to be great when she's hanging from a lamppost outside the Captiol steps.

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> A kraut being a degenerate
Imagine my shock.
Really though, is it just me or are krauts getting worse lately?
They've always been kind of cucked, but in the past I used to meet a few based one.
I swear nowadays they're worse than leafs.
Is Merkel secretly arresting all right-wingers or has the brainwashing in your TVs improved?

Gotta hand it to the jews on one thing. The same degeneracy they impose on others they practice far worse themselves. They are the most degenerate mother fuckers on the planet. Worse than niggers if that's even possible.

The real question is, how do i get a tatted up, fun loving jewess gf as a black hotep?

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Arizona is a fucking porn whore breeding ground. Arizona State is full of a certain type of blonde hoe.

Because Shlomettes are hot

t. Lost virginity to one

Riley is the whore of Babylon

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So retarded?

Lol jew

What the fuck? Source?

Wait how does any of that prove she’s jewish?

>top pornstars are Jewish
Crap, is this true? I thought it was all white women whoring out. A surprise whitepill, to be sure, but a welcome one.

I want to believe you're a proxy

There's always the chance he's not actually a kraut. Like that """""estonian""""" spamming negresses

OP, and everyone else, you are a retard-tier dupe if you think ALL jews are sneaky, conspiratorial backstabbers. The level of gullibility around here is staggering

>Riley Reid

S-She's jewish!!!?

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Oh god. Another dunce comment.
They give some of it away to get people to buy the full scene, full movie, or good stuff. You really can’t grasp that?

Birds don’t have penises you stupid pastanigger.

On the Twitter she posted about magnets on her fridge with hashtag #jewish, meaning they were probably Jewish symbols or maybe magnets from travelling to Israel.
In the Reddit post we don’t have the original message, but clearly it had to do with her being Jewish and people saying it was offensive for a user to refer to her as kike.
As I said it’s circumstantial, but when you add the fact that she’s from Florida (one of the states with the most Jews) and a top pornstar, there’s a very good chance she is.

That doesn’t make sense. Nobody watches porn because they’re invested in the story, and even if they did most full scenes are free. The only people directly charging money these days are cam girls who are largely white

That’s my point, none of that in any way proves she’s jewish. Lmao she used the hashtag #jewish literally one time and once somebody called her a like on reddit maybe, and that’s your evidence? Meanwhile she in no way looks jewish in the slightest. Holy shit you people are fucking looney tunes

Can you not read, nigger?

Can I also be in the section of that gulag?

I‘d hide her in my attic if you know what I‘m sayin

Whats so bad about this?
I just happen to enjoy this kind of content.
In my real life I‘m not a degenerate actually a touchless virgin who never saw a tit IRL.

I‘m not a proxy tho
Legit German

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Jews were rounded up in Germany because they were degenerate.

>What is a joke
user, I know we're supposed to be autistic, but let's contain ourselves.

Also, I just realized my ID is fluctuating, so for anyone wondering I'm both the AZ ID and the R2 ID (and the only pastanigger in the thread for now).

Because Sabbateanism teaches that sin is a good thing.

I did admit it's circumstantial, but as far as I'm concerned it makes it likely.
Your doubts are reasonable though, so I can write her off as non-jewish if you want: my question still stands.

Yeah this. You can tell when one of these women are jewish in most cases and they almost always are uglier in the face compared to the prettier white women. One of the few jewish girls that used to look hot before she became an ugly junkie was Jennifer White.

And a very happy hannuka to you too

>IRL I'm not a degenerate
>Actually a touchless virgin
Come on, kraut. From your admiration for a shitty pornstar we both know that's not by choice.

Lmao from her Wikipedia page. Your original question still stands? What that most porn stars are jewish? They’re not. They’re mostly white.

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I don't subscribe to the idea that even bodily functions are "art". If everything is art, then art becomes a meaningless term. And that is precisely the intent behind making everything "art", to destroy the uniqueness of beauty - and thus, beauty itself.

Every black man is entitled to as many Jewish women as he wants.


I never asked a question you are thinking of some other user.

So why does it matter then?
Real life actions count more than what you do anonymously on the internet.

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Sorry, I meant to reply to OP

>Using Wikipedia to confirm something
Check the source for the claims on her ethnicity, fren.

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Having been told they're the Chosen People in Talmudic tradition, they think they get to sin however they want and still go to Heaven.
Never caught the memo that to be Chosen, you must now be with Jesus.
Also Judaism's a matriarchy, believe it or not. You can fuck with any yokel but the woman is holier than her menorah.
Look at some of those kikes, you think a porn director casted them? Those Jewish pornstars pulled strings and demanded they got to be (((popular))) through a (((PornHub))) video or else the big girl would say bad things about the director to the powerful money pump at MindGeek.

>Check the source for the claims on her ethnicity, fren.
She said it herself on her website? What’s your point? Also most pornstars are white

I believe this is the redpill you're hinting towards.

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Check the website and see if you can find it. I couldn't.

Jews push degeneracy on others, but they also love to take part in it themselves. It's an intrinsic trait to the jewish psyche, for whatever reason. They're like hogs who like to roll around in their own shit. They're most comfortable this way.