I have a weird situation, Jow Forums

I have a weird situation, Jow Forums...

So I'm 19, I've got a 17 year old gf. All's going well. She looks at me as if she is addicted to me or something.

She's apparently a virgin, she's really religious and goes to church practically every week.

My problem are her clothes. She dresses in a really revealing way and it honestly makes me kind of doubt it all, since I don't really find her clothes appropriate. I think it's honestly funny that she claims that she's non slutty etc but I have doubts because of her clothes.

I'm a virgin too btw.

What do?

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As her future husband, order her to dress decently.

You liked the clothes when she wasn't your gf. You're just insecure. Please don't ruin your cute new relationship over something as dumb as this. You sound like my first bf- a sexless faggot

I thought of doing so but honestly isn't it too early?

We've been dating in January-March but I broke it off because I was in a terrible place mentally. Now again as of a week.

Not really, it looked sexy but I prefer women with class and a sense of self-respect.

Ugh, just break up with her and save her the grief. You don't get with someone trying to change and control them, especially in a teen romance. You sound insufferable. Hope she gives her virginity to somebody else

Lol fag

The op definitely sounds like one, what kind of teenage boy wants his gf to COVER UP? He's got mental and/or hormone problems

Shut the fuck up mongo before your driveway is dug up bye the irish travlers

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>Shut the fuck up mongo before your driveway is dug up bye the irish travlers
Stupid Irish fag can't use 4chins lol

You sound like an insufferable cunt desu . stop working on. Joining the seminary and enjoy her or fucking leave her and enjoy fucking young boys when you get your church placement after ceminary school

I don't want everyone to see her like that.

Fucking moron, piss off. It annoys me that she dresses that way for all people to see.

What does she even put on that annoys you so much? It's summer and she's a teen

Guys with insecurities like you are the reason why pic related exists

Get over yourself

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Tank top which basically shows her whole tits. Leggins

My friend met her yesterday, first thing he said to her was about her tits.

Dude it didn't cause you problems at the start why on earth is it grinding at you now ? I guess you could buy her some nice dresses or something classy ..... Your very very young is all I'm saying sex is bizzarly over thought through at your age . and slutyness and sexuality seams more wurying and your sence of trust is retarded untk you gain a bit more perspective and experience or character and reading ....

>lets his friend talk to his gf like that
So you're a cuck AND a faggot. Maybe she secretly wants someone to take her away

Well it didn't bother me since we weren't going out.

Sorry, made a typo. After we were going home in the car(we live in a different place than my gf) he told me then that she had nice tits.

Until you set all things right and gave her an engagement ring, you can't demand changes, son.
All you can do now is ask either her personally or the priest to influence her.
So this time the whore (see above) is right...

Post pics so we can judge if it's actually slutty or if you're just a prude.

Roastie detected

Tank top and leggins.
Won't post her pics.

Really can't change her now?

Thanks mate

Alright, you're a prude.

OP Just be honest with her and communicate with her to find a middle ground here. How important are the way she dresses for her? Maybe she isn't even aware of it, or she just is a massive flirt and likes to show herself off like that. How important is it for you? Is she willing to meet ya halfway, be happy. If not, then ask yourself just HOW IMPORTANT it is to you that she's pretty much on display all the time?

For a good relationship you need to communicate with your partner about what is on your mind. Good luck OP.

Well, no.
She has rather big tits as well so it kind of looks revealing. I guess it would look differently and less revealing if she was a plank, but she's not.

I guess talkinf to her is the most important thing.
I guess she dresses the way she does subconsciously. We'll have a chat about it.


How long have you been together?

January-March 2018, and as of a week or so we're back together.

And no sex? Hope you enjoy having a sexless relationship.

Well, I hope to get some in the future.
I'm currently a long way away from her right now and I will be even further away in the future.
I'm not sure if she wants to, I don't want her to think of me as someone who only wants to shag her.


No "bumps" before marriage!

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Who put you on this planet

So tell her that you think she should consider dressing more modestly, and mention that the first thing your friend noticed was her tits hanging out, and not her face.

Yea, I don't think I should marry.
I didn't feel them butterflies when we kissed or too big of a sense of being in love, if you know what I mean.

I never felt that honestly.
Guess that's what needs to be done.

don't say anything for now.
save money
use her religion against her and say you want to take a missionary trip to Saudi Arabia to convert all the heathen's
arrive in Saudi Arabia at your pre leased appartment ( just tell her the church set it up )
take her passport when she is in the shitter or hole in the ground, whatever fine accommodations are available
hide passport under pile of sand, or in ass of the goat
now you dont have to worry about her looking like a slut AS LONG AS SHE IN INDOORS
other than that tell her skanky ass she better be in a burka
also exsplane that women cant leave without being acompined by men
exsplane if she plays ball and does whatever you want you might take her out and get her an ice-cream
if she acts like a bitch, simply shut the AC off for a few hours

Cool mate


>tank top
So basically the comfy look. Get her some comfy clothing that shows off less, but is also cute, take her to a store and buy her some stuff

Thanks very much

Just fuk her bro. Nut up or she'll find an alpha.

I know... Problem is I'll be more than a 1000km away starting on the first of August.

Damn bro. You gotta get off your computer and bang her now. Time is fleeting. Youll regret it if u dont at least try. Mark my words brah

Thanks very much mate.

I've got seriously problems right now. In august I'm off to uni, now I'm visiting family 700km away. Fucking christ.

I wish you luck. And may the sex gods be with you.

Thanks mate


Okay lady

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I don't know, he makes it sound like he distrusts the Irish.

Might be an English fuckboi


Or a ex-syrian, now British, kebab


One more thing.
I used to chat with her all the time. Back in January-March she'd reply practically instantly, now it kind of takes some time. For example I asked her a question now, it's been about 15 minutes and she had seen the message, but hadn't replied. She says she's got a lot of chores and shit. Any thoughts on that?

To add to that. She's online and doesn't reply. Do I ask her if she's there? Or what?

I realised she has quite a few male friends. Like more than than usual I guess. Is that a problem? Thanks

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fucken walk and never look back my guy, those are some red flags right there

Care to explain?
I kind of see she has many beta orbiters




Dumb broad the post.
