Medgate Thread 3

previous OP got suspended from UVA school of medicine for a micro aggression talk: more details on his twitter @kieranravib

he speaks from 28:45 to 34:00 here:

here is audio of the hearing in which i was suspended:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

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HERE are the websites to contact!!!!!! (contact email at bottom right corner) (email is in the page)

If you don't know what to write, then just copy and paste the following and send it:

Indian medical student kicked out of college by racist white professors for questioning their SJW beliefs

Kieran Ravi Bhattacharya was a medical student at the University of Virginia and he has been kicked out after having questioned his white college professor's SJW beliefs.

Here is the audio of the lecture where he questioned his professor's SJW beliefs:

He speaks from 28:45 to 34:00

Here is the audio of the suspension hearing:

Here is a picture of the people who were at the suspension hearing:

Notice how 14 out of the 16 people at that suspension hearing are white people. If this is not an act of racism against a sincere indian medical student, then I don't know what is. Look at their smug arrogant faces as they kick him out for DARING to question their SJW beliefs.

His twitter handle is kieranravib if you want to ask him questions or set up an interview with him

(the hearing)

>being kicked out of med school for being unprofessional
>continue to act unprofessional and reeeee out of control
And this is only what we have on speaker. Imagine all the shit this pajeet must have said behind closed doors. I can only wonder why people were concerned

You are fucking yourself over again. If they find out you posted in Jow Forums you are dead

Shills are out in force

You sound like an entitled cunt, if you wanna change things work your way up to the top and make change from there. You don't do this as a snobby entitled second year med student. Sure you have to hear shit you don't agree with but there is a time and a place. Lesson is, pick your battles...

They were actually ultimately pretty clear in the hearing that he was there for refusing to comply with their "recommendation" to receive a psychological evaluation after he asked a microaggressions speaker questions she didn't like, during the QA for her public speech.

So basically his refusal to comply with their illegal order was used as evidence that he must have been "aggressive" during the question he asked a public speaker in a normal if critical tone of voice during while that speaker was fielding questions during an open QA.

In turn, his demand that they cite an actual reason to kick him out of school was treated as evidence that his refusal to comply with the illegal order was also "aggressive" and reflects poorly on his temperament.

This is called "circular retard logic."

> "I think a hearing should involve things like evidence and actual documentation as opposed to being a loosely structured roast subjectively evaluating the tone of voice someone asked a question in."

> "You need to work your way to the top before suggesting these radical reforms."

hell yea good work anons. But we gotta keep pushing until this hits Tucker, FOX, Daily Stormer, etc.

who cares. Stop being a pussy, you faggot

wrong. When the communists took over, they used a ground-level revolution to over throw the government. They didn't "wait until they got into a position of power from the INSIDE and THEN changed things".

You are a shill.

>When the communists took over, they used a ground-level revolution to over throw the government

wow, so if you disagree with the SJWs and feminists, you now should be forced to get your brain fucked by a psychiatrist.

I am so goddamn angry right now.

When are you goddamn pussies gonna FIGHT BACK????

Most of you losers can't even bother to send this story to the above listed news sites: Anyone who refuses to do even that much, should just fucking kill themselves. There's too many lazy, weak, apathetic pussies on Jow Forums

1917 communist revolution in russia, you fucking retard

>when user comes out of his room on thanksgiving

MD here - start contacting other medical schools if you want to do something about it.

Once medical schools start hearing that people don't like something what they really don't want is other medical schools also hear about it.

That's how I got people fired at my medical school.

>1917 communist revolution in russia, you fucking retard
how'd they do it?

I don't understand, why do they care if other medical schools hear about it? Embarrassment or some other, more tangible reason?

Roll your thesis adviser

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They purge their own ranks and programs of the same. Med schools are quite competitive with one another

Canadian neurologist from previous thread. Taking questions. This guy has a lot of work to do before he ever completes his MD and that's probably the right thing.

It's kinda funny actually because they are forgetting to start blacked threads.

notice how it's all women and OLD white men?

This is more proof that white baby boomer MEN are doing everything they can to disenfranchise young men from society.

God help these boomers when they end up in retirement homes and get the living shit abused out of them. White boomer men are TRAITORS to young men of all races.

Because they're a bunch of insular insecure sheltered assholes that's why. The most important thing to them is that their name is on journal articles in the New England Journal of Medicine and related. Start embarrassing them in front of their colleagues and they will fold.

>Did anyone pick up on this absolute Chad in the anecdote which apparently resulted in the female physician nearly having a mental breakdown? The dude makes a simple joke and calls her a nurse and tells her he was only joking and she's losing her shit, holy kek
Okay guys, I just sampled this for you, so listen to it:

This is a female physician. Listen to her passive aggressiveness and rationalizations and perceptions of the entire situation... holy fucking shit.

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rollin for handrubber

Yes, trying to brigade on Jow Forums is a perfectly sensible maneuver with no possible negative ramifications. Proceed.

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nope u got 0

not fooling anyone LLcoolJ, we know it's you

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They hate it because they can't code.
Only good boomers are in high level programming position. Bob Martin for example.

Indeed ;-)

I want big bertha

What did he say that was so micro aggressive that he had to be purged from campus?
Please tell me that is actually the committee that axed him. Almost like a USSR commissariat but with Faggots, dweebs, feminists, and landwhales. Truly a joke in the flesh.

>its a good thing to succumb to irrational and dangerous dogma for patient care

The absolute state of canadian neurologists

He obviously doesn't care about being a doctor, he'd rather try to get some small degree of fame for being a victim of PC culture.

It's not a freedom of speech issue. He did not display the decorum required of medical students. He tarded out.

As a neurologist: Fucking THIS

> actually the real reason he should be kicked out is um.. um..

don't you mean as a DUI recipient? Did you care about decorum when you sped down the highway with BAC of .15%?

>What did he say that was so micro aggressive that he had to be purged from campus?

He was probably sperging out alt-right memes thinking that he was on Jow Forums or something hoping to get posted in a LIBERALS DESTROYED compilation.

>display the decorum

I have yet to see a single person who takes this perspective proceed to explain WHAT THEY ARE FUCKING TALKING ABOUT.

This student’s behavior is nothing compared to receiving a DUI.

Its meaningless. Don't worry he's full of shit and an apologist for ivory tower know nothings to make up for his own failings. He doesn't have the character to be a good physician on his own volition so he acts out what is handed down above him.

Decorum is when you're weak willed but do what your superiors say, and you're mad when others don't buy into it also. Its a spotlight on their own self loathing.

lol no

are you saying the student has a DUI?

fuck you. He NEEDS to become a HERO and SLAY the demon known as liberalism.

OP is a fucking HERO who is rising up to fight liberalism while you pathetic white beta male pussies sit there jacking off to your 2D anime porn.

This is why we NEED brown men! Brown men still have balls and will fight these feminist monsters!


No the canadian neurologist does

Actually he went to a microaggressions seminar (I'm sure simply not attending would have gone swimmingly also) and asked the speaker to sharpen some definitions during her QA. That was strike one.

Then he pushed back against the school's illegal demand he receive psychiatric evaluation as a result of the QA incident. That was strike two.

The hearing itself was basically to confirm he was being kicked out of school. He thought it was an actual -- you know -- *hearing* and that they should have documentation of his wrongdoings and not outright lie about the nature of their illegal demand. That was strike three.

This is all covered in the hearing.

HERE are the websites to contact!!!!!! (contact email at bottom right corner) (email is in the page)

If you don't know what to write, then just copy and paste the following and send it:

Indian medical student kicked out of college by racist white professors for questioning their SJW beliefs

Kieran Ravi Bhattacharya was a medical student at the University of Virginia and he has been kicked out after having questioned his white college professor's SJW beliefs.

Here is the audio of the lecture where he questioned his professor's SJW beliefs:

He speaks from 28:45 to 34:00

Here is the audio of the suspension hearing:

Here is a picture of the people who were at the suspension hearing:

Notice how 14 out of the 16 people at that suspension hearing are white people. If this is not an act of racism against a sincere indian medical student, then I don't know what is. Look at their smug arrogant faces as they kick him out for DARING to question their SJW beliefs.

His twitter handle is kieranravib if you want to ask him questions or set up an interview with him

Potato nigger spelled it out for you:

>They were actually ultimately pretty clear in the hearing that he was there for refusing to comply with their "recommendation" to receive a psychological evaluation after he asked a microaggressions speaker questions she didn't like, during the QA for her public speech.
>So basically his refusal to comply with their illegal order was used as evidence that he must have been "aggressive" during the question he asked a public speaker in a normal if critical tone of voice during while that speaker was fielding questions during an open QA.
>In turn, his demand that they cite an actual reason to kick him out of school was treated as evidence that his refusal to comply with the illegal order was also "aggressive" and reflects poorly on his temperament.
>This is called "circular retard logic."
Motherfucker. I'd only heard the audio from the lecture and hadn't looked into the h earing itself but this is unironically Kafkaesque.

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Alright nigger, let's see which lunatic I get

should have just said the recommendation was a microaggression. Assuming he was of poor mental health was offensive despite their intent.

What the fuck there's no 3
Matter of fact half of these don't even line up correctly

I was here in the first thread. OP paid some spammers to slide the thread after he realised he done fucked up. And he's not telling us the full story despite anons asking multiple times.
As much as I hate SJWs I have to conclude that there is more to this than he's letting on.
1844 heil hitler.

> cites his reaction to being treated unfairly as justification for the unfair treatment

It really is amazing how you sheltered, philosophically inept shills have somehow transcended time and causality.

Because asking for someone to actually cite the documents they refer to and provide substantiation during an official hearing to kick you out of school is just *beyond the pale* otherwise, I mean right?


Oh yeah that's the parsimonious explanation and not the one about how the liberal shills who are always here are still retarded.

I don't mind this. Fuck subhuman Pajeets I don't want my damn doctor smelling like curry and sewage so good thing he got kicked the fuck out of wherever he went.

Fuck Indians they are subhuman.

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There are a lot of recovering addicts in medicine. You will be questioned but if you admit to it and show you are doing better, it makes you a stronger physician in the eyes of admin.

I've met more doctors going to AA meetings than I've got ever met at church


I can't imagine what happened to you to make you this way. Over and over again you iterate the same thing: submit yourself to your admins to make yourself better in their eyes because by some leap of logic that makes you a better physician. Somewhere in there is some lip service to patient care but that's mostly lost in translation.

For someone who accused others at the drop of a hat and without prompt to beware of the money and power hungry you sure spend a lot of time slurping the power chain. Maybe that's the cause your AA doctor friends demons and not whatever else you've managed to rationalize. Did they teach you about a well known concept called "projection?"

doctors have the highest suicide rate because they are psychopaths who are simply drug dealers for Big Pharma's poisons

This effects them deep inside where they still have some semblance of a conscience.

Link to the actual first thread
>Anons suspect he's on the spectrum
>Tell him that it was a mistake posting on pol and doxxing the panel
>He spergs out more and promises more evidence in the next thread
>Sperg even promises to post timestamp proof (despite many anons suggestions to get off pol)
>Posts that the lawyer did a shitty job
>The lawyer made him sign a termination notice where he covered his ass
>Said notice is full of good advice which OP has not followed
>Multiple anons ask him for the whole story
>Dumbfuck probably realised he done fucked up
>Spammers show up and slide the thread to oblivion
>OP disappeared at the same time
And then he creates the next "Part 1" thread.
Now I'm not sure if the OP is Keiran or he wised up but I smell (hehe) manipulation.

and quite frankly i am happy when i hear about doctors and psychiatrists committing suicide. 95% of them are psychopathic monsters who need to die and will go burn in hell for millions of lifetimes

We can't determine if the treatment was unfair because we lack the full details leading up to the hearing. According to the audio there was a series of incidents which lead up to the eventual suspension, the details of which we are unaware. It is my belief that the the whole SJWs BTFO is being used as a red herring to detract attention away from the real issue of the guy being unhinged.

>its natural to be mentally unhinged and drink excessively as a result of our cognitive dissonance. I'll wear it like a badge rather than truly confront my demons.

Do you hear yourself? Do you think that might indicate a problem with your interpretation of the profession? Do you keep insisting the answer is more bootlicking?

You've already outed yourself as a shill who needs to lurk moar. Go away.

I'm going to draft an original email and send it to everyone on that list, in your honor.

Such a leaf post. Maybe it was something like, he advocated advising patients with prolapsed rectum to avoid engaging in sodomy which was a "micro aggression." since you don't know your post is just conjecture.
Spotted the sodomite.
This is probably closer to the truth

once again, contact the NEWS SITES here and demand them to run this story

>Muh shills.
And I don't have a problem with you defending him. I just wanted to inform anons that everything is not right here.


White? Look more like Jews!

>I'd only heard the audio from the lecture and hadn't looked into the h earing itself but this is unironically Kafkaesque.
I went in front of one of these committees before. Kafkaesque is the word my attorney used

It's clear from the audio that the "series of incidents" is his refusal to comply with their illegal order to receive psychiatric evaluation.

Either that or they refuse to tell him what the series of events is during their official hearing about whether he should be removed from school, i.e. there's an official reason and than the real reason, i.e. he's being kicked out for some secret ulterior reason.

Take your pick. This was a kangaroo court and these people are assholes no matter how you cut it.

>doxes panel of 4chins
>doxes himself on 4chins
>ignores lawyers advice and thinks he knows better than the lawyers (lol)
>continues to communicate with UVA building their case against him
Yup, totally not self destructive and retarded.

I strongly suspect it's him, he made a freudian slip in the last thread:

You already went over your front foot by posting Nazi memes before you realized you have a borked thermometer on how stupid people are likely to be relative to yourself.

Babby's first shilling.

fuck off with all of you

OP is a HERO!

that was me and it was a quote dumbfuck

Roling for the one hiding

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that's Dr. Bart "why are you here" Nathan

assuming you are him: whatever you do, NEVER admit you made these threads. it will destroy you, no matter how fair you think the other person is. I don't care if it's your little sister or your best friend or your mom. I don't care if it's someone who knows you post on Jow Forums. just don't admit to making these threads. ever.

I'm actually not him though.

OK good.

VERY GOOD advice here, Keiran. NEVER, EVER admit that you made these threads, even if the police are interrogating you.

NEVER, EVER, EVER say a SINGLE WORD to the police other than "LAWYER".

NEVER, EVER, EVER talk to the police WITHOUT a lawyer present.

EVER! DO NOT EVER SAY A SINGLE GODDAMN WORD to the police if they ever arrest or try to interogate you.

NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present. EVER!

NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present. EVER!

NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present. EVER!

NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present. EVER!

NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present. EVER!

NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer present. EVER!

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Canadian med schools are mostly about the interviews now. You are mostly selling yourself to get in, if you fuck it up it will likely be for saying dumb shit

Pajeet made a big big big mistake


>foulmouthed Pajeetoid thinks is untouchable even by libcommie faggots
>gets kicked out after chimping out in cultural marxist indoctrination camps
>cries on Jow Forums
Why should we care exactly?

defecate into a toilet

sad reality is Jow Forums is the last bastion of free speech.

t. amerifat that smells of dried shit and piss

pretty much

Duck off reddit

You people are pissing me off today.
Guess it's time to put my meme hat back on and contribute to these efforts more often.

Because apparently some people out there forgot some things already.