If Germans are the master race...

If Germans are the master race, why did they get their shit pushed in by a so-called evil kike-controlled Mongrel and Asiatic hordes? Shouldn't they have easily won instead of getting humilated and then killing themselves before they could face justice?

If you predicate your entire philosophy (fascism) on "might makes right", what happens when you lose?

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>Babbies first strawmen

well after all they are still right no?

>muh olympic medals are proof of muh superiority
too bad they lost the war, cuck, which is the only contest that matters according to their own philosophy.

Using that logic I bet you think jews deserved all those US Nobel prizes

Because Slavs are Aryans too, the one thing Hitler was wrong about.

I'm just going by fascist philosophy.

Germany was unable to prevail in the war, therefore their ideas were wrong and useless.

Germany put up a heroic fight, therefore fascism is right.

because you are a massiv fagot
Germans are the greatest
good night

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If you pit the most talented warrior against a horde of unlimited animals, chances are, the animals are going to win through strength in numbers and by eventually exhausting their foe. The Allies weren't talented. They had all the resources they'd ever need, including manpower. The fact that the Germans resisted and endured for two years after Stalingrad despite all their disadvantages, having enemies come from multiple directions, is a testament of their talent and strength. Not even any other European nation could have done the same.

Being superior is far more than a matter of athletics.

It's scientific discoveries, inventions, medicine, etc.


Slavs are the real Aryans and always have been.

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lol the main subject of the entire fucking german history is basically how to destroy Europe

First Rome, then the catholicism, finally French & British empires

Germans are the Asiatic hoardes that mixed with Scandis and Danes. The AustroHungarians come from Central Asia and are invaders of Europe.

Get redpilled.

because we gave them supplies and there were fucking millions of fighting aged males to throw into the thresher

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Because being the best doesn't make it possible to punch through 30000 soviet tanks

I seen this exact same thread years ago. I have a partial photographic memory. This thread is created by a bot that works on a time frame loop

"Quantity has a quality all its own." -Joseph Stalin

Because it was Germany and Italy vs the entire world?

I could stare at this for hours. Who knew the sardinians were further from the main European cluster than the Basque.

>ideology predicated on survival of the fittest
>lose the only war you've ever fought

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>be Wehrmacht
>achieve roughly a 5:1 KDR
>opponent had 10 times your numbers
>some leaf gets to make low quality bait thread in the future insinuating that the lion which was eaten by a swarm of ants was somehow an inferior being to the ants

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lmao what kind of cuck lion gets eaten by ants

nice metaphor you fuckin brainlet

>something something low quality bait response
Don't worry, I didn't bump this thread when I replied IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

One question, what is the fun in being a provocateur? Do you fancy yourself a real cut up? Do you finish typing your response and then chuckle to yourself and say "this'll really get em going!" and then sit there in the silent darkness of your room hitting refresh to see if you've completed "le epic troll XD"? I would think that there would be little enjoyment in any of that long term.

this entire post reeks of reddit

what's on his feet, adiki?

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>I've been found out!
>begin deflecting, say "reddit" and call him a cuck or something

>Russia won every single war against Germany historically, even capturing before Berlin 1767
>muh kdr irl matters

s are always Appling cretins

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nobody cares what redditors think around these parts, shoo shoo

99% of board disagrees with the content of your posts, redditfag

>If Germans are the master race

What do you think that even means? I'm curious.

"We would have kicked your asses if you knew how to properly fight a war." - Nazis, basically

>w-well lots of people disagree with your posts here so that means they're wrong
your reddit groupthink mentality doesn't apply here, redditor

the Nazis killed less whites than Muslims and leftists

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