What race are americans?

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aryan race, white supremacy 148888888

a race that was and will stay superior to brits

The Human Race.

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That man has 2 extra brains

Everyone thinks your gay.


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I'd tell you but I wouldn't want to make you jealous

How does it feel knowing that us mitts rule the world? Get fucked brits, it’s the mutts turn to shine.

Tyler1 is the premier mutt of America though

Muttian race
They are mutts that have mixed ancestry of all regions of Europe and frankly that’s disgusting

I would appreciate a related pic, this isn't even a human anymore, is a H1Z1 virus survivor.

Diversity is our strength

Whiter than you Akmed

Space race.

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A lot of them are black, a lot of them are Hispanic, a lot of them are European mixes, but race mixing is actually pretty rare

56% Negroid 44% Mongoloid

Euro Mutt

A deadly combination; dangerously based and redpilled

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Why do your teeth look like this?

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>How does it feel knowing that us mitts rule the world?

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>lots of them are mixed but racemixing is quite rare

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White mixed with black, hispanic, asian, etc. are very common

All minorities want to fuck whites to make their kids more white

What the fuck is going on here? How can you function properly with that?

>all minorities want to fuck whites to make their kids more white
can confirm if I wanted kids I would have them with a white women

Vaguely Anglo is our founding stock

How does it feel knowing I can do just about anything with some faggot asking for my loicense

>how can you function properly with that?
you don't

Someone post a british chin and / the thread, pls.

Good chunk of Americanoids who are racist af have a good percentage of Balkan blood in them .These are the ones that are really dangerous

>How can you function properly with that?

LMAO he doesn't

We are the nephalem you nigger


What's even the point?

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Americans are the worst, rootless degenerate mutts


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With respect to European Americans, the percentages are much more different than African Americans or Latinos, with European American genomes being 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American. In general, the numbers seem to agree with what one would expect given the history of American colonization by Europeans and their interactions with African and Native Americans

While most Euros where wedding and fucking niggers with litttle social repercussions Americans were one of the last to set them free

American, fool. What a stupid question. We transcend race.

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its shopped

never skip skull day

shoo shoo jahans

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had to be a german

Since 1965 we have been flooded and jewed
Since the 2000s Europe has been flooded and jewed
We are all going Down accept it

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Learn demographics

mfw I will never be a 6‘5 alpha that makes a shitload if money by playing vidya all day with big tit cutie girlfriend

why live?

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>pressed mixed raced mutt detected

I swear, you disgusting sub-human larpers make up 80% of this board. I bet you're all civic nationalists.

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>American, fool. What a stupid question. We transcend race.

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You mean Ahmed for paki's. Akmed is Slavic like Ramzans father.

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she looks like Mr Ed.

You can at least watch him and laugh at his autism

>that arm tattoo

Christ knows how many niggers have entered that "woman".

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Mestizo (mixed).

the reason whites in America are so white is because of massive waves of European immigrants that kept coming for 200yrs and ust recently stopped in 1965. Most whites in America are not really American ethnically.


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Even most "white" americans have nig/injun ancestors someways up their family tree

Fine, she looks like a trans-Mr Ed.
thats all the slack i can cut.

opinion discarded

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>when ahmed is whiter than you

The mutt meme made me want to live up to it. So I got with a black woman and we're going to be a mulatto factory.


dont listen to the hatters

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She's an ugly mutt with a massive chin who looks terrible without makeup

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With respect to European Americans, the percentages are much more different than African Americans or Latinos, with European American genomes being 98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American. In general, the numbers seem to agree with what one would expect given the history of American colonization by Europeans and their interactions with African and Native Americans


>meme flaggot
Your opinion just flew over my house and into the garbage.

>posting the wrong version

you had one job Hanz

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There is no American ethnicity

Unless you mean mixes with natives then Latinos then whites than blacks are more American

>t inbred

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rat race

I hope My daughters will be beautiful like her

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an ever diminishing white race being replaced by shitskins and half breeds. the age of men is over, the time of the Orc has come

The best race! Other continents provide the raw ingredients. America is the crucible in which true superiority is forged!

is this a tyler1 thread now?

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That's tyler1

RIP America it was nice knowing you

Post Canadas

White people in the US are... white. As in they are either entirely European white or almost entirely European white.

For the most part, our white ancestors in the US did not mix with non-whites. Most of the white people who think they have some Indian ancestry really don't. Elizabeth Warren is a prime example of this. White Americans kept to themselves and this helped to make the US great and not like the mongrel nations in South America.

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I'm damn near 100% British ancestry.

And I hate you fags so much

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Negresses deserve anal insemination on account of their big brown brappers.

>b-b-b-but we voted for Trump and worship a cartoon frog! Believe it, we're based user!

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Take your pills schizo

The race that kicked your cuck ass to gain independence.

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well your government literally calls him racist lol

Most whites do on average have native ancestry it’s in the literal pic but yes it’s low
