I'm gonna smoke pot for the first time tonight gimme some advice
I'm gonna smoke pot for the first time tonight gimme some advice
Food kills your high, eat a big meal half an hour beforehand.
This. It will bring you no joy.
First of all don’t take an edible that shit can hit you hard and you don’t want a bad trip for the first time also you’ll be coughing a lot so take small hits to avoid looking like a total dumbass in front of your friends
hit it one time and wait a while before smoking more
hold it in for 3-4 seconds before exhaling
have slurpee on hand
Drink instead.
Drinking requires you to suffer the day after, like a good Christian.
Furthermore, it also unearths the real you, which is good to keep in touch with.
Weed literally just takes all anxiety and you can do it over and over until you fail university, it's a bad meme.
Go at your own pace, dont feel like you have to impress anyone, it will burn your throat for 2 min then feel amazing, only smoke with friends or else you will start doing it by yourself all the time
not looking for joy just bored
This is me It’s not that it won’t bring you joy it’s just a poor use of time and leads to smoking cigarettes.
Take up vamping much less risk to your health.
this and keep hydrated.
Just don't smoke too much.
You're 16 gtfo Jow Forums you nigger
Not OP Plenty of people don't get enough social connections to be intoduced to drugs until their 20's.
I'm 21 and i've still never laid eyes on a weed only smelled it
>This is me
I don't think it is, no.
Alone? Have good music
With friends? Have good friends.
Enjoy and don't drive.
Have some water and hard candy.
>be with friends
>keep hydrated
>don't watch scary videos/tell scary stories
I forgot to mention that I've been told I was allergic to pot at a young age but I'm constantly around it(literally have had smoke blown in my face) and experience no reaction.
Have you ever smoked anything before? If not then you might want to smoke 1 or 2 cigs before you smoke the marihuana so that you learn how to inhale without wasting weed
>I've been told I was allergic to pot
Sounds like a scare tactic, you got tested for marijuana? it literally sounds fake.
tried to get tested this year but they said they legally cant test for it
Good advice is to take a toke and wait a min to see how u feel before hitting it again. Dont let ur buddies talk you into getting too fucked or you want ever want to try it again.
I've smoked cigars cigarettes and even tried cbd
my brother and parents all smoke too which is sketch