How do I quit worrying god is real?

How do I quit worrying god is real?
I wasn't even raised with religion.

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he isnt. there, solved it for you.

Look up counters to pascal's wager.
For all you know only atheists go to heaven.

Even if there is a god we have no way of knowing what it wants or how to appease it, if it cares about us at all. For all we know it has only one rule, don't fall for false gods, and by worshiping anything you blow it and get the hellfire forever. Take solace in the fact that you can't do shit about it anyways and live your life how you want.

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Why does it worry you? You don't need to be religious to believe in some kind of higher power.
Great thinker over here

Live your life with empathy, don't be an asshole, minimize your harm on the planet.

Do all that, and when you die and go to meet your judgement then god should be like "hey dude you did all right, do you wanna go to heaven right now or take another ride down on earth and be reborn as a Korean baby or something?"

If on the other hand god is like YOUR KIND AND POSITIVE ACTIONS WERE IN VAIN BECAUSE YOU DID NOT WEAR THE RIGHT KIND OF HAT!!!! I CURSE YOUR SOUL TO ETERNAL DAMNATION!!!! then god is a an asshole and heaven must suck.

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Watch Passion of the Christ unironically and notice how the world in the modern age resembles the signs of the second coming.
Degenerates roaming the streets, people mutilating themselves, false idols everywhere, the elites are raping and murdering children, Babylon has risen.
Repent before it's too late. If you regret doing anything severely sinful in the past, now is the time to admit it to the lord.
Heaven and Hell are not singular. You can be in Hell and not even realize it, this is why some sins are considered deadly.
If you embody lust, your life will become a whirlwind of desire and disappointment, you will never be fulfilled.
If you embody gluttony, your life will become a slow downward spiral of self destruction.
etc. You can be in Hell on earth or heaven on earth, it's up to you.
Also notice how Christianity dominated Europe and Christ's followers changed the world more than any other religion in history. Notice how vilified modern Christians are for saying that abortion is wrong and displaying other beliefs.
Basically if God hasn't shown himself to you yet, it's because you're coated in sin and if you don't change your ways you will experience extreme suffering.

Don't worry he's not

God is real.

>there isn't a spiritual war going on, what are you talking about? Just do whatever you want, no consequences.

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You just described everyday somewhere in the world for all of human history, quit being so dramatic

In the past year I had sex with a few women
It was the first really bad thing I've ever done.

This is the part where Christianity got overtaken by Jews.
At first Jesus was all "Yeah it's cool if you wanna drink wine and party, lads. In fact, use it to remember me. Just be a good person and leave a positive impact on your surroundings and you can come chill with me in Heaven later on."
Then Jews took over and made Christianity preach slavery ideals
>Never question your leader
>Suffer daily because you deserve to suffer
>Never fight back against your invader
>Allow in as many refugees as possible into your land

When a religious person does something good, they are trying to suck up to god and schmooze there way into heaven, when an atheist does something good it is because the know it is the right thing to do

I hate to be this guy, but I agree.

Catholisme did a lot of good of christianity. i might be terrible wrong, I say catholisme was infiltrated from the beginning.

>fedora fags actually believe this
atheism has been lame as fuck since 2007. I've never met an atheist who was a respectable person. They're all balding, overweight, sexually frustrated betas.

Not jewish here but have you read the old testament, that is not a book that looks favorably on partying and jesus was jewish, he wasn't a cristian, he never told anyone to worship him. Everyone who wrote about him in the bible lived hundreds of years after his death, his name isn't even jesus christ, that was the roman translation, hew was a 5 foot middleastern man who was really nice to people and explained things that people of the time couldn't comprehend including himself

do you just show up at any unrelated post to show off your Jow Forums autism levels and ignorance at every opportunity?

Idk what to tell you bro, I'm atheists, i teach English to underprivileged kids in Vietnam, i have a girlfriend, I'm 23 so i have a full head. Of hear but i will admit i am like 15 lbs over weight

>I'm atheists, i teach English to underprivileged kids in Vietnam
It doesn't seem like you even speak English very well, though.

Because i came to Jow Forums to show off my writing capabilities on my phone

Plus once again I'll be totally honest, being white and American is the only requirement they have

>This is the part where Christianity got overtaken by Jews.
I'm pretty sure you don't know how Christianity started, because that part was the very beginning.

Going to asia and marrying a asian woman is usually what A LOT of betas do tho

How are you so sure that no God exists?

There's a lack of English language skills in many Asian cities and they need to spread the knowledge somehow. In the US there's a lack of Maths so if you know some calculus and linear algebra they'll let you tutor.

Start by reading The World's Religions by Huston Smith. Guarantee you can find a pdf floating around or a copy at your library.

If God is real then God, as an almighty, omniscient being, would totally understand doubting his existence in a world where there are thousands of religions and millions of reasons to doubt his existence. If he really would deny you entry to heaven for doing something any rational person does then fuck him, and fuck heaven. Imma bool wit satan.

If God exists then he probably doesn't give a fuck if you believe in him or not.

If he is good then he's got your back, if he is evil then we're all fucked anyway, if he loves us then all he wants is for us to not be douches to each other, if he doesn't care about us then why does it matter if he exists?

Just live like you believe in God.

You don't. God is real.

"Counters" to Pascal's wager are retarded and they don't even understand what Pascal's argument was.
All Pascal was saying basically was : "Hey atheists, look how retarded you sound when you act like you've got reason with you. If everything could be solved by just being reasonable this is how petty your reasonment would be like, reducing the greatest of all mysteries to a 4 terms equation and oh, btw it would lead to you being a practicing christian. atheists btfo "

Whether or not God is real doesn't really matter, in the long scheme of things. Acting as morally just and upright matters, believing in God is just the path to that.

God is real, tired of you stunted losers coming up with the opposite conclusion based on downright dishonest thinking... on caricature, hyperbole, twisted ideas about history, nihilism based on principle, appeal to the authority and the like... anything to avoid tackling the matter directly. Aquinas proved God like 5 times, the only serious rebuttal to which was raised by kant. The analytics after him never argue against the existence of God directly, on the terms provided, but rather by decrying or taking down the whole mode of thinking that the scholastic arguments rely on - metaphysics - asserting its inefficacy in the fact that it deals in abstract objects terms and predicates which don't denote physical phenomena... this doesn't mean the metaphysical arguments are wrong - it means that until they're proven right they as analytics have license to ignore them on principle as they claim that such arguments are not linguistically meaningful... wonderful book by terence parsons blows this out of the water. Anyway, point is, secular culture operates by sublimating this ignorance-on-principle of the first and second analytics, makes it a matter of dogma that God doesn't exist - because it's a "pseudoproblem" - and filters this attitude, founded on nothing, into academic and popular culture which is then subconsciously acted-out in the form of capitalism-materialism, prostration at the altar of labor-power.

It's legit not possible for God not to exist all causes have a common antecedent cause it's true by induction that the causal sequence refers back to a single cause this is true even in a multiverse scenario and if you believe that a first cause does not indicate a God then you must consider by deduction the properties which would belong to a first cause by removing from it things which caused entities are known to have such as multiplicity, potentiality, a certain degree of fragmentation and the like... it's clear, indubitable, that this indicates God.

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>going on Jow Forums, which is full of christcucks to stop worrying about god
pretty good bait thread or dumb as fuck.
If you are really worried about god being real, watch some debates between atheists and religious people. Those where pretty popular a while ago.

A lot of people believe in god that weren't necessarily raised with religion. Think about it this way, if you choose to believe in god you don't have anything to lose. A lot of people like politicians pretend that they believe in god because it gives them a safer image.

Read Jiddu Krishnamurti books. You'll find the answer there.

>which is full of christcucks
>Jow Forums

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What are you, a 1000 years old? Being an atheist is considered cringy on Jow Forums today. Jow Forums is basically american counterculture. Liberals and atheism is mainstream, so conservatism and christianity strives on Jow Forums.

Get agnostic. . . lame bastard

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I hate to admit it, but we're dying out here... the people who were here from the beginning. Stormfront won the war. Now it's just r/thedonald coming to shitpost to the point that people believe this shit for real. Now it's just where middle America comes to larp.