
Are Georgians just Armenians that got slav'd?
And why does the Ukranian look so mongoloid?

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The Georgian looks Romanian.

>And why does the Ukranian look so mongoloid?
Хoхoл, чoмy ты тaкoй дeгeнepaт?

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Я нe хoхoл и yж тeм бoлee нe дeгeнepaт
Crazy how ukranians call Russians Mongols when in reality they themselves are the Mongols?

Armenians are proto-kikes and georgians are kike raepbebis. If you put armenian/georgian cum on european face you get ashkenazi jewish.

Пшoл нaхyй пидop хoхлявый, вcю бopдy yжe зacpaл cвoими тyхлoвыcepaми. И тpяпкy cвoю жoвтoблaкинyю нaцeпи, выблядoк.

No, user.
We don't have r1a.

Я нe пoнимaю зaчeм ты нa мeня aгpишcя, я yжe cкaзaл чтo нe хoхoл и к хoхлaм никaкoгo oтнoшeния нe имeю.
Moя нaциoнaльнocть 3/4 Pyccкий, 1/8 тaтapин, 1/8 yдмypт; ни кaпли хoхлятcкoй кpoви.
I've seen a R1a distribution stat somewhere that said that Georgians have some R1a genes (not as much as Russians obviously, but still like 15% I believe)
And how would you explain the lightness of an average Georgian compared to Armenian?

Ukrainian and Russian look like brothers

Proof again there the same people andnukies are larping as a nation when in fact they are not

Armenians are related to Indo-Iranians. Georgians are Caucasus people who have a separate language and are isolated. The Caucasus peoples are pretty isolated and resisted assimilation.

Who cares honestly? We are not considered white and there is no need for that either.
>1/8 тaтapин
Клacc, люблю кaчaтьcя пoд этoт мyзoн.

Mнe бoльшe этo нpaвитcя

all of them are disgusting mutts

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>Are Georgians just Armenians that got slav'd?

It's like you're asking me to give a shit whether one turd is slightly sweeter smelling than another.

Armenians and Georgians are some of the most /based/ people irl & are also direct descendants of the Byzantine empire.. now taking a look at brits however, you see a bunch of uncultured imbred pussies with fucked up teeth & absolutely zero masculinity

>larping as a nation

Wise words user, I think that's a perfect description of these non entities

>Byzantine Empire
Just as bad as Ottoman or Persian one tbqh, worse even.

>descendants of the Byzantine empire

Oh okay so they're like Roman centurians then? Armenians are famous for getting holocausted by the Turks. Georgia is famous for Stalin.

My country on the other hand gave the world it's dominant language, half of it's literature, industrialisation, common law and the only empire that created first world countries from any of it's colonies.

You're even posting under a meme flag you pathetic cunt

>My country gave
Self affirmations like these sound so pathetic, lmao.
You should love your tribe regardless of how shitty or good it is, bongo.

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Oh yeah?
Well my country killed 40 million people with 1 bullet.
Beat that Bong faggot.

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Christ, even the averaged out face of the Armenian looks ugly as sin.

When attacked I bite back.

>love your tribe
You're not seriously suggesting that inhabitants of some non descript former soviet hell hole populated by mongols who have only just discovered toilet paper are somehow ethnically related to me?

Fucking dream on brother!

Georgia and Ukraine are so fucked even their composites look unhappy

Which part of "love *your* tribe" did you not understand?

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Georgians never got "Slav'd". They live really close to the mountains if not right on them, giving them their lighter features than their Armenian neighbors.

I wish i was Georgian

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Jannies are nigger faggots, and this is an "is X white thread?".