Mr Big won't be able to buy a new gold plated toilet this year! What a disaster!
Mr Big won't be able to buy a new gold plated toilet this year! What a disaster!
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Oops. I guess it's time to keep women out of the workplace just to stay afloat.
The fact that we can't raise wages so easily is super telling. Our economy is messed up.
Oh cool, I'm gonna make 50 cents more.
They can raise them though.
This is just nypost fearmongering on behalf of the greedy business assholes who pretend the world is going to end if they ever get asked about paying a cent more.
Keep in mind they'd have everyone working for a dollar a day and a bowl of rice in sweatshops like in the far east if they could, that's why they outsource jobs there. The rust belt is entirely a product of greed.
how long until they start demanding $20 hr or more?
It's not my fault you chose to flip burgers
whats your thoughts on premarital sex
>It's not my fault you chose to flip burgers
Boomers got to pay off their degrees with a burger flipping job.
I mean I paid off my degree working full time at a convenience store during graveyard shifts in the late 2000's.
Don't act like it isn't possible. There are so many small universities these days in almost all cities. Even cowtowns have universities within half an hour's driving distance in almost ALL locales in the United States. Small state universities with modest tuitions.
Nobody says you HAVE to go to Schlomoberg University and live in the dorms and eat in campus cafeterias. You could live with mom and dad and commute if you wanted to.
>Nobody says you HAVE to go to Schlomoberg University and live in the dorms and eat in campus cafeterias.
You need a degree to get hired at mcds these days though.
College is a giant scam and Trump should come down on them with an iron fist.
Nationalize them all.
Right but you're not countering my argument that student loans are a function of broken family systems and retarded entitlement of parents and youths.
It is not very hard to pay down your college education if you go to the cheapest local school and work full time while doing it. You may have to take a longer time getting your education than others, but it is doable.
Inflation is the problem, not wages. All a minimum wage hike will do is increase the inflation overall, now prices will rise and wages will have to rise again to keep up. the best solution for NYCfags is to leave and move somewhere cheaper. I have no idea why you would want to stay in an overpriced city.
I guess I'll have to increase the rent.
>If you just use your bootstraps it's fine to pay $20k per year for someone to read a PowerPoint to you
It's a problem. It may not be as bad as Starbucks philosophers say but it's definitely a problem.
You don't need college for a job. At best you would need an Associate's. It is better for you to get a job somewhere else, rural areas need people all the time or you can get a job working a trade.
I agree, it's possible but you need to remember many people have expectations for 'good ' colleges and such too. There's an entire elitist mindset about this.
Realistically it would be better if there was a huge push for trades instead.
Wages have not increased with inflation, they're lagging behind it.
Raising wages means raising prices, which NYC probably can’t stand much more of for its poorest citizens.
I hope they go for 15 and we can use them as an example.
If your professors are just droning on about a powerpoint, your degree is worthless. I know my tuition went towards getting use of laboratory equipment I'd have no possibility of paying down myself even to this day, and having experts who could teach me actual skills, but that's the difference between a degree in the sciences and a degree in jew studies.
I agree, actually. I'm a high school teacher involved in CTE education and I think the current model does a disservice to students.
But trades just aren't feasible because of accusations of racism, classism, and discrimination in general that fly because parents feel that a vocational school is trapping their kids in blue collar work.
It's pretty sad, because I've seen vocational programs take kids who are 100% unsalvageable and unfit for regular high school, and turn them into semi-respectable people with certifications in hand, ready to work or at least ready to enter an apprenticeship so they can get their big cert.
Inflation is rising too fast for a wage hike to work, all a wage hike will do is contribute more to the problem. Deflation of consumer prices needs to happen for any real meaning to come to all of this. It is better to let companies realize they are charging too much for products and when they find out nobody can afford anything then they will have to lower prices. An added bonus is that the government has to let the economy fail for deflation to work and NOT interfere this time. If anything you want an economic crash with no intervention.
>brag about your degree
>do the same job as meme degrees
>If your productivity level isn't above a set arbitrary number, you're not allowed to legally work and must rely on welfare for life.
HOORAY! You understand how a free market works very well.
Dumb niggers earn their companies $5 per hour gross, max. Can't turn a profit by paying them more than $4/hr. Next you'll make a thread wondering why none of the niggers work.
I love my job, desu and make a respectable wage, and I'm set to become a school administrator soon. I'll admit I ended up in education as my fallback plan because I graduated during the fallout of the 2007 meltdown, but I don't regret it and I really think I fell into my true calling.
Like I could have got a MS in science and switched over in the past 6 years that I've taught, but I'd prefer to stay in this field.
Also, I wasn't bragging about my degree. I am just saying that some fields actually DO need to shell out some cash for education because the equipment is expensive enough that an individual can't learn at home due to prohibitive costs.
The elitism is already getting questioned because tradesmen are out earning the professional class. Nothing is better than seeing some person with a Master's earning less than a guy with a CDL.
Call me when the vultures actually leave. So I can laugh some more.
>and when they find out nobody can afford anything then they will have to lower prices.
Or the economy will just splutter to a halt, with hordes of the disenfranchised taking to the street to flip the monopoly board over. Uncontrolled outcomes are by their nature not guaranteed to be good ones.
>Missourri slated to slowly escalate minimum wage to 12.00 by 2023
Kinda nervous bros
Thank the Lord, I skipped college and ended up trucking with my uncle. I've never paid rent (living in grandpa's small ranch [help with household expenses though]), I have an EXTREMELY low cost of living, I'm 27 minutes away from the city, work only 10 months a year and I'm ready to absolutely retire at age 32 next year. My current passive income (excluding my main source of income) from investments/part-ownership of several family owned commercial/rental properties/family minimart earns me no less than $81k a year alone. Fuck school.
My only luxuries are ammo, all terrain vehicles and far away excursions.
>Or the economy will just splutter to a halt, with hordes of the disenfranchised taking to the street to flip the monopoly board over. Uncontrolled outcomes are by their nature not guaranteed to be good ones.
Doubt it, nothing happened in 2008 when it happened.
God, in Texas dropouts earn more in a year than college grads make EASY when oil prices jump up.
Hell, as a HS teacher I have made consistently more from year to year than any of my friends in academia.
And I'm outearned by my brother, who just has like an associate's degree and an OSHA cert.
Shit's ridiculous. People are overtraining themselves out of the job market, partially because they don't realize that certs are EASY to get if you're willing to put in the hours of training. I mostly point to excellent outreach from community colleges in my area advertising certification programs like crazy to good outcomes in my local area.
Why, MOBro? If you're a decent employee in a job that actually needs doing you'll just get paid more.
Admittedly that's fewer and fewer of us...
People who shit talk degrees are just mad they're part of the underclass. Don't care how much money you make if you work a degrading outside blue collar type job. I graduated with a "useless degree", a BA in business admin at a mid level school. I drank, smoked and fucked my way for 4 years, made memories that will last a life time and more importantly made connections. I graduated and landed a cushy do nothing office job paying 85k a year, I was fucking 24 and had zero debt (parents paid for college). I'm 28 now and make 110k a year, I sit inside of an air conditioned office. We play ping pong at work, surf the internet and go on 2 hour long "lunch breaks", sometimes we hit the bar instead. Point being, I live life on easy mode because I have a degree. The losers that work outside don't. And no decent woman in 2018 is going to take you seriously if you don't have at beast a bachelors, it does not matter how much you make as joe the plumber or trucker. Its not right, but that is how women operate. You're put into a different class when you get a degree.
Pasta is funny.
Cause I'm currently stuck in a shitty dead end job. I'm planning on enrolling in HVAC courses soon though.
Another socialist myth that will hurt the people it is intended to help.
i have no degree and i pay more tax than you make but i do work for it.
lmao just make the businesses stay
per hour
HVAC, Trucking, Warehousing, Maintenance Mechanics, Security, electrician, so many other good jobs out there that are either abundant or decently paying.
i just hired an electrician ,they had a 3 week backlog and they are so desperate for people they will pay you to go to school.
>they will pay you to go to school.
i heard that india and china pay 20 cents an hour
gona have drones sending burgers and fries to americans from india and china soon
You're going to do great. You won't be against the wall when the revolution comes. Missouri First!
Arizona here please help
Some companies have their own training programs and some will give you 6 months to a year to get your certs.
How long are you contracted to work with them if you accept the tuition?
They told me the will pay for school as long as you work part time . The work they want done is to hard for menials though and most drop out after a few weeks.
My job's company is desperate for Class A drivers (and we aren't the only ones), FYI. Across this country there is trucking opportunities, although they might start OTR, within 5 years, you can get regional and then local. I'm not the only one living with a big household, to dilute the cost of living to extreme lows, so one can get substantial disposal income around my area.
Unfortunately being blind in one eye pretty much precludes me from earning a CDL
The minimum wage is just feel good liberal nonsense. It doesn't actually do anything except destroy any job that is worth less to the employer than minimum wage. Or alternatively, makes the employers give employees more to do so they're actually worth paying the minimum wage.
Do you think anyone is going to pay much more than something is worth? All this shit does is fuck up price elasticity of labor and produce unemployment because niggers don't like to work that hard. Read a book you economic illiterate
>parents feel that a vocational school is trapping their kids in blue collar work.
If your kid isn't smart enough to figure out how to do some trade or something real with their hands or brain by the time they're 16 they're probably not college material. Our public education system is a nightmare. We should either go vouchers or go full fascist mode with school and highly segregate kids based on potential.
>destroy any job that is worth less to the employer than minimum wage
The employers have already been destroying plenty of jobs by deciding minimum wage is far too much, so they sent them over to China and India where people get paid a dollar a day.
This is the future if vulture capitalists have their way.
>segregate kids based on potential
There is literally no downside to this other than hurt feefees.
I highly doubt that. For my age and wage I am in the top 10% easily. This is not 110k in NYC or LA this is 110k in a regular cost of living area of the US. My job in those cities would pay nearly 250k+.
That's okay. HVAC is seriously in demand as well (ya might have to uproot [if local opportunities are miniscule], but that's human life).
It's not the big corporations leaving you should be worrying about, it's the small/medium size businesses that run on thin profit margins and can't afford this added expense.
This was the entire reason for trumps tariffs, to make this less profitable. Likewise with immigration reform.
>PA will still be 7.25/hour
Is this a joke?
Why shouldn't it be?
Raising minimum wage has such little impact on “mr big”. It just means you have less money for laborers and more expensive product. Enjoy your $5 Big Mac, fatasses
It has the 12th highest cost of living in the country.
The only reason they need to be raised is because of inflation. But they always fall behind inflation and the economy gets to benefit in the present until something changes that. Non min wage jobs tend to follow inflation better, but still lag behind. Min wage is a problem because it needs to be mandated but it will always send a shock to the economy. If only constant inflation didn't exist, and there were deflationary periods, this wouldn't be such a big deal. But debt based economies and fractional reserve banking is so fucked up there isn't any way to correct that path now.
Does that matter though? Every one of those states with a high minimum wage also has higher prices and fees for every good and service.
I always find it funny when people who think these things actually end up helping the "average guy".
Remember ACA? Remember, it was going to guarantee medical coverage for all full time employees?
Cut everyone's hours to 28/week max.
Hire more minimum-wage slaves to cover the extra hours.
+0 Cost of labor increase (just spreading hours out over more people)
We have no FTEs here. No ACA coverage, No increase in costs.
Minimum wage goes from $8 to $12?
Fire the lowest performing 1/3rd of the staff.
Pile the work on the others, who get a 50% raise for being such hard workers.
0 Cost of Labor increase.
still doesnt mean shit
theres still businesses that follow federal minimum wage standard
>I have no idea what cost of living is
Only one thought,
Do you feel lucky?