Minimum wage increase in Seattle -> job creation soars

>The dire warnings about minimum-wage increases keep proving to be wrong. So much so that in a new paper, the authors behind an earlier study predicting a negative impact have all but recanted their initial conclusions.

>Despite their dire forecasts, not only were new restaurants not closing, they were in fact opening; employment in food services and drinking establishments has soared

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Minimum wage is communist trash and hurts the economy


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> despite
employement is soaring because amazon keeps employing thousands of engineers every year, highly paid, which in turn means thousands of services and other ancilliary jobs

it's not because the minimum wage increase
it's despite of it

it's not about minimum wage, it's about paying people enough to stay in middle class. Whatever happened to the idea of eradicating poverty before AIDS and Wiz Kalifa became a thing?

I live in Seattle
More homeless in Seattle than ever. Minimum wage must make homelessness increase.

Damn. A Jew says something that makes sense for once.

>I live in Seattle
I'm sorry.

Yet is it necessary to keep a slave class from existing.

Found the real jew

>Seattle fucks the minimum wage
>wagecucks lose their jobs to machines
>desperately whips up tax breaks for the rich if they PLEASE hire human workers
>meanwhile, Trump boosts the economy
>oh wow, new jobs were created
The absolute state of Seattards.

As someone who moved from Seattle now post the percentage of our income that's disposable. Cause people losing jobs and working in food service while everyone pays 1400 for a 2 bedroom is not helping the lower class. It helps the landlords.

What these articles won't say is that Seattle was already exploding since before the law changed, I want to see proof that the $15 minimum wage actually was the cause of further growth.

The homeless problem in Seattle went from bad to apocalyptic because of the min wage increase you absolute fucking retard.

>fastest growing city
>stick in minimum wage
>city grows

>car going 60
>put a rock in it
>car is now going 70
Must have been the rock


There are too many variables in economics to ascertain certain causation. Anyone claiming otherwise is either retarded or lying

Theories are the best we can do, everything else is confirmation bias

This is just another BS tactic by leftists to jew moar money out of the federal government, a year from now they'll be complaining about cost of living increases that'll make their increase in pay moot.

>companies already fleeing tax hell in California
>Amazon expansion bringing in more employees from California
>causation isn't correlation when YOU say it is but when WE say so, it totally is you racist bigot!
I'm so fucking tired of this dishonest bullshit. My rage could power a million Suns.


Leafs are literally retarded.

>despite of

15/hr is poverty level in Seattle

$1400 for a studio apartment in the ghetto

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>Barry Ritholtz quoting Barry Ritholtz as proof is why everyone else is wrong!


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for goodness sake, do we need to have a designated Seattlite dispatched to Jow Forums at all times to explain the economic differences from Seattle and most of the country?

The 15 dollar an hour minimum wage hike wasn't a big deal because it was pretty much the minimum wage in Seattle anyway.

It didn't achieve the goal by any stretch of the imagination though, rent is crippling now, we're one of the worst regions to earn minimum wage definitely in the country and maybe even the world right now. I dare you to find an apartment you could reasonably afford with that $15.

The gradual impact also made it less meaningful, had they just gone with what i said(an immediate increase to 12) then we could have BOTH increased wages and NOT broadcasted to the entire country that they can make more dollars here. We're adding 1000 people a day. I always make sure to tailgate foreigners, to cut them off, to not let pedestrians go first, i do absolutely everything i can to make sure people know theyre UNWANTED and UNWELCOME in this region and they still keep coming. I see Pajeets and Pakis, there's a hand full of dudes just living in their vans in front of the library.

This policy was a disaster, not because it was a bad idea but because it was poorly executed in the limelight. we started telling people about our success while much of the country's economy was still retarded, as a result there's still people coming. We've lost our identity for the second time since 1995.

Have you ever been to Seattle? The municipal government are all retarded commies like I don't think they have nefarious intentions they're just retarded. The minimum wage increase can be sustained by the investments the city's big corporations make and it's trickle down effect.

Seattle political orientation is like right wing = pro corporation, successful guy working at one of the big corporations but still a leftist to his core & left wing is just far out there like I'm used to pretty snobby progressive leftists, living in Vancouver but Seattle's undesirables are far more out there. These two sides beef in the local papers and the corporations keep the city from shear chaos and have it looking successful on paper but the homeless situation has spun out of control. Adjacent cities like Bellevue reap most of the rewards but like the Seattle municipal leadership is trash. The last mayor was literally a pedo. Seattle is insane!
>Portland is worse and is the most pozzed city in America though

Minimum wage promotes slavery by pushing people out of legal employment where they can't be hired because their minimum wage wouldn't justify their productivity into illegal employment where it would.
These people are then arrested and imprisoned where they become glorified slaves in prison work programs , they later become un hireable ex cons that can't contribute to the economy and are a net drain on it via welfare.

Look at correlations between minimum wage , crime and businesses leaving areas where said minimum wage is.

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if you have 5 people at the party, and 5 slices, everything is good, but if everyone wants to get a bigger piece of the pie, then 1 person has to go without

> t. someone who doesnt know what confounding variables and hidden variables are in statistics

>I don't think they have nefarious intentions.

No, surely making hundreds of millions of dollars disappear between them and their friends contractors on absolutely every single big project the city has ever had is just consistently a well intentioned accident.(pic related)

We're just lucky we're the freak anomaly in the country and our billionaires love us for whatever reason.

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People coming to Seattle can only be attributed to the minimum wage increase so much. You guy's have broadly (cultural&economic basis) risen in prominence nationally and globally the last couple years. Boeing, Costco, Weyerhauser, Starbucks (memes aside), Microsoft and Amazon have been killing it as of late. Unironically the Seahawks & the fact the PNW is very instagramable are all key driver imo

isnt seattle 101% white
who would think racially mixed areas would behave in the same way as the northwest
you (((guessed it)))

>$15 minimum wage will solve poverty!
>just don't look under any of the overpasses in seattle!

I'm currently looking for a place to live on $22 an hour and whenever i drive through seattle and see the tents on the side of the freeway i think "oh, that must be that $600 a month place i saw on craigslist"

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fuck no, there are more niggers every day. God knows how many kids they must have to stave off natural forces like other nigs and abortion thinning the herd.

lmao I don't know about any of that about the monarail. I try to keep up with the local news as best as I can but are you referring to the monarail that goes from that mall to the Space Needle or the LRT?

>our billionaires love us for whatever reason.
You'd think they'd pay taxes if that was the case.

Fun fact: All socialist systems have an initial period of explosive economic growth, it's why it is attractive to short sighted retards. The prolem is, over the long run it is unsustainable and leads to an eventual crash, putting people worse off than where they started from.

People pointed to Venezuela 10-15 years ago calling it a paradise, look at it now.

jerry hosted the party, he can have 2 or 3 large slices for all i care. ted didn't even bring beer to the party and can go fuck himself, he shouldn't even have showed up to the party in the first place if he planned on mooching jew rat

Although agreeable, success Seattle enjoys cannot be attributed to socialist policies. It's trickle down economics by their big companies who are buying up commercial like crazy and creating tons of jobs.

No it's not. The only way employment could increase by raising minimum wage is if Seattle was pretty much booming with jobs and people didn't want to work for shitty salaries.
After that more people wanted a job because of good salaries, while employers were definetly prepeared to hire less while still enaf to increase overall employment.

As simple as that!

*commercial property

>tons of jobs
For non-whites.

the entire west coast is filled with niggers, spics, and kikes anyways
nuke it

The wage isn't the issue in seattle, it's the cost of living. It's impossible to find a place west of the cascades that you can afford by yourself on minimum wage. There needs to be housing available for minimum wage earners. The service industries cannot be sustained by kids who live with their parents.

I would never take economic advise from europoors


Marxism. They don't give jobs to non-whites because they're better at the job, they give it to them to promote "diversity".

And I don't give a fuck for leaf's opinion..

I live in Washington state.
Seattle is not getting better in any way.
If you're really stupid enough of an idiot to think it is, put your balls on the table and move there.

That is the direct cause of rasing a minimum wage. Small businesses now make even less of a profit and many are deeming it's not worth it for the effort and risk they are putting in, thus are more likely to sell if the big businesses come knocking. The big companies can eat the immediate loss for long term increase in market share and make it up in the long term, by being able to raise prices with limited competition.

OP's second green text is true and when I wrote the big companies are acquiring tons of commercial properties I'm talking about towers that are popping up in industrial areas on the fringes of the city that were formerly derelict.

As does rent controle and price floors/roofs. Regulation for socio political reasons hurt the economy.


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You leeches live off western handouts, opinion discarded


Assravaged commienigger

Do you even speak a second language?

for someone who doesnt study economics does a higher minimum wage not disadvantage the self employed who dont benefit from this? so doesnt it lower the amount of new small buisnessess starting or does the higher income customers make up for it?