Jow Forums you promised me a purpose and a higher truth, but all you ever really gave me was a fetish for BBC

Jow Forums you promised me a purpose and a higher truth, but all you ever really gave me was a fetish for BBC

Attached: Hard Cock In Briefs, (9).jpg (480x640, 160K)

faggot lmao

How can we compete with Koko Love? White bois btfo!

Attached: KokoLove.webm (720x480, 2.23M)


Least you have something to look forward too. Congrats. Enjoy those cocks.


Enjoy Koko Love OP!


Grow up and get a job commie faggot

My gf browses Jow Forums too which is cool and all but I always remember there’s always Interracial, black dick, and cuck posting non stop.

What is this ugly flag?

That’s your own damn fault faggot.

i developed a fetish for black women thanks to Jow Forums pretty ironic desu

Join us.

Then the problem lies with you, scumbag. Tired of these fucking shill threads.

Attached: op.png (900x1200, 2.2M)

>oy vey


It's time for some Koko Love.

Attached: KokoLove.webm (720x480, 2.4M)

