We are so fucked

What's gonna happen when China attacks?

Attached: 8f8fa64c-cb40-4063-801b-db4e50286233.png (547x557, 635K)

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Toss their salad

Hopefully they’ll kill all faggots and niggers

Hopefully not get china’d

the chinese male is a pathetic low T drone

China can't force project the way the USA can
Also their navy sucks lol they RAS while DIW

The Chinese will be raped.

fags are worse

We drop another rod like we did on Tianjin.

yes that's right goy, the chinamen are useless drones who can't even engineer an escalator, so don't worry and focus on the real problems like lgbt rights

It is over.

>Thread theme

Attached: inthenavy.jpg (480x360, 16K)

>not wanting Billy Herrington on your death squad during close quarters hand to hand combat with the Commie bug men.



>What's gonna happen when China attacks?

Attached: keep-calm-and-use-zyklon-b-2.png (600x700, 322K)


History of America past by America of today.

>tfw I'm in the timeline where two gays kiss the way I originally remember this historical mandela'd picture in Times Square

Attached: 150804-vj-day-iconic-eisenstaedt.jpg (2158x2560, 1.23M)

it's all they've got, worn out cliches and imitation.

but chinks got nothing to lose and are insects, they are brutal little bastards, look what the mongoloids did to captured american troopers in japan?

Make sure you rinse your lettuce.

this and checked. I would let the chinese kill everyone

black man waited for his girl from iraq

Attached: Soldado alemán con mujeres ucranianas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial 1.jpg (637x454, 62K)

Do you think the nig is the bottom? With asses like that, mandingos are just asking for it.

Evil can only distort and pervert the good. It can’t create anything on its own.

When did it get so bad?

Why is America so based and redpilled?

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idk bros
>pic 4 u

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