If paedophilia is mental illness, howcome gayness and transgenderism arent? I think they all need treatment...

If paedophilia is mental illness, howcome gayness and transgenderism arent? I think they all need treatment, and are all degenerates that need to be beheaded

pic unrelated

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howcome i get ridiculed for being against all of them?

You're being* ridiculed for your poor grammar.

Pedos are trying to undo the entire concept of consent.

Most gay and transgender people just want to do what they please with their own bodies. A vast majority adhere to consent laws. It's a simple concept of personal freedom.

You can be assured some kind of freedom exists here because gays/trannies are a side effect of social freedom.

speelling doesnt equL grammer

liberL FAg. I personaly think teaching children to accept gays and tranies is child abuse
fucking low life degenerates

flag unrelated

I'd say only pedophilia and transgenderism should be classified as such. As for gay people, I see it as a sexual orientation and perhaps a sin but not a mental Illness.

Most pro-homosexual arguments could have always applied to pedophilia but retards love to quote "muh slippery slope" on wikipedia, the only real hangup is the "consent" part but that can be undermined by further diminishing the weight of sexual activity into a level of insignificance that even a child could consent to which has already been well under way for decades, at this point this last reservation is a vestige maintained only by fading socialized indignation without any remnant of proper philosophical grounding beneath it.

first, it's spelt paedophilia, pedo means feat, paedo means child, second, paedophilia is a sexual orientation

Good thread.

good cok my nigga

It wont be for long. Its the next station down the slippery slope.

do think gays should go die in a hole?

They should be studied and receive good care and counseling until they are healed.

Gays can be gays in private and should be shamed if they are openly degenerate.

so should schizos whats your point?

that's the lowet im willing to tolerate

They are. Very clearly by the public behaviour of their proponents. You'll never get padeophilia even shifted towards paedomania because of the existence of mothers. With fags and trannies, the argument of grown adults making life choices is an easy sidestep, but wanting to fuck an 8 year old up the ass is generally considered to be wrong and generates a hostile reaction in most mothers who aren't strung out on their dealer's supply of drugs.

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conflicting hypoclits galor

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Homosexuality and paedophilic along with beastiality are all sexual attractions where the object of attraction is reproductively invalid.
Seeing as the purpose of sexual intercourse is reproduction, and the libido drives this, having your brain send reproductive signals to something you cannot reproduce with is a disorder.

>muh barren women

Genetic defect. If you’re fucking a woman who can’t have kids then that’s unfortunate but it still stands you’re attracted to the sex you can reproduce with.

Maybe, one day, our morality will catch up with scientific understanding and we will purge the fags/paedos/animal fuckers from the earth.

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
(Rom 10:9-13)

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
(Act 2:38)

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(Joh 3:16)

Read the Holy Bible, the New Testament

don't forget the trannies and traps

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right. actually good question. mental illness must cause the person or another person distress etc. so in the best possible worlds a gay man or tran will not distress anyone

Pedophilia and homosexual are a mental illness though

Gender dysphoria is a mental illness under the DSM-5. HOW ABOUT YOU READ YOU GAY CUNT

it’s a bit

Pedophilia and homosexuality are normal, cross-dressing is also normal, full-blown transgenderism is mental illness.

Pedophiles have no way to satisfy their sexual ambitions without causing extreme harm. And pre-pubescence isn't a sex (male or female) so pedophilia isn't an "orientation." Anymore than getting aroused b y fat people or old people is a sexual orientation. Sex drives are sex-based (""gender"" based) not based on secondary conditions like the state of being a child, having limbs missing, being elderly, or anything like that. Those are paraphilias.

to a point. but pedophilia the rapey type or the attraction to very younguns is not normal evolutionarily because they can't even concieve yet

>If paedophilia is mental illness, howcome gayness and transgenderism arent?
They are.

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They're all mental illnesses

ho wcome the public doesnt recognise them as such

Gender dysmorphia syndrome.

It’s already a mental illness.

If you want an arguement against it, it’s essentially the same as body dysmorphia syndrome and we don’t tell anorexics they are fat, do we?

Because Jew

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jews can kts

>If paedophilia is mental illness, howcome gayness and transgenderism arent?

They are though.

neither are recognised as such by an overwhelming majority

gays and trannies are the side effect of a decaying society. It's societies attempt at escaping it's own death by forcing people in such societies to join its increasingly abnormal ranks, so that society can pat itself on the back and say thank god, we're still doing alright, look at all these gays we have!

But all of them are.
Because they're bullies who want to ignore real life and be immune to consequences.

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are you implying a boy CAN'T consent to cutting off his peepee in exchange for boobs? You must be literally hitler
also if a female adult were to have sexual intercourse with this boy's feminine penis, it would be merely two consensual gay partners. You don't have anything against homosex, do you user? Are you, God forbid, a homophobe?

The ultimate end of unlimited personal freedoms is that anything goes, as long as there is consent. But wait, kids can't consent. But parents can consent FOR the kids. This is the loophole that will be used next. We already have parents making decisions for their kids to change their gender. If parents can consent for their kids to change their gender, what's stopping parents consenting for their kids to have sex? Logically, nothing. Same with incest, no logical reason to have it if consent is the only thing that matters. Fucking animals too, as if we eat them without consent, why do we need consent to fuck them?

It's where it all logically goes to. Hell, if consent is above all, you can justify killing your own kid, because as the parent, you decide what's consensual for your kid or not.

so a sign of acceptance to the minorities means a crash and burn of society because suddenly every normal jack and jill will what? not have a family?

legality=/=mental disorder.

you = fag

lol you think pedos like all children no matter their gender? thats very wrong my friend.

pedo = feet
paedo = children
paedophile = someone who likes children
pedophile = some who likes feet

so when people are shouting "kill all pedos!" they're shouting kill all feet
and when people are shouting "kill all paedos!" they're shouting kill all children
and when people are shouting "kill all pedophiles!" they're shouting kill all feet lovers
and when people shout "kill all paedophiles", they're actually geting it right.

Mental illnesses are defined by humans. Just because the current academia says it is not doesn't mean that it really isn't a mental disorder

gayness isnt a mental illness because it is quite probable that it comes from a hormone imbalance during pregnancy.
transgenderism is an illness though

What is this ? It's kinda surreal.... I wonder what's going on there? Will the girls kill him and sell his liver on black market?...

Transgenderism: Personality disorder that leads to self-mutilation of the body and delusions about their own gender and a superiority complex towards wrong thinkers.

Homosexuality: Just no, I don't need to explain this one to you, do I?

Mental illness is about whether or not you are causing harm to yourself and/or others.

Homosexuality doesn't mean that you cause harm to other people or yourself; pedophilia means you always cause harm to a child, and hence why it is an illness.

so is it a waste of gov resources to allow sex changes without a reason and any other cosmetic surgies that dont have to exist?

No, minorities will be accepted BECAUSE Jack and Jill aren't having children anymore. First society decays, then, even though it could fix it by having jack and jill have children, it allows itself to decay through the import of minorities.
There comes a moment when a society stops looking at the long term and tries to make ends meet day by day

it's paedophilie, and paedophilia doesnt necisalary mean they will hurt children, most paedos don't want to be paedos and want to change, but are often disregarded and referd to as degenerate by todays normie fuck leftist liberal feminist society

when i say "harm" i don't necessarily mean physical harm.. it could be emotional etc.

I think it is harmful for a child to have any sort of sex with an adult; it will damage them emotionally for life, and they will have difficulties forming healthy sexual relationship in their adult lives.

I didn't say that pedophiles couldn't be homosexual or heterosexual

14 is considered adult in Serbia, its considered child in USA. if you have sex with her in one country you are normal in the other you are a mentally ill pedo. wheres the logic in this?

> 14.

Based Srbia.

Around here it's 16.

you wouldnt think being a "muslim" country we would have a lower one but nope we have the highest one in Europe.

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Pretty sure not being able to pass on your genes is harmful to you as a biological organism whose entire biological purpose is to pass on said genes.

I bet its because you are overcrowded already, sandroaches.

And wasn't Turkey Asian not European?

european part of turkey has 10 milllion turks living in there. more than many european countries.

You guys should stay on the asian side of Turkey, thanks and fuck off from Europe. Just saying we are full.

>he thinks hes European

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There is two aspects of evolution, in group and between groups.
Meaning that the human population is a gene-pool-population, different variant of the genes compete with each other based upon natural selection (this is the step where you have children).
The other is between groups, here you compete against other populations, essentially against the rest of the non-human world. If you for instance cure cancer, you would have helped the continued survival of the human race.. but less can also do, you can adopt a child, or contribute positively to human society, both will have a net positive effect on the continued survival of the human race.

Yes. You don't treat schizophrenia by entertaining their delusions

More whiter than you, muhammed.

Fuck off Roach. At least he is not pretend-muslim brainwashed erdo imbecile pedo prophet faggot.

>pretend-muslim brainwashed erdo imbecile pedo prophet faggot
lol did you just write all the buzzwords you know?
im glad im not wh*Te.

Fuck your incest genes. You don't even have your own history.

Then stay out of Europe.


>turks dont have history

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i eat dick on the dAily

What's a mental illness? It's hard to define the concept.
Trannies want to inflict a mental illness on everyone else and cut off the dicks of little boys who like dolls. It's worse than pedophilia.

based bong.