Jewish Restauranteur Claims Chinese Cannot Cook Chinese Food

Zimmern made the comments to promote his own Midwest Chinese restaurant chain, Lucky Cricket.
“I think I’m saving the souls of all the people from having to dine at these horseshit restaurants masquerading as Chinese food that are in the Midwest,” said Zimmern.
The full-service Lucky Cricket serves Sichuan, Xi’an, and Hong Kong cuisine. The goal is to coax the flyover rubes to try a higher form of Chinese food, Zimmern said. “So what I have to do is I have to introduce them to hot chili oil, and introduce them to a hand-cut noodle, and introduce them to a real roast duck.”
“Zimmern simultaneously denigrates Philip Chiang ... and elevates himself to the position of being the person capable of opening middle America’s eyes to the myriad regional cuisines of a vast, diverse culture.”
Basically a kike saying jews cook better chinese food than chinks.

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Who cares? The chinks and the kikes both want to enslave and control us. Let them fight amongst themselves.

who cares, the kikes and the gooks are both braindead

think more strategically.
kikes can blend in easily, chinks cannot, therefore support chinks to wipe out all the kikes; remember they will gladly take a flamethrower to them and then deport all chinks back to china.

I never understand this argument that cooking certain dishes comes down to genetics.

No, we don't need shitskin immigrants to cook food.

the jew actually got fired

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The backlash was large and swift and soon Zimmern issued an apology. “Let me start by saying most importantly how awful I feel and how sorry I am for my recent remarks. I am completely responsible for what I said and I want to apologize to anyone who was offended or hurt by those sound bites. Food should be for everyone, and yet culturally there is a terrible and centuries old history of white people profiting off of other cultures, in food, music, and elsewhere. The upset that is felt in the Chinese American community is reasonable, legitimate and understandable, and I regret that I have been the one to cause it. That is the very last thing I would ever want to do. And in this case neither intentions nor context matter. Feelings matter,” he wrote on Facebook.
>(((white people)))
it matters because the jew is trying to defer his racism to whites and not jews.

We should deliberately trigger those butthurt uptight losers. They are similar to Arabs in their primitiveness of collective butthurt.

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I don't even care that he's a Jew. He should have never cucked out like that. Both parties know it's not genuine. The dickheads who hate you won't like you anyway no matter what you say as an apology. The best way to deal with a bunch of humorless pricks is to continuously laugh in their face.

the fact was that it wasn't humor. he lambasted the chinese restaurant owners that helped him open up his asian-fusion restaurant. then the jew immediately uses his platform to tell everyone that all their restaurants are shit because it was not authentic. how the hell is his asian-fusion restaurant authentic? the jew made the comments purely for shekels and once called out tried to blame it on white people culturally appropriating food and cultures.

>the fact was that it wasn't humor. he lambasted the chinese restaurant owners that helped him open up his asian-fusion restaurant. then the jew immediately uses his platform to tell everyone that all their restaurants are shit because it was not authentic.
Jews are psychopaths. Yeah, lots of authentic Chinese establishment places serve pizza with a Chinese twist or whatnot, but its because they went through 1000 iterations of their menus and served what the people wanted to be a successful business. The Jew just thinks he can force his custumers to eat his shit right off the rip, because its his 'style of 'chinese'food'. Its pathetic.

>Chinese Food

Whats up with American jews and Chinese food? They seem to go hand in hand.

How the fuck do you know whether he's right or wrong about the quality of the food? You haven't even tasted it, and even then, it's probably a matter of opinion.
>blame it on white people
Couldn't care less. I'm more worried about the prospect of a world where these unfun bugpeople dictate what can be said. Their influence is a cancer on the planet.

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he said ALL as a blanket statement. did the jew eat at every chinese restaurant in the midwest? obviously not. stop trying to defend the kike. can it be that you are a kike yourself.

>Food should be for everyone, and yet culturally there is a terrible and centuries old history of white people profiting off of other cultures, in food, music, and elsewhere.

The jew strikes you as it cries out in pain.

I wish he had said dog meat AND never apologized afterwards.

Fuck the Chinese. Bully them until they learn to laugh.

Neither kikes nor chinks should be allowed in the midwest.

So you can eat horseshit food?
You don't know how to cook mate

the jew should fear the chink

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kike confirmed, into the oven with you

He's right tho. The chinese are shit at everything they do.

The world needs to come together and put the devils into the oven once in for all

the issue is the kike became friends with the chinese restaurant owners in order for them to help him open up his chinese restaurant. once the jew got his restaurant, he then backstabbed them. a jew through and through. never trust a kike. classic jew subversion.


He's right you fn idiot! Your little "outrage" here is ridiculous. The 'food' chinks serve in the west is pseudo chinese food and has nothing to do with authentic chinese cuisine. Some would even call it dogshit. Ofc everyone who knows a tiny bit about food knows this. Only idiots and 13yos dont. But maybe americans even think what they get is the real thing, I cant tell. I mean they are mostly idiots. OP makes himself look like a double cunt to everyone with a brain

How is that a problem? An how does that make him any less wrong? Like am I being shit posted to death right now. Chinks steal god damn everything on every level. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. Someone serves them a cold hard dish of their medicine and now its a problem?

You a chink son? Or did your memory lapse for a minute. I'll forgive you, no harm no foul. Just saying. I'd rather eat at a white owned "chinese" place over an actual chink infested one where they serve you pubic hair and rat meat.

I don't even know what that fat jew dumpster diver is even talking about.

I live in a mid sized midwestern city of 500k. We have dozens of chinese restaurants representing every type of regional cuisine. I have multiple Korean BBQ places within 5 miles. My supermarket has a sushi chef that makes rolls to order.

If anything the criticism of midwesterners are that there are other ethnicities that make food other than Asians and Mexicans.

Oh no, typos. Double space? Accidentally called the jew white! My post.. Invalidated! NOOOOOO!!
I will now leave the thread in shame.

> high verbal IQ

>Chinks steal god damn everything on every level.
they learned it all from the kikes. the kikes will always be enemy #1, once all kikes are eliminated, then the chinks, muslims, etc... can be dealt with the next day. stop defending kikes.

Both his shows were cancelled in midseason, before he gave those comments.
This is a conscious social media marketing trick to push his new restaurant chain.


he's 100% correct if he's talking about american chinese.

a sane response instead of all the jew shills trying to defend him

90% of the Chinese food restaurants have Vietnamese staff and cooks and their food is indeed shit.

he wasn't though, everyone knows pf changes, panda, and all the chain outlets is not chinese food. he criticized actual chinese mom and pop shops which helped him open up his chinese restaurant.

Commies and Commies...

if that's the case then, fuck him.

Holy shit Zimnern is fucking based af BTFO gooks and libtards alike


/our jew/

He's saying he does a better job, not because he's jewish and because they're asian, but because he puts forth more effort.
You're an absolute moron, the exact equivalent of a fat pansexual parrothair looking for something to screech about.

no, he said that the mom and pop shops that helped him with his shop are horseshit. stop trying to twist his words unless that is you are a fellow kike

to add: asian-fusion is not chinese food either

Spot on!
The jew is a clever parasite
Heil Hitler


why does anyone care?

taking down a kike is a win

>the flyover rubes

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>how awful I feel and how sorry I am
yeah cos he lost his jerb not because he cares about anyone's feelings :D

>>culturally there is a terrible and centuries old history of white people profiting off of other cultures, in food, music, and elsewhere.
>it matters because the jew is trying to defer his racism to whites and not jews.
all so tiresome

> Zimmern Jewish
As if you really needed to state the obvious.

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Unironically this

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>flyover rubes
did he really use that phrase?

Think he'll go back to sucking cock in back alleys for heroin money?
I do.