Hitler sucked and got destroyed by the most mongrelized, racially impure people on Earth (Russians and Americans)...

Hitler sucked and got destroyed by the most mongrelized, racially impure people on Earth (Russians and Americans). This entire board is nothing but fail.

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um sweatie americans and russians back then were 99% white

>sIeG HEil!!!!1

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Heil Hitler for ever

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>thinks "white" is a thing east of the Atlantic

fuck off kike. you are the only fail

america did little to destroy germany, they mostly fighted with japanese. and did a good job there tho

Can you prove him wrong though? Can you prove either you or any other stormweenie larper here has a white family, adheres to his ideology and combats Int. Judaism daily (posting here doesn't do shit, don't lie to yourself, this is a containment zone for you suckers who are too anxious and depressed to deal with the real world)

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the most funny part is that americans beat hitler and 80 years later us basedboys start 'miring. it's like the ultimate cuck their grandparents must be turning in their graves.

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No he can't. Jow Forums is now a safe space for lobotomized jew haters.

White isn't a race. 1940s White Americans were Anglo-German-Amerindian-Italian-Irish-French-Iberian-Jewish-Nordic-Slav mutts. 1940s Russians were Slav-Finnic-Baltic-Turkic-Jewish-German-Nordic mutts. Spics and Asians are just further shitting up their already shitty gene pools.

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Lol funny the rise in kikes on this board is telling, they are seeing the rise of white nationalism and know they are absolutely fucked. How does it feel your entire history of people's has involved being kicked out and genocided in just about every place you kikes move to.

Indeed, fail once and never try again
The true spirit of the leaf

US and Bong airpower did in fact destroy Germany. The German army was largely ground down by the Communist slave empire of which your nation was a part but the reds paid dearly in both lives and treasure for that. You also would have never stood a chance on your own so don't get too uppity.

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At the time, there weren't any mongrel nations. What was America? 95% white? What was Russia? 95% white? And yes, he lost the largest scale war in history against 40+ countries. Your b8 thread is trash.

How does it feel to live in schizophernic world where some random heeb across the planet is your biggest enemy? I live in your head rent free you mental patient

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Projecting your insecurities onto the white man OY VEY

>the reds paid dearly
the "reds" didn't pay dearly for anything, ever. humans were all universally seen as cattle or 1s and 0s. they just pushed meat into the grinder until the grinder stopped moving, and they never regretted or felt bad about it for a second.

>spouts edgy taglines
why kvetch goy

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Listen your entire history involves your people being absolutely despised by the natives . Perhaps this is not because every other civilization on the planet is schizo but because your people are merchant termites who do nothing but leech

people never talk about the real irony of Hitler and the nazis.
He proposed a master race said the master race was English, American etc then promptly got blown the fuck out by the master race,
So he was 100% correct.
It was a self fulfilling prophecy.

German lost because of allied bombing and their army being stuck in Russia.
The Russians only followed a deatroyed supply line.
Within 300 days of normandy the reich would be done.

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Even with iberian or italian admixture they were still mostly white