Canada imports White Helmet terrorists to Nova Scotia

Is there any 3rd world subhuman Canada doesn't beg to import? Also Canada is 49% White. The anything out inna woods is 100% white is bullshit, Trudeau is now specifically diversifying any White rural areas.


>Syrian White Helmets try to rebuild lives in Canadian exile

>Members of rescue organization that saved thousands resettle in Nova Scotia after evacuation via Israel and Jordan

>Masri was the head of the women’s division in southern Syria of the White Helmets, the rescue organization that has saved thousands of people from under the rubble of homes after Russian and Syrian government airstrikes.

>Now she is now in Canada, along with hundreds of other rescue volunteers who fled Syria earlier this year, as the noose of Bashar al-Assad’s forces tightened around them.

>But before that, she endured months of shelling and bombardment, a retreat from a government offensive, loss of hope and finally, salvation. A dramatic escape through Israel – a mortal enemy of Syria – was followed by three months of misery in a Jordanian refugee camp, and finally an autumnal welcome in Canada.

>Masri and Jihad Mahameed, the head of the White Helmets in southern Syria who is also now in Canada, both confirmed that Ottawa had played a central role in the rescue operation.

>“We owe [Canada] our lives, for saving us from the hell we were in,” said Masri.

>According to Mahameed, one Russian general mocked the White Helmets’ foreign support, saying: “Let them go to London.”

>Eventually, Canada helped negotiate a plan in which Israel and Jordan evacuated the volunteers in Quneitra and their families . At night on 21 July, Masri, her husband and 420 others snuck to the border, where Mahameed was waiting. The rest of the 1,370 volunteers and their families in the south stayed in Syria.

What a fucking joke. Canada is now helping terrorists escape justice and giving them $10,000 a month in Canada.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Remember the Syrian coward hiding in Malaysia?


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Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% in 2 days

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White Genocide

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Fastest genocide in recorded peacetime history

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fuck I was planning on moving to nova scotia. where the fuck are they sending them?

Everywhere. Northern Ontario, Maritimes, Northern BC, etc. Gerald butts is targetting majority-White swing ridings.

Soon classrooms like this one in Toronto will be in Halifax, PEI, Quebec City, Thunder Bay, etc. It's all part of the plan.

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Nuke all of north america

But MSM told me White Helmets are good goys.

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They were so good in fact, they even were Oscar worthy.

I guess there's too many white people in Nova Scotia, eh?

Where were you when ISIS won an Oscar?

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Nice one. They made it to Hollywood. Soon to be named Honorary Jews.

goddamnit why can't it ever be good news
>sudden unexplainable increases in gun violence and driving accidents!
>crack down on rural white sport shooters and increased distracted driving fines
just fuck my shit riiiiiight up senpai

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Nova Scotia is about 90% white, and Halifax is around 84% white based on the most recent census. If you're living outside of Halifax, and not near any native reserves, you will not see many non-whites, but it may not be that way for long.

@ 08:00

>tmw white helmets and ISIS terrorists are strolling around in ISIS propaganda videos.

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didn't russia just prove for over an hour in front of the whole UN that they were actual terrorists, murderers, thieves, false flaggers and organ harvesting..DO FACTS AND TRUTH NOT FUCKING MATTER ANYMORE

Always the leaf

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Groceryjew thread

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A muslim meme flag made a post but then it was deleted... what's going on?

Scheer is so pathetic even he has to do lame grocery posting

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Groceryjew has repeated been caught in lies.

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Yawn. Time to make the same boring thread as yesterday. OP will make 50 posts and bump his thread several times after 10 minutes of nobody posting. What a thrilling way to spend your existence.

Never trust a jew

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I live there, I assume in the areas near/in Halifax hopefully, immigrants are starting to move into the smaller towns too though

All White Helmets are Al Qaeda and should die.

Well deserved. Talented fellows.

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This fucking Polish Gypsy is back at his faggoty nonsense again lmao. This man fucking SEETHES because he got BTFOd from Canada. Jilted lover tier. Everyone laugh at the autist.

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Well I generally think jdp is full of shit, who here didn't have a communist faze growing up. The idea of free stuff, and everyone being equal is appealing too naive kids. And all but the dumbest of kids grow out of it in a week or so once they look at the irl evidence.

i heard Africans are taking over small towns

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Nova Scotia was too white. I know an apartment building that is legit 80% "refugees". They all got tons of babies and multiple wives.


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Syrians we got can hardly speak english. They also have no ties to gangs and don't seem concerned (yet) with criminality. Refugee bux is too good i guess.

What building?

Rather not say.

And CBC constantly run feels good stories about Syrian refugees living in Canada.

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I witnessed fresh off the plane Syrian refugees in my hometown. Imagine a group of men riding bicycles doing wheelies in the middle of the sidewalk like some feral Middle-Eastern animals, while everyone else behaves in a fashionable manner. Fast forward a few months: I am at Best Buy and a young female refugee follows me around to look how I am shopping, as to copy me because she did not understand how to do it herself. Every item I looked at, she would look at as I walked away. These animals stick out like a sore-thumb and may as well be a different species.

>a young female refugee follows me around to look how I am shopping, as to copy me because she did not understand how to do it herself.
Maybe she just desperately wanted to have sex with you though

>Literally importing the propaganda ministerium of ISIS
Canada is brainlet vvojak the country at this point

It doesn't sound like Nova Scotia at all. Housing projects are predominately black, not refugee. Large apartment buildings are mostly found in peninsular Halifax which has a reduced low income/shitty people population because there are few minimum jobs and they all go to students. Most people on social assistance decide to live elsewhere because of higher rent.

All the areas outside of HRM are still too white and 'racism' doesn't support a large minority population. If we had a refugee 'hotel', I think I would have heard about it.

Grocery jew, Poland fags and recycle nerds are squashing any real chance of discussing Canada in Jow Forums. It has to be a coordinated effort to slide any real discussion. Every single day, every single thread about Canada is full of shills and lies. As a Canadian I'm starting to ignore any and all threads like this. They are anything but productive and distracts fellow Leafs from reality and more importantly, what they can actually do.

Go fuck yourselves.

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I've seen housing projects go from 70% black to majority muslims. But I assure you I'm not lying about the apartment, I frequented there almost daily for a while.

I hope all of them get kidnapped and brought back to Syria to face justice. Canada is full of pussies who can't do shit, it would be easy to kidnap those faggots.

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>when you first go wtf but then remember canada fought against you

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Americans are all bark no bite.

Did you fug her?

>Eventually, Canada helped negotiate a plan in which Israel and Jordan evacuated the volunteers in Quneitra and their families


How do you get blacks to leave their housing project? They're kept almost generational with long waiting lists. I bet some people are renting their own unit out and living somewhere cheaper.

I just discussed Canada above: Refugees will follow you around in stores to copy your actions, as to learn how to be human.

>If we had a refugee 'hotel', I think I would have heard about it.
rent is only 600 a month, it's not a hotel.

Warrants, prison, getting a good affirmative action government job and leaving for a nicer building.

We should exterminate them ourselves.

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>All bark no bite
You're getting a little too comfortable up there with your legalized bestiality, friend.

Holy fucking shit this is faker than Hollywood tits

Remind me again why I shouldn't check out of society.

sounds like an NPC meme waiting to happen

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Checked and kek'd

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Ya seriously, these threads dont solve shit and are generally just terrible. Folks k ow it's bad up here and need direction. Really the only way to combat this war on European canadian is to start a grass roots movement that people wont be afraid to to do it is the question.

>Importing Terrorists
>Food Prices fixed by the literal mafia
>Replacing White people with 3rd world subhumans


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Jokes on you, now you're going to be stuck in Nova Scotia like me.

They'll just live in the Arab ghetto in Clayton Park and drive taxis, or open up a CBC- advertised bakery/chocolatier/shawarma shop.

if any of these is legit at least these ones don't sound like complete savages.

Actually falling for the recyclers lies. Are you retarded?
Nova Scotia is 91 percent white. Even Halifax is still a majority white. Immigrants generally dont want to live out here cause there's not a lot of sun and only one decent sized city.

Nah they'll get stuck with uniacke square kek.

Look at the adults sat along that side wall. They all look leftist sjw type cunts.

We need
Less immigration
Supply management reform
Defunded CBC
National pipelines built
Overhaul of native laws

These threads dont have any merit because memeflag faggot has no interest in solutions or discussion. He's just trying to demoralize.
Vote PPC by the way.

Uniacke square is exclusively niggerville.

For now. Blacks often convert to Islam though.

Rise up and end the horror

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Can I recommend killing yourself?
Everyone make sure to sage.

Eat your bugs goy

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The recycling logo is very fitting.
The same garbage over and over again.

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Friendly reminder that Drumpf's state dept paid these false flagging sandniggers something like 5 million in June of this year.

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Great, now ISIS has put on white helmets and is being evacuated to Canada.
Once they start wrecking Canada, we can easily annex them, just to restore order.

Are you from Ontario or something? Have you met blacks from NS? No North Preston gangbanger is going to be seeking an imam anytime soon.

Nah man, the Oscars though, right dude? Remember Trump allegedly based the decision for his 57 tomahawk salvo on his daughter's reaction to a CNN report about muh gas.

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We HAVE to rescue them.

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Fake and gay. Why not take the memeflag down?

I'm from all over. I've lived across Canada.
Given enough time, Islam infects black populations.
That said, I'm aware that many blacks in NS are nominally Christian.

>The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."[2] The same scenario had been envisaged, with rather less enthusiasm, by Madison Grant in his 1916 The Passing of the Great Race, calling for a eugenics program to prevent this development, and in a similar ideological context in Lothrop Stoddard's The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy in 1920

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bmp for this

I've said it before that a northern wall is also going to be necessary soon so long as these goons are ruining Canada. I've been to northern VT to the border and there isn't actually much of one. Consider this.

Halifax is definitely not about 60 percent any longer. Massive amounts of Chinese, Somalis, etc etc.

This is in addition to the local blacks and the Greek and Lebanese contingents that have been here for decades.
>up to 80% of women have been raped
>The use of rape as a weapon of war in the conflict in Darfur, Sudan
>episodes occurred in Rwanda in 1993-94, where 80% of women were raped and resulted HIV positive.
>in Uganda, 70% of the women reported having been raped by combatants
>Democratic Republic of Congo
>Since the conflict began in 1997, hundreds of thousands of women and girls have been brutally raped. In some villages as many as 90 percent of the women have been raped
>The 2017 records of Family Courts show that 60 percent of Egyptian women were subjected to marital rape, while 10,000 complained of sexual violence.
>Central African Republic
>90% of women having been raped since the conflict began.
>approximately 90% of Tutsi women were raped
>During Liberia's recent civil war, 75 percent of the women were raped, most having been gang raped
>In 2012, a study reported that 50 percent of Black women were sexually assaulted, raped, or molested by Black men by the time they reached age 18.

>picture related when nigger lives are rebuilt

Attached: Everyday African cooking cuisine.webm (400x400, 2.92M)

Literally where?

Nigger do some research. Your fucking Somalis and Haitians are the ones invading us. For the love of God, please do build a wall or at least fix the third nation agreement so we stop getting your economic migrants.

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Kek where the fuck are you in Halifax mate. That's simply not true.

Halifax is my favourite place on the planet, but they keep hurting themselves. It pains me greatly.

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apparently you have not been anywhere inside the peninsula, clayton park or fairview?

I was born and raised here and I know how much it has changed. I currently live in Dartmouth which is now the whitest part of town.

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I have been extensively around clayton Park. You've clearly never been to the other major Canadian cities if you think Halifax isnt pretty white overall.
It's no Ottawa Valley but it's not bad..yet.

You'll find clouds of these gnats in the areas around the Halifax Shopping Centre. Fairview schools now even has outdoor classrooms to facilitate the influx of illterate ape people.

Just heard on the radio some of them are pushing to rename Amherst the town, and cornwallis street.
They're going to try hard to erase history.

>Is there any 3rd world subhuman Canada doesn't beg to import?
Yeah, members of the caravan languishing in Tijuana. Strange the leafs would miss a chance to virtue signal by flying them all up north. Almost as if those migrants are earmarked for the US, and nowhere else will do.

For some reason the HSC is full of darkies all the time.