STUDY: ‘Harry Potter’ Fans Are More Likely to Hate Donald Trump

> According to a new study to be published in a special 2016 election issue of PS: Political Science and Politics finds that reading Harry Potter books leads Americans to take a lower opinion of Donald Trump. In fact, the more books the participants read, the greater the effect.

> The study, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Donald?,” was written by Professor Diana Mutz, the Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Political Science and Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication and in the Department of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

The absolute state of Political Sciences.

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Other urls found in this thread:’-opinions-donald-trump

People who shart in marts most likely to love donald trump study claims

I read each book one time, and read each movie one time. I did this to escape the problems of that era. It was a sick, sad world.

The rest of my reading material was STEM-related, thankfully.

>reading a movie

oops I am still retarded. Thanks harri potty

>Diana Mutt

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People who consume TV and hollywood are more likely to do the bidding of TV and hollywood

not that there aren't legit reasons to hate donald trump

STUDY : 'Harry Potter' Fans Are More Likely To Love Sweaty Cock

How is this a study and how is it conducted? This seems like the lowest form of a "study". Did they even cross reference this with fans of The Flintstones? baka

The books were charming and often reflected stories like the Chronicles of Narnia. J.K. Rowling has shown insight and genuine compassion in the past, but she's surrounded herself with poisonous hollywood types and in the last few years it has shown how she's changed

>the study also found people likely to call themselves Harry Potter fans beyond the age of 25 were...
well, Jow Forums?

>people who believe in a fantasy world and are completely disconnected from reality don't like reality!


Attached: JK Rowling & pedo symbols.jpg (1164x698, 227K)

>...were continiously sucking cock during the study.
>Their motives remain unknown, and that's a good thing!

Did you know if you support the wizard world, you support a stagnant unchanging society?

Think about it. In the 60s we send man to the moon. Now we have smartphones which can unironically do more than wands when you consider all the apps and features.

Meanwhile they still use owls and quills. Imagine if Harry had a cell phone. He could have saved Sirius life.

The point I make is if you call yourself a progressive but support Harry potter, you're a walking contradiction.

I like Harry Potter and love Donald Trump

What now

>How is this a study and how is it conducted?
This is serious academic work, user.

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>In the 60s we send man to the moon
user ...

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We could probably instigate a meltdown if we just used the word muggle as some sort of slur against non whites

Mudbloods instead of mutts
Watch their heads explode

no way, adults who still read children's books don't like Trump, what's going on, "NERDS" don't like Trump, and "NERDS" are super smart.

americans are muttbloods that don't even understand that the movies had some hidden redpills (like the kike bankers that own the wizards entire banking sector, or the fact that the purebloods where shat on by the education sector that didn't even hide the fact that they despise purebloods and will cheat to make non purebloods win)

Top kek

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B-but I love President Trump and Harry Potter stuff.

> MAGA leviosa!

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I can't disagree with you. It's a pity how she turned into a crazy person. but what's the going rate for women turning into lefties these days, something like 75%?

at least youre not a pedo or child abuser or something sick like that user

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Most real Americans over the age of 27 don't even like this shit, so shut the fuck up, Belgium web-footed waffle.

We found the muttblood

>STUDY: ‘Harry Potter’ Fans Are More Likely to Hate Donald Trump

STUDY: People Who Can Read Are More Likely To Hate Donald Trump

Fixed that for you. You're welcome.

>Slytherin: Jow Forums
>Ravenclaw: facebook
>Huffelpuff: 9gag
>Gryffindor: Reddit

> copeposting
Keep telling yourself that.

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fuck you Belgium twat Pure Scottish descent since 1690 here in America. Go fuck a muslim immigrant or send a thank you note to your Russian slav, great grand father.

>people who read children's books are more likely to hate Donald Trump

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Need more images like this.

Just as I'm sure you are safe from the Avadra Kedavra curse.


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Im a faggot who loves being infected with different HIV strains and harry potter is my favourite book. Check flag for verification.

Could be true. I have never read or watched Harry Potter but from what I do know he was written by a feminist woman, is physically deficient and has a snobby British accent. It would have taken all my self control to not bully him if he was in my wizard school.

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Doubt it. Over that time span the chances one of your great grandfathers was cucked is high.

Harry potter is for fags and girls
Shit be written by a hoe

The muttblood cries out in pain as he strikes you. PS: slavs never came near belgium, perhaps you should open a map and look where blegium is located?

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these articles are written by journalists struggling to come to terms with no longer being young, when for them Harry Potter interest existed. I've never read or watched it, but I've also never seen a report make a succesful attempt at applying anything from it to modern day realities. drumpf = voldermort is the epitome of orangemanbad


Almost everyone does, so what
I know thousands of people and keep track of all of them, only 15 like trump

>people with shit taste have shit taste

>Yet another groundbreaking study from the journal of Duh.

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Kek. Not that specifically, just general neck s o Ys reacting in such ways.

>unfuckable virgins.

Have the video.

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>Correlation = causation

And it is stated as such on the official UPenn website, no less:’-opinions-donald-trump

Holy fuck.

never noticed how great her tits were.

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And here's the unedited one.

Attached: feel the soy.webm (650x364, 1.76M)

Hoky shit lol


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these will never be not funny

>le correlation =/= causation so nothing actually ever matters data means nothing epic for the win

Worst argument in existence.

>this'll go down in history like every other temper tantrum that's been going on since trump's election.
>Our future generations will know we were the only people with a semblance of sense trying to keep order among the voices of the mentally disturbed.
>A lesson will be learnt that people like this should not be tolerated and rather locked up in a mental asylum or have their voting privileges revoked for juvenile behaviour
This is good. Our children might have a future to salvage and a legacy to continue and preserve

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>Professor Diana Mutz
Quintesential American Professor.

>fantasists more likely to be left wing
Colour me surprised

I don't know why I find MILFs so much hotter than young women. It goes against nature.

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It's almost as if Harry Potter was satanic brainwashing propaganda for kids

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What was this a study.

Because they'll fuck your brains out with the raw energy of a wounded animal.

checkmate moon deniers

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You were raped by hags as a child.

It was too traumatic for you to remember.

I'm sorry.

>Pure Scottish since 1690
>things that never happen: The Mutt
Don't worry, you'll enjoy your 1/69821848964th (((Irish))) blood from your (((23andme))) test
Fucking idiot, you're the laughing stock of the world.


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>Professor Mutz
>berg School
You're fucking with me user

Read the whole series, saw all the movies, and I still would take Donald Dick

Harry Potters fans hate Umbridge, a wand grabber trying to disarm the students of Hogwarts because 'The government will take care of you', which is proven false as her disarming the students made it much easier for Voldermort to take it over.

At the same time, Harry Potter fans are in favor of 'gun grabbers' trying to disarm the populace because 'The government will take care of you' which has been proven false as throughout history the first thing tyrants do is disarm their people, and anyone who does this is planning to become a dictator.

In their fiction, they want to be armed and gun grabbers can GTFO
In reality, they want you disarmed and anyone who says 'We need our wands to defend ourselves' gets reported straight to ol Voldy.

So yeah, speaking in terms that Libtards can understand, not only are they hypocrites, they're literally Dolores Umbridge, the prissy, pearl clutching wand grabber, who was also a traitor and ended up working for the big bad.

I chuckled sensibly

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> check it
> University of Pennsylvania
> mfw it's real


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Mutt education

Who is Jimmy S. for 1000 Alex.

Harry Potter follows this similar pattern that all lefties that get obsessed about fiction follow.

1. You have a show with fantastical elements (fantasy, scifi, horror).
2. It has a childish, feel good, utopian, empowering, etc feel to it.
3. But also undertones of sexual tension.
4. The leftist prevers to partially life their lives in this fantasy and does this by reading, collecting, watching and talking about their product.

>J.K Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books
>he doesn't know

ITT: Incel Euro being Incels like always

Seriously this is why Muslims and Blacks took over your land. Obsessing over a children's book made by a British Liberal whore.

Gee it's like only illiterate retards support Drumpf. Imagine that...

>Seriously this is why Muslims and Blacks took over your land.
How is Detroit doing?

He didn't know that it's ancient history from the gods

People who didn't grow up from Harry Potter are absolute retards. I was a huge fan back in the day but the more you read other things the more you can feel what kind of a hack jk rowling is.

I'll bite. Who'd she steal them from?


>she literally thinks a story aimed at 12 year olds is high int

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the books appeal because its literally magical thinking, unlike naruto, there was no rules to magic. it was just a bunch of random events, in the end the protaganist didnt discover some amazing jutsu or technic to win, he just accepted death.
fag book for faggots.


>Gee it's like only illiterate retards support Drumpf. Imagine that...
Like people who read Harry Potter novels? Read that stuff when I was a child.

Holy shit.

> user thinks reading children's book makes him sophisticated

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Millennials grew up with Harry Potter, millennials were brainwashed all throughout school and through media into being cunt feminists and sackless faggot npcs, cunt feminists and sackless faggot npcs hate Trump, hence a large subset of Harry Potter fans hate Trump. It's not rocket science, and it has little to do with Harry Potter aside from the fact that the hero in the series is a sackless faggot role model for little boys as opposed to something manly like they would have had in the past.

>study by Diana Mutt
Imagine my shock

The ability to read already makes them "highly educated", why do you think they can't even learn a foreign language?

In more primitive times such people would be culled. That's the blood lust you are feeling but civilization requires these and many other primal urges are suppressed.

Harry Potter is awesome and redpilled.
She wrote this stuff when she was poor.

Their is an entire novel about the importance of the 2nd amendment. The allegory is hardly even existent.

Everyone is separated by race even though travel is instantaneous and as easy as walking through a doorway.

I cannot imagine Rowling not consciously dropping hints that Voldemort was sexually abused by Dumbledore, there are just too many to likely be a coincidence.

The only thing this is measuring is that leftists are willing to define themselves as consumers and seriously take life lessons from fantasy.

>crazy cunt

Don't forget JK Rowling's portrayal of jews as shifty little goblins.