Why do people I barely know ask me (male) if I have a girlfriend? Is it just a general conversation thing?

Why do people I barely know ask me (male) if I have a girlfriend? Is it just a general conversation thing?

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It's to determine who is more dominant. You evaluate how much risk someone might be, how compatible you are as social community, etc.

It's one of the very basic conclusions in a group dynamic.

If dudes ask general conversation. If chick asks, she wants you.


It's not a problem so say I don't right? i don't want to be seen as a risk or as dominant.

Everyone is evaluated automatically in any situation, most of the time it's subconsciously.
Relationship status shows character traits depending on demographic location, cultural upbringing, etc. Let's say you are a caucasian male, born in the States, parents being americans for several generations, etc, you can assume a certain set of cultural beliefs and morals and based on these prejudices you can define a character. Over time when you get to know the person better you replace assumptions with "facts" that are confirmed by you or being admitted by the other party.

>If chick asks, she wants you.
Pretty shitty and shaky generalization. See above

God, so much asked me if I had a gf! I though it was casual discussion, and always said I don't like if I were discussing with a friend.
Knowing what you said would have helped me acting more strategically.

Can you elaborate on why it is shitty?
Girls who asked were quite orbiting around me, but I didn't wanted them 100% so I never made a move.

What part about see above was unclear?

From what you wrote, I can't see why it is shitty to think that a girl may be into me if she asks me if I have a gf.

It's a shitty generalization. Not everyone who asks you if you like tomatos would want to eat or make tomato salad for you.

It's one of the many possibilities of why she could have asked that question but it's not an exclusive.

>can't see why it is shitty to think that a girl may be into me if she asks me if I have a gf.
This is a pretty common question to ask, assuming the ones asking are doing anything more than having polite conversation with you is shooting yourself in the foot.

I've understood that. I'm a sensible man, endlessly searching for clues. This one could have been decisive for me.

Again, I'm not assuming causal relationship.
While I read user, it came to my mind that girls who asked me this question all seemed attracted to me and expecting a move from me. But I didn't, because I wasn't 100% sure I wanted her.

>it came to my mind that girls who asked me this question all seemed attracted to me and expecting a move from me. But I didn't, because I wasn't 100% sure I wanted her.
I'm pretty sure not even half of the chicks that asked that question understood or implied it in any way you see it.

If you want to know for sure ask each of them. You will come of as creep but you'll know for sure and you can state with confidence based on your on experience that it is that way, which is still statistically a very tiny amount of people on the planet and therefor not representative.

What you recommend is stupid. Nobody would say out of the blue, "are you asking me becuz u wanna be my gf?" This is retard.
I need pretty more clues to dare asking a girl to date.

>What you recommend is stupid.
Well what other type of literal verification do you want? There is nothing else unless that you try to pursue every "given" (interpreted) possibility just because you understood something as a clue.

Don't imply stupid shit then you won't get "stupid" recommendations. You either confirm by finding out facts or you live in your own bubble and continue to live by false concepts

Again, I didn't mean causal relation. Your literal verification would certainly outcome in very rare cases were a relation actually exist in girl's question and a possible interest. I have no doubt about it (this is why I think your advice is stupid, it aims at showing me something I am conviced of).

Now, a few people say that "believing in some fact helps the fact to happen, especially when one is part of the fact". So the possible, yet very unprobable, relation between sucha question and the interest of one or two girls would have let me foresee a situation and take advantage of it. This is a posteriori thinking, but it may be useful for my future.

I agree with you that don't asking her girl about her feelings if I have feelings for her, fantasizing about her instead, is a vast loss of time (and energy). I should me more quick in talking about it with girls, I'm still learning.

Beliefs and facts are not based on the same conditions. A belief is a assumption without any knowledge of the outcome, a fact you know because it has been observed and confirmed.

Thanks analytic philosopher.

>If chick asks, she wants you.
Lol, no

Can you two mongos stop derailing the thread with your shitty opinions nobody gives a fuck about?

This is not an opinion, this is a fact. The fact is that when someone ask you if you have a gf it's always a casual discussion, no matter the gender of the person who asked.

>If chick asks, she wants you.
You missed it user. Let me repair your sentence:
>If chick talks to you, she wants you.

>it's always
That's already where you are wrong.