For all the fags that deny the holocaust, can you explain this?

No reason to even type to explain this, the documentary made took information from over 20 archives from respective nations.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>links to a propaganda film

I can do that too

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The holocaust did in fact happen to some degree, and the retarded kids on the internet that deny it have no fucking idea what they are talking about and they are just desperate to scapegoat out of responsibility of what their ancestors did.
The same kids that claim this stupid shit are the same ones that pretend as if native Americans were not slaughtered by their ancestors, or the same ones that blame some tiny minority of Jews for why Europeans literally invaded and occupied African lands and forced them onto slave plantations in their own lands like King Leopold II of Belgium in the Congo.


How is it even a propaganda film? It exposes war crimes done by Stalin, and the allies as well....

Exposing the horrible shit my side does = propaganda.
Sorry buddy, the so called "allies" were actually worse than the Axis overall and Stalin and the Russians were fucking horrible.


Thats not even the point im trying to make you retard aboriginal, im only saying that people who deny the holocaust are degenerates

Im not saying the allies were better or worse


Looks piles of ash.

>muh holohoax!!
kys kike

The lolocost happened so many times.

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Yeah nice job you retard troll, piles of ash have visible faces and limbs


hello reddot

Im not the fucking kike here Im not a fucking retard either

im not saying suck every jews dick and give them everything im only saying something that most people on this board deny actually happened

retard anti Semite

youre just showing a picture i linked a published documentary with credits at the end

i guess the US national archives is ran by the jews too

everything is just done by jews huh

Congratulations on being a low IQ conspiracy theorist. Clap clap.

Denying the holocaust is like the right wing version of wearing a Che t-shirt

None of them know shit about it

they fell out a window or tripped

Define "the holocaust".

dude tifus lmao

Not denying the Holocaust just all the bullshit stories people made up. About 80 million people died in that war. All we hear about is "6 million Jews". There weren't 6 million even in Europe. The stories of gas Chambers and hair being used as stuffing for mattresses and fat Jew ladies being used as bonfire starters are all based on lies. Why do (((they))) lie? I used to believe all this shit but after looking at it on my own and knowing a person for over two decades who claims he was a camp survivor and the biggest liar I've ever known, I came to the conclusion that is utter propaganda.

Who cares? They were doing the right thing. Jews trashed the world after WW2.


If were going to just be basic and logical then the holocaust is simply the final solution where the nazis decided upon mass genocide when the allies refused to take them in

but jews control everything and all information cant be believed or understood because the jew is in our minds reading us 24/7


Complete propaganda film. Talks about the bombing of London but doesn't mention that the Brits bombed Germany FIRST. The German bombing was retaliation.

Also, hundreds of thousands of people died in the camps during the later stages of the war BECAUSE of the allied bombing against Germany. Germany was bombed to dust long before the war was over and could hardly feed their own population properly.

The inmates starved to death and died of disease (probably around 400,000 people in total).

After the war was over 7-11 million Germans starved to death because the allies refused to help them.

There should be justice for what the allies did to Germany, but it will probably never come. Because then the allies would need to admit they were in the wrong and that 50 million people died because they wanted to destroy the economic growth of Germany (which was the only reason for the war).

This is a kike thread.
I urge all to watch Europa - the last battle. and The greatest story never told.

My great-grandpa died in the camps.
He fell out of the guard tower.

it's war, people die,

based petrol-sniffer, truth hurts

>pic of 50 dead bodies
>literally a holocaust

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this destroys the kike, watch him dance around these and do everything to preserve his precious holohoax lmao

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That's performing arts, you dummy

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ur actually retarded yes let me get one sole picture of every dead jew and the orchestrates behind it in one room

>photo with few dozen died prisoners.
>proof that 6 trillions jews died
do the math

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Sure user. Nazis took time to shrink heads, as it was proven, and you bring light to brainlets like me with your super-high IQ.

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yes, but what about the jews?
when was the last time you sent 100 moneys to a holocaust survivor in the former soviet union?

*music chants "lie lie lie lie lie lie"*

ur actually retarded yes let me get one sole picture of every dead jew and the orchestrates behind it in one room

i send all my shekels to israelis widows and children everyday, they're our greatest ally.
i eat boiled socks juice so i can help the poor jews.

>2 and half hours or history channel tier clips
Nah why don't you define the holocaust and I'll tell you if I deny it or not. I doubt in mainstream documentary theres any new hidden video of masturbation machines and the like.



What i dont get is current natsoc holocaust denial. Shouldnt you be proud of it?

its a laugh how they revised the auschwitz numbers twice but every time they lower the death toll from it by a million or so, they didnt lower the total 6 million number

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they agreed on all banging your mom.

>and the retarded kids on the internet that deny it have no fucking idea what they are talking about
says the brainwashed retard with no idea what they’re talking about

If were going to just be basic and logical then the holocaust is simply the final solution where the nazis decided upon mass genocide when the allies refused to take them in

but jews control everything and all information cant be believed or understood because the jew is in our minds reading us 24/7

If were going to just be basic and logical then the holocaust is simply the final solution where the nazis decided upon mass genocide when the allies refused to take them in


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Why are bodies used as a means of proof for the holocaust?

If you say a pile of dead African bodies that had died due to starvation would that then also be a form of proof that a holocaust happened and they were gassed?

People dying isn't in depute. People being put into a room and gassed and gas vans etc. is.

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Youre actually retarded the film was taken by an army cameraman that was part of a unit who liberated the camp

retard russian

Can you show us that:

- They decided to enact the final solution
- The final solution was to commit genocide
- They acted on that decision

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Fuck off newfag

How? It's simple. Peace deal. Have you ever wondered why it's always bad "Nazis" and never simply "Germans"?

Round up 6 million jews once and put them all in ghettos..
Round up 6 million again and ship them to concentration camps to work until after the war.
Typus outbreak spread from lice kills most of the camps. Near the end of the war the Allies destroyed all supply lines that brought food and medicine to the concentration camps. That is why many already infected with typhus starved to death and the bodies are in the condition they are in in photos. Because if they were taking them straight of the train to gas chambers the bodies would be healthy. There are pictures of children in the camps, too young to work, so why weren't they gassed if that was happening? The final solution was a fiction that the JEWs themselves are now implementing on the white race, filling white culture with propaganda that "diversity" is good and flooding white nations with brown people to breed out the white menace.

>they are just desperate to scapegoat out of responsibility of what their ancestors did.
I don't see how their ancestors are responsible for it, seeing how most people denying the holocaust dogmatic numbers or methods are from countries that fought against the axis.

What happens is that people can actually see through this bullshit, like jews playing the holocaust card against the descendants of the people who fought against hitler, while at the same time committing all over the middle east.

Weirdest orgy ever recorded

>Body of people that died from deseases and hungry prove that 6 billion jews were gassed.

>If were going to just be basic and logical then the holocaust is simply the final solution where the nazis decided upon mass genocide when the allies refused to take them in
That tells me nothing, What do you think actually happened? Clearly the Nazis didn't kill all jews so do you believe occurred that actually makes up the genocide? Give some specifics.

Probably killed by American/British carpet bombing, disease or died of starvation, again due to American/British carpet bombing.

Once again, explain how dead bodies are indicator of the holocaust? They are an indicator of starvation and disease. Please go ahead and explain how this is proof millions of Jews were systematically gassed to death.

Nigger, that's a dog pile. We did stupid shit like that at camp all the time.

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Holocaust was not about Jews

People died of starvation and typhoid. There are no gas chambers.

Fuck you. I'll never stop spreading the truth

A small amount of Jews died of typhus and influenza while in relocation centers. They were posed like this by Allied forces because mortuary officers were unavailable to give proper burials due to defending the country.

ur actually retarded yes let me get one sole picture of every dead jew and the orchestrates behind it in one room

Jewtube links nice going dick. Is this your content and you looking for view counts or are you stil but hurt over something that happened nearly 70 years ago?

Why do we have to keep hearing about shit in the past instead of worrying about shit happening now?

>pile of bodies appears during a war at some place and some time

woah, it must be drum-- mean the holocaust that did this

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There were gas vans used by the Ukrainians and the einsazgruppen, few thousand, tens of thousands of innocents killed by axis volunteers. No one was gassed like holocaust fiction, the holocaust is mostly propaganda against the germans because they were the good guys.

>Implying such damning evidence actually exists.

the proof isnt meant to be the picture its the video and diaries and accounts taken from U.S army members

mind you that the majority of those accounts were taken from the US NATIONAL ARCHIVES

but thats owned by the jews too

retard russian

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i am not implying that, it is just sarcasm retard

Proof of said gas vans?

Show me a movie of the masturbation machines in action and i will concede all doubts about the holocaust

whatever the number was , it was not nearly enough !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That looks like an anorexic jew orgy to me

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Oh right so us army members witnessed all the gassings, you got me there

>lock lots of people up in one small place
>disease breaks out and many of them die

>Marxists projected the gassing from their own doing onto the Nazi's
Imagine my fucking shock.

none of it makes sense. this shill probably wrote some of the diaries.

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muh tifus

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Looks like performance art to me... those artsy jews are edgy

it was typhus due to the fact that allies cut off supply routes to the camps

there were no "death camps" or gas chambers, they were just trying to get them out of germany but couldn't

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>Also, hundreds of thousands of people died in the camps during the later stages of the war BECAUSE of the allied bombing against Germany.

And who put them in camps to begin with?

But, he's right, you know. There wasn't even 6 millions of jews, even less in EU.
Something approx. 2 millions could be more closer to the dead jews. Now if you take in consideration there was great famine because roads were fucked up, and logistics, food and medicine was fucked up too by both parties, and there was tifus and other diseases well you could have something like a real picture.
My grandad was in some camp in Poland as a prisoner and saved by UK army, so yeah, some of it is true, but one should have been there to comment else you're all just soiboys sperging about things you know shit about, and on the muh dick level.
Some of it is true, much is propaganda larp and there is much more jewing going on, and y'all loosing shit over something someone said. Get a life, you got greater problems you can focus on - like the paedophiles, illegal migration, rampaging faggotry and degenerates, theft from the 1% and corporations, and so and so on.

Goddam shills and retards falling for their waste of time tricks, you made me write all this crap and now I gotta check my sugar levels back.

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I can post bunch of dead Iraqis, Palestinians, Yemenis, Serbs, Libyans, Syrians, Europeans (victims of terrorism or just rape). How can you defend your libshit neocon government and worldview?

Here's a good bit of a documentary about it:

If you're interested in actually learning about it

dumb ass russian strikes once again

every account from just the U.S military alone would be able to prove that people were getting killed in camps

if any one documentary or piece of media were to go through every account it would be weeks in length

There aren't many germans here. Most people in the USA's ancestors were here before the holocaust. You're a fucking idiot.

yeah i am, thanks mate

HEY OP! I don't have 2.5 hours to watch your fan fiction. Can you gimme a timestamp to the part with the jew lightning hot tub?

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>And who put them in camps to begin with?
Germans, just like Americans put Japs in camps during the war. That was common practice. The French also did put various types of activists in camps during WW2 (even before they got invaded by Germany and had a puppet government).

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I really think the obvious lies by Jews about what happened really highlights that probably nothing did happen. If it was so horrific.. why those absurd lies?

My favorite is the Jewish women who was about 3 years of age, she had a 9 inch nail hammered into her head/brain and then she was hung, not by a rope, but a necklace that was made of knives.

She survived, of course!

Literally WEEKS the madman