What a great video. Perfectly encapsulates the current political climate.
>I'm not afraid of you and I'm winning
>autistic screeching ensues
Seriously, I can't even make a noise that high pitched, I tried last night. Hurt my throat.
Do My Bidding
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drop a link, i tried to watch it but it was too cringy, might give it another try.
Sure thing french bro youtu.be
Stick around for the REEEEEEEEEE
they can't stop making fools of themselves kek it's fucking hilarious.
In moments of extreme anger a human being is able to create a sound almost half as loud as that manbitch made in the vid.
>call him a racist in hope the nigger will chimp out and come help him.
it's not very effective.
he definitely won in life
"i won i won!"
Holy shit all this AND he’s a HERO of the people and a VICTIM of the evil white man’s penal system of colored oppression. He must truly be wise and woke as a convict, just like all the other criminals we worship, amiright fellow liberal comrades?
You could have figured that out when this was set at a VAPE shop. Everyone sucks but in this moment he was in the right
It's a win for /ourguys/ regardless bc only one person sperged out in that store and it wasn't Mr. FTA Traffic violations...
then prison HIV
Am I hearing it correctly? Doesn't the store clerk call the Trump guy a nigger right before calling him racist?
try all you want. he was still right, and the "non-racist" was still calling him a nigger. in the presence of a nigger too. yikes
He was a good guy on the day it mattered and that's what counts here. Posting his criminal record won't help you.
>trys to shoot the messenger
>can’t into logic
Why are Liberals this dumb?
Top onions
It's ingrained behavior from childhood, I've seen kids throw tantrums and they have the same body language. Unbelievable really
>sarcasm not enabled in this unit
Trying to keep the hypocrisy in the light, detective.
I went and F’d it all up, was for
All the libtards are infants in grown bodies
he actually has another video where he says he was in prison. was talking to another smoke shop down the street or something. it was some black lady store owner who was unironically pretty chill with him and they did some we love america thing it was cute. idgaf hes a chad
id take dirty south white boy over any convict the left is promoting.
You frenchies may have riots in the streets, but shit is so polarized here we got lefty faggots refusing to sell Trump supporters vape juice
Oh wow, a white working class guy is involved with heroin during the opiate epidemic. Have some fucking empathy for our people
>Implying this means anything.
why not slap on your ass kotex and put up a gofundMe page? title it:
Justice For Heroin Dealers Who Got Anal Rape in Prison
Yeah, he’s probably so used to saying it to himself or in whatever multiplayer game he essentually exists in that it accidentally slipped out when his anger peaked in the meatspace. He instantly realized it was a fucking monster mistake and called the Trumpguy a racist. Black dude wasn’t buying. The bullshit didn’t stick.
That why this shit accelerated like it did. The nigger slip. It started out as legit lefty impotent rage and quickly warped into theatrics, distraction tactics and full tilt damage control. He couldnt cope with the level of absolutely BTFO, sort of BSOD’d. Probably went a little something like:
>i just said nigger out loud
>the nigger definitely heard it
>quick call the other dude a racist and storm away
>the nigger isn’t buying it FUCK
>maybe if I scream loud enough and make enough of a scene, they’ll forget I accidentally said nigger accidentally
>so what if it’s on camera bigot HUMANS MAKE MISTAKES (rreeeee)
>FUCK what am I going to RRreeeEEEe
Five bucks says he’s sitting in a psyche ward right now because he threatened to kill himself even though it’s more likely that his dick will grow feet. He’ll dump all of the blame on a psychological disorder he doesn’t have and say whatever it takes to get people off of his back. The second they do, it’ll be business as usual.
Standard piece of shit playbook.
Yep, another FL winner.
Shouldnt he win some kind of award? For winning, I mean.
posted by Ian "Head Down Ass Up" Furgeson
Internet fame and glory should do it