Guys.. i think Steven Anderson is finally on our side fully

guys.. i think Steven Anderson is finally on our side fully

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No one knows who this faggot is Mohammed

He is, by factor of 10, the most antisemitic you tube channel not yet rake down.

Now all we need is some Jew or Homosexual to post that pic of him marrying that Mexican lady to that Negro to prove my point that only jews and sodomites and atheists hate him.

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He's just another scam artist who make money from his smalltime cult otherwise called church.

i definitely think that Steven is on the right path because BOTH interracial couples he wedded in his church were disgracefully kicked out for being reprobates that deny the Trinity. I think he got a big eye-opener when "coincidentally" the guys who married black/white where reprobates.

Steven Anderson was already a holocaust denier

Newfag detected


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>being this retarded

Link something nigger.

It is over.

Proofs they were kicked out?

If only he wasn't a full blown heretic but who knows, maybe he'll repent someday.

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The black guy who married a white girl was named Domonique Davis, and the white man who married an African girl was named Garrett Kirchway. Both were kicked out in the same week when it was revealed that they had been denying the Trinity and trying to secretely spread it to other churchgoers in Steven's church.

Here's one video but there are many other:

Maybe he should get flagged more.

He is a "King James Only" cultist.

He literally believes that the 1611 "King James" English translation of the Bible is the ONLY real Word of God.

He rejects the Ancient Greek or Latin manuscripts if they contradict the 1611 English version.


based centrist masterrace fuckin NIGGER faggot

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why lie? He believes that the KJV is the preserved word of God in the English language, and that every language can have their own version in their language. He 100% believes in the Textus Receptus Greek version of the Bible because it conforms exactly with the KJV, as well as the Masoretic text in Hebrew.

any reason you decided to come into the thread and lie to our faces?


Thanks for vid,

Also, the trinity, as in the holy ghost as a person is bullshit.

He still married them, he still doesn't believe that our race must be preserved.

Are you having a stroke or are you really that dumb?
If you think Steven "The holocaust didn't happen" Anderson is a centrist you literally need to lurk moar

Nah, as far as I know, he's still for race-mixing and doesn't oppose Jews on racial grounds. He thinks Jews become just like us if they only accept Jesus as their Messiah. We've tried that trick already and just look what the crypto-Jews did in Spain.

David Irving got cucked into saying it happened though

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Sorry I never argue with non-white people since I believe it's a waste of my time.

i know you're here in bad faith, but i'll give you the real answer anyway. i personally think Steven has been wrong on race mixing, but Steven has never been in favor of mass immigration and nation wrecking. in his Revelation series he explicitly condemns globalism as Satanic and that it's important for everyone to have their own nations. he says he doesn't believe in "races" because that word is never used in the Bible, but he does believe in individual nations and peoples.

my view is that nations should not mix and I think the Bible is quite clear on that.

yeah he's that stupid.

>On your side
You fucks don't learn.
NONE of them are on your side.

He throws that same guy from the IR wedding out for advocating modalism (anti-trinity)

Exactly. Useful to a point. Perhaps someone could direct him to "A People that Shall Dwell Alone" by MacDonald, which goes over extensively the Jewish directive to remain endogamous. If he believes the Old Testament is a model for how a people should live their life under God's law, then maybe he could be convinced by all the passages condemning out marriage and breeding?

>i know you're here in bad faith

I'm absolutely not but if you want the Europeans to return to their faith then the Church (that we, white people, built with our own hands, blood and willpower especially us the french) have to choose between us and the niggers.

Nice idolatry.

Just because you are clueless, doesnt mean everyone is

No mentions at all that the holy spirit is a person.

Sure, the holy spirit is important but not a person.

Yes i think Steven is waking up to how wrong he's been on race mixing / interbreeding.. A couple of years ago he preached a sermon where he said race mixing was "fine" but also pointed out that it was fine to prefer your own race. That sermon was terrible and had almost no Bible-preaching like he normally has.

It can be easily proven that "race mixing" or "nation mixing" is not OK even in the New Testament. I'm gonna try to get Steven to read MacDonald but also watch Vox Day's videos on Christianity and Western Civilization.

Thx untermensch.

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At this point it's pretty much useless since most decent anons left due to idiots like you, but here it goes:

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If charity is a goal, as it should be, and you want to help your neighborhood.... do you show your neighbors the way and hand a bit of bread across your fence or do you remove your front door and let them loot your house and rape your wife?

Your country invited Africa to mass emigrate out of guilt.

>No mentions at all that the holy spirit is a person.
4th row from the bottom
>is personal (...)
11th row from the bottom too
>is distinct

The Holy Spirit is a person yes, "They are three that bear record in heaven, the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost". And by the way the word "person" is only a useful word, not necessarily a "correct" word to describe them.

That would definitely be a good thing.

compare direct translation from greek of John 3:36 to KJV

crucial difference between "obey" and "beliveth", which undermines protestant's "once saved, always saved"

>loot your house and rape your wife?
Jesus doesn't care about your house and wife.

>all these race traitors

Well, I'd rather be an atheist than a race traitor. This is the eventual result of having a religion that isn't race exclusive: tolerance of race mixing and a loss of racial identity, which will lead to the permanent end of the white race and the mongrelization of the world. Nothing would empower the Jews more.

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Domonique Davis was the guy? Thats really interesting, since he was the one who did the dramatic Bible readings in some of Andersons videos

I believe he even did a dramatic reading of the whole NT shortly before this happening

Jesus built the Church.

>confiscate his coat

Guy with hilariously slickly-produced holohoax video on youtube.

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. (1 Timothy 5:8)

That's not the metaphor I made. If the goal is to help and live your neighbor, which is the better course of action:
1 teach love and feed across your picket fence while maintaining your home (border)


2 remove your front door, fence and be invaded and looted so that nobody has anything and your home (nation) is destroyed.

Well, you better go to stormfront then. Because Jow Forums is the most diverse place on the internet.

That couple was publicly kicked out of the church

Also keep in mind that the Bible defines a nation as a "family".

>In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
>In thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed.

Not for breeding with a subhuman nigger but for disagreeing over an interpretation over a deity.

Oh look, the race mixing capitol of the world is here. Look at Brazil, Christcucks. Is this the future that you want? Because that's the future you will get.

I will call your out of place, cherry picked, context lacking Pauline quote and raise you 2 Jesus Quotes

>Matthew 12:46 While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him. Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” He replied to him, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

>Mark 10:29 “Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then”

Considering you're a jew, why would I give any weight to what you say? The only reason you personally hate Anderson is because he names you. Your argument to the believers is "hey guys he's not ranting and screaming white power lIke hitler".

Talk about out-of-context quotes. The first quote happens when someone says that Mary and his brothers and sisters are outside waiting for him or something, and he points out that his followers are his "family" -- big in drawing attention from Mary worship of the Catholics.

2nd quote is about how we should love God above our own family. You see, the entire Bible needs to fit together perfectly. It can't contradict itself.

The first is nothing really do to with regular people, but is more an argument against giving too much spiritual attention to Mary (Catholics should take particular note)

The second is an argument for being celibate or persuing a hermitic/purely spiritual lifestyle

Come on man, you need to step

I'm a christian and I believe in reincarnation, as well as being able to repent after death. Would Pastor Steven accept me?

>im a christian
>proceed to list two things which dont feature in christianity, and are arguably antithetical to christian doctrine

He is literally a Jew. He even did a DNA test and showed the results lol

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the real christ preached reincarnation however the jew version of christ pastor anderson follows does not

He's pretty good. I love his holohoax denial video.

I'm a Jew because I'm anti-race mixing? Really? Your beloved pastor is a Jew himself and promotes race mixing.

Yes. Remember, Jewish is an ethnicity and genetic abnormality. Jews are genetically hardwired to destroy nations. Of course Pastor Anderson subverts the white race through race mixing, it's in his blood.

He maybe be pretty based for a pastor but is not 1488 at all, he said so. To each their own.

I'd post that pic of him with his wife looking like a white trash methhead, but I didn't save it.

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He’s great
I plan on going to his church after new year
Moved to Phoenix few months ago and been watching his live-streams since had no idea he was in area

Lol pastor Anderson is Chad AF

I don't hate him, I watch him every Sunday morning. Mainly because I haven't been able to find a good church here.
When a preacher tell me turn the other cheek, well I turn thee other cheek on him. The Bible only says Turn the other cheek once. All other times it tells us to take up our swords.
I don't like holier than all virtue signalling preachers or Churches.
Christianities virtues are Honesty and Justice, Not Tolerance and acceptance.

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The trinity denies the death of Christ so if you believe in the trinity then you dont believe Jesus died for your sins. Pastor Anderson is a fucking idiot.

he is interested in cremation

>1 post by this ID
you people crack me up,and you never have Scripture either lol.

Omg imagine being this fucking stupid.

Thank you for the link,
And yes Steven needs to read up on race mixing, because it's not allowed,
he made a mistake and likely see's what he had caused.

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1 Corinthians 15:3 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,

Jesus died for 3 days he was not God. Keep on thinking he is though since you dont believe Jesus died. Jesus was the son of God he was not God because God can not die. It really is that easy.

Anderson videos are good for lulz and he is based when it comes to the jews. But take everything he says with a grin of salt and just laugh at his antics and dont take anything he says seriously because he is wrong on almost everything he preaches.

If only you weren't a full blown faggot but who knows, maybe you'll repent someday.

2 Corinthians 4:4 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Let me bring you up to speed, newfag

>You're a Jew because only Jews are against race mixing.
Christcucks really earn their name, huh.

Name one so we can discuss

The definition of "dying" is going to hell, which Jesus did for 3 days and 3 nights, then conquered it and returned in his resurrection.

You also forgot that Jesus Christ was also a man.

Anderson is a good starting point, I'd recommend Shepherd's Chapel, Scriptures For America, or America's Promise Ministries for something more redpilled. They all teach a soft form of CI though so that might be off-putting to some.

Jesus literally says repent or go to hell , repent means change your evil ways

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>race mixing is fine
>jews are our allies
I would never sit in his church

>The definition of "dying" is going to hell

laughing whores.jpg

It's almost like you dont even know what the word "hell" was translated from. Typical for a Paster Anderson follower but i will help you out... Sheol and Hades

Not take a while to google those words and get back to me. Go ahead and take your time i know you are a slow learner but go ahead and see if you can figure out what they mean.

got a long day doing fuck all at work, hit me with some pastor anderson kino boys

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Is this book worth reading?

>Jesus literally says repent or go to hell

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

seems about right, I'll allow it.

Ohhhhh, you're a textual critic. Go join James White and his calvinist ministry then who don't believe God preserved His word.

>The trinity denies the death of Christ

No how ? , i am not a trinitairium but i have never seen this argument , or God cant die ?

this, but yes I pointed out the race mixing, but also I think he has seen the error of that by now.
Why is it that the two race mixing couples happen to be the problem?
He thought the mixing was with opposing religions not race in general. he should have seen the the jew pushes race mixing, why? because it destroys Gods white race, the people God created different from each other for reasons.
This image I have to the side is incorrect translation. "thou shall not kill" is actually "Thou shall not Murder"
Murder is what you'd do to someone for power, money or lust. Kill is what you do to your enemies, and God says to take up the sword to his and our enemies many times in the Bible.

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>jews are our allies
When has he ever said this? he claims jews are satanic.

Nope he's a race mixing fuckhead

He always was.

The lord needs to speak to you to be saved, if you do not hear his voice you're not going to be saved.

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> Stephen Anderson
> Jews are allies
If you've seen Marching to Zion and still make this statement you're just plain retarded

>Ohhhhh, you're a textual critic

So you are a follower of the scribes and not Jesus... well it makes sense why you believe in the trinity.