Virtue Signaling

What say you Pol?

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Typical leftist weakness ascribing strategy.

Virtue signaling is just moral camouflage for your shitty behavior.

somebody post the clip where she gets verbally sodomised by david starkey

Attached: laurie-picks-her-nose.png (600x338, 324K)

Liberals using feelings rather than science to come to a conclusion.
Nothing new.

Attached: liberal science.png (1024x774, 561K)

Sounds a lot like Christians desu

nm, found it
if you haven't already seen it, this is pure gold.
you can skip laurie's big at the start, it's really about starkey's savaging of her puny mind.

Attached: runt.gif (380x214, 2.88M)

>muh freudianism

some ugly fat kike with a pussy pass

27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Virtue signaling is weak and disingenuous because the people who do it don’t carry the same standard of behavior in other areas of their lives. People virtue signal to leverage their ideology in a political discussion to keep their ideology as protected and safe as possible. Imagine lying and damaging your integrity just to keep your worldview from being criticized lmaooooo

Virtue Signalling is an accusation to suggest the person expressing the virtue is more interested in posturing than performing. And it is most often very accurate.

It's well established and recognized by even NYT that conservatives/republicans far outstrip democrats/liberals in charity. Democrats support just raising taxes and having the government give more rather than giving more themselves. It's NIMBY virtue.

True virtue is done, not said. Be so virtuous in how you care and tend for immigrants and you don't have to virtue signal about it any more than Mother Theresa didn't have to virtue signal about how she cared for the poor. If Alcoholism was a virtue Ted Kennedy wouldn't need to virtue signal about how much of an alcoholic he was because it'd be plain as day.

I had to look up Starkey since apparently the dude came from nothing while she is the picture of privilege. The best thing is Starkey is gay. So little privileged cunt got her comeuppance from an old gay man who worked his ass off to get where he is.

You look into it and almost every time (it's not as reliable as the echoes rule) the social justice warrior is privileged as fuck.

Or you're just virtue signalling, and the lack of self-examination is on your end.

Side note, this woman's accent makes me want to slap her with a club. Never heard a more posh affectation in my life.

Fucking excellent post. Great bullet points

I know what virtue signalling is.

That's funny, because she is employing the oldest trick in the communist playbook: blame your opponent of doing what you are doing yourself.

She is basically saying that calling out virtue signaling is a trick used when the person calling it out doesn't want to question their own ethics. She does not argue why one would logically use such a trick, she simply states it as a truth. And she says all this to deflect the questioning of her ethics, so that she doesn't in turn have to reexamine her own conscience.

Quite fascinating how the marxist mind works, right?

Attached: hitler's treasure.jpg (499x750, 56K)

Where's my hypocrisy and wickedness? Calling Christians out for being cucks is neither.

It's a tactic developed out of psychoanalysis.
Note the kinds of words she's using, "insecurity," "defense mechanism," "conscience examination." An attempt to pathologize the other side, so the audience will write them off as sick.
None of it is an argument.
The hair dye must be seeping into her brain.

This braindead woman doesn't get it.
When someone virtue signals, it implies they're doing it to get attention, and will not follow through.
So they're basically, full of shit.

Virtuesignaling is an act of insecurity.
Valourous men don't boast on behalf of other people.
They see their brilliance is self-evident, as with that of others.


What a stupid cunt