Why do not you think having women refugees is good for having a girlfriend?

Why do not you think having women refugees is good for having a girlfriend?

Attached: 1545852588554.jpg (628x930, 136K)

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Disease is one good reason.

anybody have her feet pics?

Attached: 1545038390351.png (1262x854, 1.11M)

Stop worshipping women.
Refugees pollute the sanctity of your blood.

I would love to but they send only males.

That looks nice. I’ll take two.

I got you bro.

Attached: Feets.jpg (653x490, 179K)

90%of "refugees" are men
90% of women refugees are raped on the trip. Most of the women refugees are fat goblins who have kids in tow

if the refugees were actually marriageable aged women and children then no one would have a problem with it. The male "refugees" should be at home fighting for their countries and are cowards and traitors who dont deserve admittance.

Pic related is in Western Germany, basically how they all look like or worse, they're like NPCs. As if an insect took over a human body and it started decaying

Attached: 36738469401_f8c91f5c03_o.jpg (5460x3072, 2.79M)