You’re going to lose Jow Forums

We might not get your guns tomorrow, but we are conditioning the future to be more passive, if not willing participants, on banning all guns. You’ll be sitting in a nursing home with a poop filled diaper when you get the news. Will you be still larping about turning the USA into a fascist white ethnostate while the mullato nurse slowly poisons your tapioca with rat poison? Your grandchildren will also be brown kek.

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>Your grandchildren will also be brown
so will yours
all lose

Oh my gosh before this gun grab I had maybe one gun. Now every home looks like an army military after this recent xmas

boi im gonna raise my kids to be even more racist than i am

>New Yorkers give up their guns
>Republicans buy more guns

Republicans BTFO?

The schools will report you for child abuse (raising kids racist) and sell your kids to an 'asian' rehabilitation centre for proper grooming where they'll never be heard from again.
If you ask questions, you'll go to jail.

Every gun grab attempt and firearm sales go up. Individual 2A people are soon to be able supply companies of militia men.
Future when gun grabbers get Turner Diaries serious of gun grabbing looks really grim to them.

Any shitskin I see near my kid will disappear.

What are the rules to the buyback? Get scrap wood. Turn it into gun shapes. Exchange them for money/gift etc.

Remember to teach your kid that nigger babies are born through ass

I really doubt that between COD and Fortnite the younger generations would be against guns, especially toy guns which are harmless. I don't like the proliferation of firearms, but toys? BB guns, airsoft guns, and cap guns are just fun, though the former two can be misused to cause harm.


>Implying I send my kids to Jew indoctrination camp

Not a chance
How do you 'ban' an odd looking lump of metal?

Can you imagine waking up in the morning and deciding, I think I'll larp a faggot on that nepalese basket weaving forum today.

So I guess we have to kill you now, rather than letting you persist? Okie dokie faggot.

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>having a nigger problem
>banning toy guns
But that won’t work.

How can I abuse this for NY tax dollars?

All we need is one lawyer to blow this up for the indoctrinating shit it is. Just one.

>Implying That WithOut Guns, It Will Be safer
OP You Retarded Fucktards Of A Fag, The Moment You Try To Fake The Guns of the People a Civil War Will Break Out , You Have hay Idea how many Gun Nuts Are in The USA? You will be Lucky To Survive That, And Even If You Manage To Take Them, The Nigs Wall Make Sure To Make Your Life a Living Fucking Hell, Haha

My kids are already smart and racist enough to do extreme damage. They got through the dangerous part and now drop red pills everywhere very quietly. My son is in law school and wants to be president. My daughters are trying to get into right wing media and my youngest is in high school with straight A’s

These nigs are going to be even more violent now.

I have my kids learning how to use guns. And they hang out with lots of white kids. When they are teenagers, I’m redpilling them.

>tells me im gonna lose
Yeah. Just lock yourself in a cage now. Thatll show me.

Show me how wonderful tyranny is.

You are conditioning your own children to hate guns.
I'm conditioning my children to love and respect guns.
I am also teaching my children that unjust laws must be disobeyed, and to kill any man who attempts to deprive them of their god given rights.
My kids are probabaly gonna end up executing your kids


Any object can become a problem is niggers take hold of things.

Literally all you have to do is not turn them in, ever. There's hundreds of millions of UNREGISTERED firearms that are privately owned. Police can't just magically track them down and take them.

Almost no one is complying with the new bump stock ban, and that's just shitty bump stocks.

Enjoy having the state take your kids away.

Its really the only answer, I hope people are getting ready to just attack the traitors and killem all its the only way now.

no social media no video games no cartoons will throw out homo commercials its in every add paper everything have to redpill them now sir.

Fuck YOU punkass bitch of a fuck you. FUCK OFF DEEPSTATE KIKES AND ALL YOUR FAGGOT FUCK FRIENDS. I support this message.

Based and Redpilled.

I agree, taking guns away from niggers is the best idea ever.

>Jew York

Now this is based

Daily reminder

Attached: guncontrolredpill.png (872x886, 220K)

What does a toy gun buyback accomplish

Another nigger, another sage


>reinforcing that your son can get butt pregnant with a tar baby

Everybody at that school would be systematically raped, tortured and executed lmao. If 300 brits decided to stop obeying the law, parliament would be disbanded.

>We might not get your guns tomorrow, but we are conditioning the future to be more passive, if not willing participants, on banning all guns.

Why do you not want people to defend themselves? The point of the Second Amendment is to have a population defend themselves against a tyrannical government.

Its so fucking weird that you liberals want more and more government involved in everyone's lives while at the same time your against the "tyrannical government" you call the U.S. Why exactly do you want the government to be given power to dictate what citizens are and are not allowed to own?

sexually identify as a gun, try to sell yourself to the cops because you have too strong a penetration to be trusted, and when they buy you, file for public endangerment / prostitution. They can't legally say you're not a gun or you file for having your human rights violated

>teaching niggers not to use guns
i am all for this tbqhwy

Niggers don't "learn", killing is in their nature.

Whatever you say lil cucky


Good Alinsky tactic especially if you can get 30 Jethro-types to do it at once.

That's the thing with jews, they plan for a fucking long game. The top dog turbo jews ruling the world today are there because of their ancestors work and planning.

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Step 1 : Subvert white countries
Step 2 : Create a state relying on white country gibs
Step 3: Destroy white countries that you rely on
Step 4: You are fucked.

>conditioning the future to be more passive
>by telling them what to do and not do
I don’t think you know how humans work, let along kids.

What do you mean in step 4?

>toy gun buy back
>journalist uses picture of black kids with guns

Hahaha oh snap i thought they were more careful than this these days lolol oh goodness

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The goal here is that the kid tells other kids about it. Telling a niglet that it was born through ass is an easy way to make it understand its inferiority.