The trans problem

How do we get normies to hate trans people?

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It's hard to get anyone to hate a person who hasn't harmed them in any way.

Just keep accelerating it, when they start interfering with their lives in every possible aspect it'll be the breaking point. Bonus points if you legalise pedophillia to accelerate shit even faster, trannies will be hung on trees everywhere

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fuck wrong picture

just keep accelerating it and they'll be basically forced to

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If your physical or mental well being is affected by someone else existing and living their life in peace, you need to get the fuck over yourself.

they already do

Yes because if society degrades to the point where every city becomes an open mental asylum that's nobody's problem right? God you individualists and lolberatrians are so fucked in the head

Similarly, if the foundations of your culture can't survive a handful of ladyboys existing, the foundations of your culture are weak.

you're fucking dense holy shit

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Justify it to me then. What's your system of culture and values based on if such a benign minority are this dangerous? Where does your strength come from? Agreeing to hate social groups that can't defend themselves?

You're right the fact that benign minorities like this CAN be this dangerous means that the fucking society they're in is falling apart and degrading and the fact that a cult around that sort of backwards and rotten behaviour is built and is celebrated means that society is growing ever more weak. They're a SIDE EFFECT not a cause

get them to stop looking at trans porn online?

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Well I'm not ever going to support hurting someone who hasn't done anything to me, and if society needs to go through some growing pains to include them, then that's society's problem. People like you have a responsibility to not get this bent out of shape over matters that aren't any of your business.

They'll all hang, they did before in the Weimar republic and all they're progress was burned and destroyed and they will again. Gen Z is already growing ever more wary of them

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If your society requires death squads in order to stay together, it's already fallen apart.

Vermin and parasites need to be exterminated out. Just like a garden it can't flourish if there's constant predators and parasites everywhere

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Transpeople are not the reason for your lack of progress in life, user.

My life is quite good, and never meet a tranny and beg that I never do the LGBT community is very very small here


Really? You don't seem happy.

Because I dislike a particular group of people and legitimately want them exterminated does not mean I'm not happy generally in life

it's ok to be cis

>How do we get normies to be as retarded as Jow Forums
I dom't know, start putting lead in the water?

>How do we get normies to be as retarded as Jow Forums
I don't know, start putting lead in the water?

This, silent majority is a bitch when it gets riled up

>How do we get normies to hate trans people?
They already do.

Yes, most happy and well-adjusted people don't believe what's holding society back is that we haven't indiscriminately murdered all the transpeople. You seem angry and out of touch with reality.

Mentally ill people are usually the ones out of touch with reality


Get them on TV more frequently enough for people to build a picture.

You support a society that needs all the mentally ill people exterminated in order to exist?