Why do right wing idiots not realize the way to stop illegal immigration is to develop Central America and end American demand for drugs?
Why do right wing idiots not realize the way to stop illegal immigration is to develop Central America and end American...
You are half right. The other half is that a great part of latin america population will remain doing stupid shit because they are retarded by nature and culture.
So you support neocolonialism?
Unless you mean develop them into depopulated wastelands I'll pass. It's like giving the homeless money but somehow worse.
We've tried helping them but they're too corrupt selfish and stupid to be self sufficient
is Jow Forums really this low iq they'd fall for simple bait like this? Literally on the level of fish
I'm using the thread to push reasonable solutions to current us problems.
>develop central america
Might as well just invent cold fusion and anti-gravity cars while you're at it
that's a pipe dream moron. Only death squads will solve the problem. stop being such a wimp
Because fuck your gibs.
No more white man burden. I'm done helping subhumans. They need to deported and quarantined.
I know an easy way to end immigration, well 2 actually.
1: carpet bomb every 3rd world shithole and their inhabitants so there's no fags saying "I'm seeking a better life".
2: create right wing deathsquads to go out to hunt every illegal immigrant and their families, this is an incentive to stay the fuck out
Why do idiots think that ending demand for drugs is realistic in any way?
>develop Central America
and you do this by letting them all migrate into america?
lols retard good job contracting your own dumb fucking self within a single sentence
>White people fix brown peoples problems!!!
>White people why are you trying to fix our problems leave us alone!!!!
>if you don't want me fucking up your house then you have to rebuild my house and keep it clean
Thanks for being a poster child for free abortions.
We can't even develop the south side of Chicago.
>develop Central America
better plan coming through
The solution is literally just actual Christianity.
>Don't do drugs
>Create prosperity
Realistically the solution isn't either to 'develop' central America. It is the responsibility of the country and its people to develop themselves. If you allow a foreign government to control your socio-economic policy they will, whether subconsciously or maliciously, do so in a manner which will benefit them. This relationship can be symbiotic however more often than not it's to the cost of the developing country in question.
Note: I'm not a pot-head. I've tried it. It's okay. I don't care for it all that much.
If the US legalised marijuana and some other illegal substances which are being trafficked through Central America then they could pull the rug out from under the violent cartels who are ruining these countries. Given enough time, These businesses would possibly move back to South America where you would have a competitive advantage i.e. (Better climate, lower employment costs etc). From here these countries could participate in normal trade and develop themselves into a better place.
In terms of the wall, don't be stupid it very much does reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the country. Unlike the UK's stupid argument for immigration, the US does not need additional workers in its country. In addition to this, it's in the interest of central American counties to not have its people leaving for other countries. Humans as economic units are needed to develop any country. If your skilled labour is leaving to work in a richer and safer country then you won't have the human capital to develop your own country. Let's not even get into the problems these countries face in terms of national identity. So, it is in the economic interest of developing counties for its richer neighbour to limit immigration. If you really want to fix your country then asking for foreign governments to intervene and throw money at you is not the answer. Your corrupt governments will abuse the aid and keep the money for themselves.
Finally, if you're going to ask a half-decent question please don't fucking begin your message by addressing all the readers as 'Right wing Idiots". I get it, you're on Jow Forums, Its to be expected. But just don't do it. Yours only baiting the beta cucks who think they are inherently better than you because their skin burns in the sun and get off to their sister's underwear.
Do I need to post South American Gore to show you what sort of people you want to redistribute finite resources to?
This is how white people propegate
by killing off the dominate gene pool
The only way to stop illegal immigration is to conquer the Americas
That’s easy.
but drugs are one of their leading exports and they'd only be poorer without that part of the economy
most illegals aren't fleeing drug violence anyways, that's just a ruse
>Also walls don't work
Israel stopped illegal crossing by 90% with walls. The same one Chuck Shumer who is a dual Israeli citizen help fund with voting to send them 30 billion package for the military and a never ending 5 billion a year
>the way
There are many ways. We have a lot of nukes sitting around being useless. Let's just turn Mexico in to a radioactive wasteland. Let Mexico be our wall.
Exactly so If their your primary export is a black market good then you don't tax it and the money produced from sales stays in the hands of the cartels. If it became legal in the us, it would signal to the market that supernormal profits are to be made and competitors would enter the industry. Suddenly the profits arent great enough to keep the cartels in business and they would collapse. Yet, all of these farmers have the knowledge and the better climate to produce the good then they will be able to produce the good at a lower cost per unit. Since agricultural land in the US is already quite expensive, it only makes sense for the production to take place where the market wills it. Consumers benefit. producers operate efficiently. corrupt governments lose the support from cartels and the country can begin to operate normally. It's not necessarily gang violence that they are fleeing although it is one of the larger factors. However, since their economy is so dependant on the production of illegal goods which produce supernormal profits there becomes a lack of investment in what you might consider normal industries.
Lets not also forget that if the market was operating normally the producers would see more of the profits, as opposed to the profits ending up in the hands of the cartels. This leaves the wider population with more money to spend and invest in other industries.
based Juan
The country wouldn't be poorer because its not seeing the positive externalities of production. the good isn't being taxed on export. the cartels hold up all of the profits leaving the real producers with only enough money to survive. and the general international attitude towards the country is negative as it is only associated with corruption and black market goods. that scares off foreign and national investment as the risk is too great.
It is over.
Chechens all look like they have a light form of downs syndrome
if you want to stop beaners, enforce your
laws, go after business owners who hire
them and pay the illegals higher wages
to discourage slave labor wages which
drive everyone elses wages down.
if americans would start producing their
own drugs and stop being greedy when
selling them, imports of drugs would stop.
a nation of dirty birds wants everything
cheap cheap. those of us who actually
want to do for ourselves are not allowed
while everyone else who can, doesn't.
welcome to the kingdom of satan are
you not entertained?
>The way to stop the invasion is to do the job of developing the invaders countries for them while they complain that you are destroying their countries and way of life. then they return home to only continue to do nothing and destroy their own countries again.
Kill the invaders and their children. Also, murder those who advocate on behalf of the invaders.
It's true - the solution to a lot of the world's problems would be for the 3rd world to be colonized - benevolently ruled - by the 1st, again. No travel to the 1st world allowed of course, but nevertheless, having uncorrupted western rulers would do wonders.
I must reward this effort post with a reply - you must be new here - though, being on Jow Forums, it's wasted. 'Cept, I read it.
So make all drugs illegal and colonize Central America?
That's alot more expensive than building a wall. Or shooting them
Since when do liberals blame the addicts for their problems?
Why do faggot OP’s not realize that kikes run the drug market, the alphabet agencies “fighting” them, and that the goal of flooding white nations with drugs and shitskins is exactly what they plan and are achieving?
why do faggots like you start threads like these and then never reply to counter arguments