My boyfriend told me he is into cuckolding and that he'd like to see me getting fucked by other men...

My boyfriend told me he is into cuckolding and that he'd like to see me getting fucked by other men. I'm trying to be reasonable and talk to him about it to the point we reach a compromise where it wouldn't be neccessary that other men fuck me. That is his fetish as he stated but I see it as degrading to me as if he doesn't value me at all and wants to give me to someone else. For comparison I told him about my bondage fetish few years back and we even ordered everything for bondage but it never came to it so I just kept quiet about it after it. I don't want to withhold his sexual needs but just can't imagine myself doing it(even though we have sexual relations rarely). What should I do if a compromise is not reached? Is this even normal?
Makes me feel like I'm a piece of flesh meant to be passed around for someone elses arousal. The furthest I'd go is a threesome but might even feel disgusting after that alone but in some weird way I want to give him that pleasure so he wouldn't seek someone who is capable of providing him fulfillment of that fetish. Wwyd Jow Forums?

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uhh dont do it, its fucked up

dont worry he will come out of the closet soon lol

>watching a woman get fucked by a man
Where is the logic

>not wanting to be the man
yes pretty gay

I'm going to lean towards this. He is interested in another mans pleasure.
Also he is probably using you as bait for the fetish of wanting to see other guys get off.

I don't think this is something you can really "compromise" on. Either he respects you enough to quit badgering you about it and makes do watching cuckold porn, or you should leave him on the basis of sexual incompatibility and disrespect.

he cheated with a guy before but swore on everything that he wasn't himself and he isn't gay. that he did it out of despair because he thought I was cheating on him. It's been a topic many times and he assured me he is not gay. I told him that i'll be there for him even if he is.. he really isn't gay just says he's messed up a bit sometimes

Tell him that you are not comfortable engaing in that sort of activity, fullstop. Explain that you are not judging him for his interests but it just isn't for you. Do NOT bring up his failure to indulge in your fantasies as that is a seperate issue and nothing will be gained from conflating it; deal with it at a different time if it really bugs you.
Honestly, this might be a dealbreaker for the relationship. Suggest going to see a psychologist or sex therapist (licensed) if you think that will help.

All that aside, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with his fetish but it is fairly rare and in some cases can be indicitative other oissues. Nothing is wrong with you not being into it. Good luck, hope you figure out what to do.

this is me >he cheated with a guy before but swore on everything that he wasn't himself and he isn't gay. that he did it out of despair because he thought I was cheating on him.
That adds a whole new element and really has me questioning a lot of things. I strongly advise you two go see a professional SOON or you just cut your losses now and get out before things start to really spiral.