Is there a way to stop human devastation of areas like the Aral sea?

Is there no way to pump water into the Aral sea from the Caspian Sea?

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The Aral sea dried up because the rivers that fed it were diverted to grow cotton and other cash crops. If you want it to fill back up again all you need to do is stop all the farming.

Just eliminate the retarded Soviet irrigation system that drained the sea in the first place. Of course that would crash the economies dependent on the agriculture that allows for.

Also, it wasn't "human devastation" it was communist devastation.

My question is how we can get the Aral sea back without stopping farming. For instance by making it a salt water sea (it is as large as Switzerland...).

They already started a restoration project. It currently looks more like that 2004 pic. It might never look like the 1999 pic because they’ve built houses and farms and shit that would be flooded

Perfect example of Karimov regime. Motherfucker was given all the money, support and it all went to the pockets of corrupted gov. officials.

All hopes on Germany. The only country which knows how to fix it.


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They already started refilling it. The problem is the sea is divided between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and the government of Uzbekistan isn't interested in fixing the problem.

You can't. Making it into a salt water sea would kill what few fish were left.
The crops grown with the water are vastly more economically valuable than the limited fished the lake supplied.

If you said okay but do it anyway then the answer is a nuclear powered desalination plant and pumps. It will cost billions to build and billions to run.

>Is there a way to stop human devastation of areas like the Aral sea?
Yes, if we were to manage to assist the natural global warming enough with man made global warming, there will be a drastic increase in rain fall planet wide, and the Aral sea will be replenished from above. And the huge sand box known as the middle east will revert to the lush rain forest that created the oil fields in the first place.

nah, man. Germans knows easy solution.

Perfect communist ideas were sabotaged by capitalist global warming. Clearly Trump is at fault.

>the answer is a nuclear powered desalination plant and pumps. It will cost billions to build and billions to run.
Would the Germans easy solution be to use coal instead of uranium?

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> aral
> sea
it is just a fuckin lake

No. we ruined it forever. Aral needs water from Russia, that water won't come any longer.

>pump water into the Aral sea
it is drained to irrigate farmland feeding many more people than the fish could

Tourism to the lake/sea could potentially bring more in revenue and food can be bought from tourism revenue.

Uzbek and Kazakh government too dense to develop it.

Дoлбaeбы чтo взять c них.

It was drained to grow cotton in Uzbekistan according to Stalin's plan

They only refilled the small Northern tip by building a damn.

Fine, let’s build a desalination plant and create fresh water from sea water.

Interesting, I read this post after having the except same thought. Nuclear powered desalination plant and pipelines.

As large as 1/3rd of your country.

Find other water.

That headline.

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