Finno-Ugric and Baltic thread

Get in here Baltbros, Finns, Hungarians and Finno-Ugric minority groups!

Remember: this thread is about Uralic/Baltic unity and hating wh*Teoids.

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Another day, another cringy thread. Next year there will be DNA from Estonian Tarands. This Asian myth will finally be debunked.

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Stfu wh*Teoid apologist. Go back to Sweden, Cuckström
we wuz

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Swedens are sandfaggots from Middle East. There is more European DNA in an Estonian toenail than entire Swedish provinces, unless there was migration from Finland to there.

Hungarians are turks. You can consider sami people as Turks brother too.
I am kipchak oghuz turk

Original Estonians were 100% Asian but we mutted with the goddamn wh*Teoids. Now we are 2.5% Asian. But we are still mentally Mongol.

fuck off caj-göran

Keep lying, Igor.
>pro-finnish? must be a hurri
Were you struck in the head? hurris rely on lies to keep the Finnish man down
We've always been powerful and bright, not Mongoloid

What do you have against being East-Asian? Are you a fucking racist who thinks that Jews don't rock?

fuck off indo shill

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The issue here is that our language stems from our native European ancestors who lived by the river of Volga and did not have Asian admixture, at least not a meaningful amount.
When Finnics advanced to the north during the metal ages and brought progress to the dark corner of Europe where they encountered people who had come from Siberia. They proceeded to mix with them which resulted in the hapa Saami people. Finns don't have a single drop of Asian blood which doesn't come from Saami.
Real Estonians also don't have a single drop of Saami blood. The tiny Asian component in some Estonians comes from mixing with Finns and Russians in the past thousand years.

This is what the wh*Teoids fear.

>The absolute state of Indo propaganda pseudo-science

based esti

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cry moar

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No real proof and it doesn't matter anyway since R is of Asian origin as well

Karelian independence when?

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is Yoiking the lost link between Finno-Ugrians and Mongol throat singing?

The ethnic democraphics of Karjala are a true blackpill.

how about you stop larping that we were indo and embrace the ural

Karelians are already assimilated.

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nice titties

"J-just a coincidence, Non-Indo.. I mean White brothers!"

Imagine being this insecure

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This is the last thing the Indo dog sees before he dies.

>cleaning through grandma's house
>find grandpa's college yearbook
>they were at a Lutheran college, mostly Scandinavians
>find grandpa's picture
>he looks Asiatic as fuck

It's a fact. Swedes have high Anatolian admixture. Not my problem if you don't want to accept it.

What is that Finnish man doing with that Estonian boy?

And we know finns and sapmis comes from the far east, you clearly dont want to accept it either.

You're white you fucking idiot.

That's just a Swedish fairytale

Then we'll re-assimilate them and the Slavs into Karelianism

Funny threads. :3

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This is really gay

Sweden* is jätte gay

Ok, but I'm not Swedish and it's not my problem if you have slanted eyes

>it's not my problem
Not mine either. I for one have embraced our Siberian heritage

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You should be put on a reservation in Lapland

I can make that feeling go away >;)

Hejsan Cai-Göran!

You're the Caj-Görän and OP is a Ryssä shill

>being proud of insectoid DNA
lmao, chink finns are pathetic.

You probably have some mongoloid feather nigger dna

Finns and Estonians have very high native European component compared to Germanics

think whatever you want if it helps you sleep at night chink.

yeah, I figured OP is just an autist.

Mongoloids don't belong in Finland
Tempting, but I have my virginity to protect

I'm Estonian-Aserbaijan mix. Hope you don't gas me.

Gaasiarve tuleb alles homme, siis vaatame.

Having mongol blood is something to be proud of
Kys whitoid subhuman

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Whatever you say, cuckström

You've got to go back. We can put your ass in Ukraine too, Slavshits have sand people mix like you.

There's a reason why the ar*an 3rd reich sent scientists to Tibet. It was to understand Mongolians, a people group inherently superior to them.

We are mongols, deal with it wh*teoid lover

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Imagine being invaded by millions of somalis. Cuckharald.

Dumb Ryssä when has a Cuckström ever been pro-Finnish?
I'd deport all Germanics to Middle East through anti-homosexuality laws it's a well known fact sand people blood contains gay genes

This means I’m not white? Please, disregard flag.

Why don't you add some american indians to the list?

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Ah I see you're a man of culture as well.

This thread is to protect the interests of Finno-Ugric/Uralic and Baltic people. You are clearly against Finland and Finnic people by derailing this thread with wh*Teoid bullshit

There's no "we" you delusional subhuman slant-eye invader

They are mongoloid but not finno-ugric

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Says the swedish rape baby

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I won't back down on the fact that our ancestors are the original and real "wypipo" while Indo-Europeans were a less white version of Finnics
This is a matter of our ancestors honor

>being this autistic
this thread is protecting nothing but finlands position on the list of most autistic peoples.
half of the finns who have posted are laughing at you.

Our brother has been hopelessly brainwashed by wh*tetoid media

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Hello guys

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Hello Laviabro


How are you?

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I have your back!

Finno-Baltic Empire when?

My fucking sides!

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Latvian incel from kraut/pol/?

Very good. How are you?

Once we establish a corridor with Hungary.

Latvians are taking over Jow Forums

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I actualy got a girlfriend now.
Im very good thank you. :)

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You can't even take over Ruhnu lmao.

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Seems like with all the finngolian vodka purchases going from Estonia to Latvia means you've got finally money for a computer.

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What does it say?

Roņsala is rightfull Latvian land.(jk you deserve it for helping us back in the day)
By the way what does the article say?


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There are like 8 of us.

"Latvian stole a part of Mulgimaa with an excavator."


>"Latvian stole a part of Mulgimaa with an excavator."
The guy who wrote the article was probably just as high as i am right now.

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No, the Latvian guy literally took some dirt from Mulgimaa and placed it on the Latvian side and said: "That's what you get for Ruhnu".