I want to fuck his bitch so bad. My cock aches for her but she’s my wife’s friend. Should I still go for it...

I want to fuck his bitch so bad. My cock aches for her but she’s my wife’s friend. Should I still go for it? Should I just wip it out for her to see then let her decide?

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i wonder how is your wife then

ask your wife if she'd be into a 3-way with her friend, with her and her friend in the room.

Tell your wife upfront you're interested in giving her friend your seed.

This is why women hate men.

Pretty sure cheating is why the majority of people are tired of relationships.

I see way more men go on about wanting to cheat than women. It's a male issue.

My multiple relationships that ended with cheating say different.
This is bait though so it doesn't really matter.

No it is not.
Women cheat all the time.

Least intelligent post of the year

Why? It shows that all men do is think with their dicks and aren't loyal.

At least we ask as evidenced by OP. Unlike rosaries that’ll stick anything that grows in their throat

Those roasties would have been asked by the men. Nice one.

That's too bad.
Accept men for what they are on a biological level it will no longer be an issue we're not women.

You beta males need to stop lying to these females.

One man is not every man
What are you trying to say

Women are like this on a biological level too. All because men are more vocal about wanting sex doesn't mean that women never want it or have a desire to be with multiple men.

Women are to dumb to say no so it's also mens fault they cheat.

this is also why men hate men.

Decidedly yes.

You're a shitty person. May as well lean into it.


You will be committing the most vile act one can commit,i would much ratter my "friend killed my instead of trying to get into the pants of my partner.
Don't do it, if you have any self respect, any respect for you friend or for any other person involved don't do it.
I'm not joking I would kill someone who did this to me, and many other men have. You don't know what you are doing, you will be destroying several of lives because of your shitty hornines.


do it she looks like a nice chinese lady who want some lol you dont know if ya don't knock it aren't i right

Yeah,get that feminist shit outta here women are not built for casual sex which is why women who walk the path of promiscuity all end up insatiable, miserable and outright destroyed in the end Men are the seed and women are the soil having too many seeds from different males floating around in her will cause her to deteriorate even if you don't believe that look at our basic biological functions tell me how long would it take a man to get several women pregnant minutes?hours?days?How long does it take for women to carry a child to term it's usually 9 months correct? Now with this information which poly relationship is more likely to succeed a Polyandrous one or a polygynous one?

You people need to stop being gullible this is part of the reason why actual men have a disgust of promiscuous women it's harder for us on all levels yet we're willing to suppress our polygynous side of us just to deal with an half-way decent woman on a monogamous level in order for society to not go to shit.

This equality shit is a meme.

no actually women are built for promiscuous relationship with the men with the best genes while the sub-par men provide for them.
This is just is proved time and time gain by several evolutionary studies.
You are just an immoral piece of shit that wants to have a double standard when it come to your shitty actions.

Do you ever wonder why you're single?

Arguing with a female is often pointless.
I have the actual ability to obtain a woman free of charge don't compare me to yourself ever again.

I can tell by the way you wrote those words that you are single and cannot actually get a girlfriend.

>Arguing with a female is often pointless.
???? and so is talking with men. Are you retarded? do you think women are an alien beings understanding?

>Should I just wip it out for her to see then let her decide?
Are you autistic? This is real life, not a porno you stupid fuck.

Jow Forums - "no you're a virgin!"

Your done I gave you a chance you squandered it now be on your way.

See you, pointless male.

Bye sweetheart.

t. loser who looked up "how to rek feminists online"
ps. no women actually get annoyed at your pet names online. All it does is help everyone avoid you.

lol ...

Hahahahahahahahaha I bet you have a tiny penis and need more reassurance that you can actually please a woman even though you have a wife that fakes it for you

Hahahahahaha omfg thank you!

A word of advice:
If you are going to cheat on your significant other, make sure they don't know each other.

It will reduce the risk of getting caught.

Post a pic of her lower body. I need more information.

Telling him to be a coward?.........pleb

What’s the big draw? Is your wife frigid or something?

She looks like an alien.

Lololol faggot