My ex kept talking to his ex during our relationship. He lied about how much. Sent her injokes and everything. I broke up with him a month ago and I still get livid thinking about it. I feel so revolting knowing that some nights we will have had sex and he’ll have rolled over and sent her jokes about a film we saw together. How do I let go of this anger (or channel it into something)? Idk. He’s told me she was abusive and that he was trying to protect our relationship by maintaining contact. I don’t believe it. But why should it even matter at this point. Pls help me to stop being a pointlessly angry cunt. I shouldn’t have stayed with him for as long as I did, knowing what I did (a whole nother yr after finding texts)
You need to let go because you are not with him anymore.
Know you were justified to leave him.
You had the right to be angry when you were with him but not anymore.
Every story I hear of women getting absolutely wrecked by shitty dudes makes my day. You decided to date him, deal with the consequences. Fucking retard.
Yet another man who denied his own biology
He should have been upfront about wanting to bang you both now because he didn't look at this shitshow of a situation you had to deal with my condolences.
The only thing that'll probably heal you is more time.
Don’t worry user, you’ll get your chance to cheat on a woman one day.
I break up with my girlfriend before I go fuck other women, thank you. I know trash like you can't quite wrap your head around that concept but maybe give it one more try.
Throw yourself off a cliff you worthless incel.
Learn from this. You're entitled to being angry but you need to remember this pattern and internalize it. Only time is going to help heal this anger but you need to view this as a learning opportunity. Don't view this as something that someone did to you but something you allowed to happen that you will not allow again. I'm not implying that its your fault but, to a certain extent, his whole "trying to protect our relationship by talking to my ex" line was bullshit and some part of you knew that. You either didn't want to know or you were just kidding yourself about exactly how much control you had over the situation.
Remember this feeling. Remember these patterns. If you find yourself in a similar situation with another boyfriend then look back on this experience and make a decision that is the best for you, not for him and not for your relationship.
Change your thoughts to something else every time it pops up. It's pretty normal to get angry about stuff like that. I can get pissed about cheating from a relationship from 2 years ago if I think about it enough. The problem is it's completely useless to think about.
Sorry user. Not an incel nor am I throwing myself off a cliff. You could do us all a favor, though, and put a bullet through your brain. Thank you!
You’re right. Thank you very much.
You go around applauding the misery of others because you're a worthless sack of shit and the world would be a better place without you.
You're trash yourself when you fuck women you become one flesh she belongs to you yet you discard her instead of simply adding another to your harem you're a failure as a man you have forgotten the face of your father.
Why wouldn't they? Look how much attention they get.
Do some kickboxing if you can. This is disgusting but you are harming yourself by keeping getting angry over it.
Dude how pathetic can you get? stop being a cunt and maybe pole will start liking you.
>Not an incel
Also the amount of hate you have fro women seem to indicate otherwise
honestly though, I’m sure your old dakimakura won’t care that much when you get a new one
Think of it as reparation for the suffering this dumb bitch has caused so many others. Also, for you I'd suggest a large caliber bullet to ensure greatest effect.
You've been reading too much Dark Tower. Fuck off.
Oh wow how original. You assume because I hate one woman (op) that I hate all women. I'd say kill yourself as well but I'm sure the world will sort you out on its own.
I don't have one of those and I never will. Sorry to disappoint. I'll stick to putting my dick in real women, thanks.
Thank you, you’re right I’m harming myself. Kickboxing looks great
>I don't have one of those and I never will
Just like girlfriends for you then
Exercise is an excellent way to release endorphins, martial art is excellent for getting over angry felling.Sometime you feel better after one session but you will be much better after one week or two for sure, Good luck.
>Think of it as reparation for the suffering this dumb bitch has caused so many others.
You're such a pathetic little cunt. You could not be a sadder excuse for a human being.
>You assume because I hate one woman (op) that I hate all women
You know nothing about OP. She's a stranger over the internet. Do you honestly not understand how incredibly unstable you sound?
Nope, have had plenty of those. Anything else?
>I know! I'll use hyperbole! That'll get this guy good! Yeah, I'm so fucking cool.
Hurry up and off yourself holy shit. What's taking so long?
>Think of it as reparation for the suffering this dumb bitch has caused so many others.
nothing i this post has anything over her causing pain to other, she was the one hurt. For fucks sake mate at least keep in the realms of reality while you spout your hate over rte internet.
>B-b but she is a wemen, wemen are always sloots who harm others.
If this is what you honestly think you need to go to a therapist, seriously dude you need help.
I'm not arguing with you anymore, incel. Back to whatever hole you crawled out of.
How convenient. You keep using that word but it doesn't apply. I'm glad it makes you feel better, though. Hopefully you end you life soon, though, so we can all be free of your shit.
I'm very confident I don't need therapy, thanks. Just because it wasn't in her post doesn't mean it didn't happen.
>Just because it wasn't in her post doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Ok something did happen to you, and you are angry about it, if you can't go to a therapist go to a friend you can talk to and lay it all out. But i would advise you go to a therapist, this much hate isn't normal. The people that most need a therapist are usually the one that think they can do without it.
Sorry to disappoint you, buddy, but I'm fine.
Anger is a secondary emotion. You need to address the underlying emotions that are causing the anger. You deal with them, and the anger will go.
According to your posts you aren't. Even if you are "pretending to be retarded" I would advise counseling at the very least.
Yeah, it's totally normal to harbor resentment and anger for no reason.
I'm not retarded so there's no need to pretend. All of my faculties are in order, thanks.
>OP makes a thread
>some salty attention whoring cunt derails it with his spregy-edgy posts
Pretty sad when literal Jow Forumstards are better at not taking the bait.
Thanks all for the advice. Much appreciated :)
>You've been reading too much Dark Tower. Fuck off.
Nah I'm gonna continue to Fuck on you spineless male who denies his own existence such a shame...
Stephen... Get off the computer.
quality bait
The fact that it makes your day makes you seem pretty pathetic lol
This. Don't dwell on the past and cause yourself stress. Work you way to make your life much better without them.
You're kind of retarded, then again you have to be to post here
>he’s told me she was abusive and that he was trying to protect our relationship by maintaining contact. I don’t believe it.
He's an asshole, a liar, and a coward. Time will help, but also try to keep your mind busy.
I was in a similar situation, but I was the girl on the other side. We met after one year and told me he never stopped thinking about me and all this shit, a week later he confessed me he was back with his ex. He didn't cut the contact with me, I did. I still wondered if I should have seeked revenge and told his girlfriend - they're still together - about that.
I’m sorry that happened to you - thanks for your advice and for sharing.
It's so much easier for a woman to find a new boyfriend. You don't need money, confidence and sometimes you don't even need to be that good looking, because men do the asking.
I understand you feel betrayed but based on the fact I stated above, it's not as bad when it happens to a woman.
Next time men approach you, and I'm sure they do, give your number and talk to them. I kind of don't have sympathy for you because not only doesn't opposite sex fall into your lap, they will buy you dinner.
Get over yourself.
OP, forget about these other silly advices. Here is what you need to do. It is an ancient and proven solution and it will make you a better person:
Forgive. Forgive him for being an imperfect boyfriend. Most importantly, forgive YOURSELF. You did the best you could do at that time, with the information you had. Forgive, learn your lesson and move on. You don't need to talk to him to forgive him. This is an internal process.
Forgiveness is something that you do for yourself, not for the other. Anger had an evolutionary role which is to prompt you for a fight for survival. It did its job. Thank your anger and forgive yourself for being angry.
Forgive, Move on and be happy.
He was essentially just talking to a friend. Doesn't really matter that it was his ex.
I was that guy literally two months ago.
I really really liked the girl I was seeing, but it was a new relationship and that scared me. So I kept my ex around since she was a safe option. She was still keen on me and that gave me comfort.
I honestly didn't want her but I would feed her little bits of hope etc. I am still wrapped up in the girl I was seeing. She dumped me and went NC after she went through my phone and saw the messages. I really regret keeping my ex there.
Would you say the same if it was a female talking to her ex, hidden form her current bf?
Not the person you are replying to but I wouldn't mind at all so long as I was aware and met the person.
This may come as a surprise but some people are friends for years before they decide to date, and sometimes they wish to go back to being friends after a break up. So long as it is a platonic mutal friendship, and nothing more then I have no right saying who they can or cannot be friends with. That comes off as being controlling as hell, which is toxic to a relationship that is supposed to be built on mutual trust.
The hidden part I'd have a problem with, but if they had to hide it then there are much bigger issues then they are talking to. Either they are up to no good or think you are a control freak whi will try to dictate who they can or cannot befriend.