The most WOKE video game in history

Welcome to the year 2018
Where you can defend your lands
against the oppressive white peoples...

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What game?

I'll buy it just to get killed at the first encounter vs europeans, refund it and leave a 5 star review telling that it is historically accurate.

if it was realistic you'd go and trade some blankets and jerkey with them then the rest of the game your controls would stop to work as you die of smallpox.

Game is called



>doesn't use archive
very obvious who you are op

it looks like a red dead rip off

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Natives are honarary whites imo. When ever I get on or near the reservation for work the natives either tell me Trump is based or the white man needs to get his shit together and kick out all the niggers lmao. I think they understand that the white man ain’t leaving and most of them are 25%+ white.

>MFW I downloaded it last weekend, but haven't played it
>MFW I've just been playing GT Sport instead

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Why are you posting divisive Trukish propaganda?

didnt indians kidnap white little girls and women and rape them endlessly and torture them finally eating them after open roasting them alive over a fire?

So when can I play as the Soultreans killing off the invading redniggers that are stealing MY land?

Amerimongrels BTFO

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The Native Americans are a cautionary tale and every white man should learn their story so we can stop history from repeating itself.

>oh a couple white people coming here? That's fine, they seem nice enough, and we can trade with them
>more of them? Well I guess it can't hurt, there's plenty of land afterall
>wait seriously, there's more? Okay enough is enough
>*gets shoved into reservations* we fucked up didn't we

The Cherokee Nation fought along side the Confederacy and owned black slaves.

I love how native americans pretend they were not imperialistic or slaughtering each other constantly over land. Where the fuck did this meme that they were super peaceful or better than Europeans come from ? They used to pride themselves as warriors and conquerors.

it's "the noble savage" meme

There needs to be one for Palestine

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Can settlers build ovens to exterminate savages?

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