>A Christian Multicultural Feminist country with Jewish leaders Including reparation money for Kikes and niggers, muh white privilege, gun control and the brown rapists won't be gone!!
>A White Muslim Ethnostate Including Sharia law which means no Alcohol, drugs, premarital sex or adultery and no Homosexuals or Transgenders. All minorities will be deported back where they came from!!
I like the new world. I don’t want to choose between degeneracy and being barbaric
Justin Parker
Also U.K is full of Muslims and they’re not white or good in any way, not in the way you’re thinking about it
Gavin Murphy
Both shit choices desu As much as id love all the browns to be gone and the women to submit im not gonna allow a boot to be placed on my neck just because its a fellow white.
Owen Barnes
>>A Christian >>Multicultural Feminist country with Jewish leaders Pick one
>>White >>Muslim Pick one.
Nathan Fisher
But id take the sharia if i could get a harem of 3 16 year old wives who submit to me
Nathan Miller
>But id take the sharia if i could get a harem of 3 16 year old wives who submit to me That's because you're a degenerate incel loser that only cares about getting his dick wet.
Charles Thomas
>A White Muslim Ethnostate Including Sharia law which means no Alcohol, drugs, premarital sex or adultery and no Homosexuals or Transgenders. All minorities will be deported back where they came from!!
this one easily.
Justin Howard
And also including everything that Islam brings with it. Treating White women like property. Allowance of fucking children and animals. Degenerate Arab culture.
Whites aren't sandniggers. That's why Islam is inherently anti-White.
Aiden Walker
>Also U.K is full of Muslims and they’re not white Islam is a religion not a race, I know that you Brits use the word Muslim to refer to the filthy Inbredistanis.