Americans think that municipal goverments imposing minimum density requirmernts for new developments is some UN...

>americans think that municipal goverments imposing minimum density requirmernts for new developments is some UN conspiracy
No , it stops the urbanite degenrates from paving over the scarcer getting countryside

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kneel to your quuen fagg, fucking cuckshitload slave

calm down pablo


based and redpilled

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>scarcer getting countryside
I don't think you really grasp how gigantic our country is.

plains and deserts don't count. forests, rolling hills, that's the good shit you guys are deleting.

Even if that's true, why do you guys care?

>oooo lala, look at me im an poor fucking irishfag who thinks he should run These United States.
Consider necking yourself faggot

It’s not true. There are small towns in very beautiful places being abandoned as the young flock to their European style concrete box living.

>scarcer getting countryside
Your an absolute fucking retard, you have no early idea how much countrywide we have, how much uninhabited country we have, how much fucking wasteland that is out there that is sparsely populated. Go fuck yourself, your cuck mentality, and your fucking statist mob retard government

Phoenix's sprawl is fucking massive and it's all 100% desert what are you talking about

midwest has plenty of space sure, but places like the north east /nyc area dont have all that space

t. Poorfag urbanite

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Ironically it's probably going to lead us to the cyberpunk megacities that people dream about.

There's minimum density requirements in Canada too

Working class Midwestern boy here. Fuck these guys. I build the fences around the plots for the mcmansions in subdivisions and shit like that, that expand into previously rural areas. And then fence in those mcmansions when they get sold to yuppies. They're a societal cancer, that attract the worst America has to offer, and drag the consumerist disease along in their wake. Ugly subdivisions, barren strip malls, etc etc. I'd literally rather live in the ghetto. At least in the ghetto people bother to learn my name for reasons beyond the superficial and I can walk places. I'm not exaggerating either. I've lived in the ghetto, and I'd literally rather risk getting robbed and go to sleep to the sound of gunshots and sirens than look at one more of these oncological fucking growths that won't stop cropping up.

We've got plenty of countryside. Speak for yourself.

god I hate LA

You gonna cry, poor boy?

We have enormous amounts of underutilized land and morons think the government cares about countryside when they want to consolidate control and enforce taxation.

depends on where you live. it makes perfect sense in some areas and none at all in others. the states should be able to decide. the one size fits all attitude creates more problems than it solves in the US.

Even if population of America was 2 billion people they would still have lower population density than the UK as a whole including Bumfucknowhere, Scotland with population of 2 Polish fishermen. What the fuck are you even talking about?

Urban sprawl is unsustainable, dystopian and horrible.

Attached: Krier urban sprawl.png (591x361, 73K)