I have been fighting every Saturday for seven weeks and I have noted some elements that have allowed the organization of the French National Socialist uprising.
First the use of a symbol.
The yellow vests are not exactly a symbol of pride and everyone realizes that it is ugly af.
However the fact that it is mandatory on board of each vehicle makes that everyone has at least one
Except parasitic individuals (Blacks, Maghrebians and students) therefore they can not join us only partially.
Finally, since it is compulsory, it is also the sign of overlegislation that weighs on households.
Then focused on a policy that everyone undergoes.
The antifas manifest every four mornings to save baby seals or black women, but no one joins their movement because obviously nobody gives a fuck.
Using the tax hike on gasoline as an initial motive was our second strategic (300iq) move:
1. It targeted the middle classes and the workers so it allowed the alliance of small entrepreneurs with their employees and canceled the usual rhetoric of the left and (((unions))) on the class struggle.
2. This meant a clear and precise culprit ... not the little entrepreneur but the government.
3. Since the introduction of this tax was justified by an ecological motive (which is a vehicle of globalism), we could fight this agenda.
Thus the cleavage was formed: Workers and leaders of their small businesses against the government and its globalist agenda.
Very quickly the movement took a huge scale and the press began to attack us with the usual language ("NAZI!", "Alt-right!", "Racist!" Etc ...).
Some of my comrades were worried about the press was attacking us but really we could not dream better.
Because as a result all the French people's class began to attack the press and (((those))) who financed it.
We have found alternative means to information and communication, cutting off the middle man and moving to internet.
Finally, the cleavage was clear ..
us against (((them))).